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It was very likely the choice to place the Library over the burial pit was one motivated by the history of tensions between the Az'ra population of Za’lyr’zna and the wider populous of [[Syrtænzna]], Since their immigration from [[Kæra'zna]], the Az'ra have generally been regarded as strange and outsiders amongst the wider population, seen as more a minority in the more sparsely populated Northern Regions now known by the Kæra name of Za’lyr’zna. Dating back to their departure from [[Kæra'zna]] as asylum seekers, the sentiment towards them, as seen in 1901 in the words of then-President and Unitarian Leader Johan Strömberg remarking in reflection of his time in the Home Department,
{{quote|When [the Az'ra] fled South, it was rather easy to take the stance that they were not expected, and certainly not welcome. In some ways, it is hard to tell if anything has changed.}}
While reforms under the Tyrstin Ministries furthered political representation of the group, in the modern day, only 21.3% of Az'ra students achieved 5 or more formal Secondary-Qualifications, in comparison to the national average of around 40.2% according to a study ran by the General Directorate of International Development and Living Standards, with a 1994 survey in Toryne'yn revealing that only 15 of a total 500 Ulvrikian Elves would be willing to let a room to an Az'ra tenant, with the number increasing for Nekomimi and Zrei, with 29 and 41 respectively. Provinican Historian Karl Arsil argues that such extended periods of species discrimination furthered the Az'ra identity of Za'lyr'zna, as communities were forced to develop a shared identity among different regional heritages and classes in order to survive in an often hostile enviroment.
This feeling of detachment extended to the [[Cardiniality|Cardinial religions]] brought with them, with Asatru and even [[Akuanism]] being more accepted in common society than the faiths of the New Northerners, especially when in reference to the more Fundamentalist branches of [[Cardiniality#Læsism|Læsism]] and [[Cardiniality#Pæfism|Pæfism]], with discrimination having been a trend across the country in non-Az'ra communities, forcing many [[Cardiniality|Cardinials]] to form their own separate settlements, including Ra-kup. For several decades in the 20th Century, followers of the "Kæra Faiths" suffered from lessened opportunities in employment, housing and access to clubs and social groups - often accused of being "cultists". It is believed by most Sociologists that such labelling further separated the religious groups from wider society, causing further radicalization and dissolution with the majority, with many [[Cardiniality|Cardinial]] religious groups in Za'lyr'zna self identifying as "Cults" in defiance of their rejection and discrimination.


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