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=== Government ===
Casilló y Réal is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary Monarch and a bicameral parliament, the MinistroMinistry de Asambleaof Popular Assembly (Ministry''Ministro ofde PopularAsamblea Assembly)Popular''.) It possesses a national judiciary, the Courts of Honor, and an exeuctiveexecutive branch ceremonially headed by the Monarch, the Royal Cabinet and Ministries.
[[File:CorricParliament.svg|thumb|200x200px|2021 House of the Populace makeup]]
==== Ministry of Popular Assembly ====
The ''Ministro de Asamblea Popular'' is the legislative branch of the Corric government. It is separated into the upper House of the Nobility and the lower House of the Populace. There are 220 Representatives in the House of the Populace, one for every Province and major (above 100,000 residents) Municipality in the nation. The House of the Nobility, meanwhile, elects 20 Bailiffs, two from each District save Salasca, and the remaining 180 Lords are hereditary positions, though both Bailiffs and Lords are members of the peerage and have the same privilege's. The Representatives serve for three-year terms, Bailiffs for eight, and Lords for life. The Popular Assembly is headed by the Minister of the Popular Assembly, who nominates one Representative and one Bailiff to serve as the Mediator of their respective Houses for the duration of their terms. The Minister of the Popular Assembly has a seat on the Royal Cabinet, though their role is largely ceremonial as they have no administrative control over the happenings of the Assembly.
The Popular Assembly votes on laws and acts proposed by its own members, and holds control over prioritizing the national budget. The Houses also may vote on proposed actions of the Royal Cabinet if such measures are budgetary in nature. The House of the Nobility may override a vote made by the House of the Populace with a three-fifths majority and vice versa. Extant in both Houses are Boards that are responsible for areas of government mirroring that of the Royal Ministries, and work together with them on policy. Committees may also be formed by the Mediators of the Houses to investigate and address specific issues.
The Popular Assembly confirms executive appointments, including judges and First Ministers. The Prime Minister is elected from the House of the Populace, and all First Ministers must have served in either house to qualify for the position. The Assembly also has the power to dismiss any Prime or First Minister with a unanimous vote of no confidence. Similarly, with a unanimous vote of both Houses and the Royal Cabinet, the Monarch may be deposed in favor of another member of the Royal Family.
==== Royal Cabinet ====
The executive branch consists of a twelve-member Royal Cabinet of Ministers, presided over by the Prime Minister and reigning Monarch. The Prime Minister is nominated from among the members of the Popular Assembly by their peers, and approved by the Monarch. They serve a six year term, and can be re-elected at the end of their term once. The Prime Minister appoints ambassadors, members of the Royal Cabinet, and a Second Minister as their deputy, again requisite to the approval of the Monarch and Popular Assembly.
Ministers serve as executive heads of specific government departments, exercising administrative day-to-day control over their portfolios. Ministers are required to have a competancycompetency in their portfolio, and to dispense the functions of exercising their regulatory powers relating to their Minister, countersigning the Monarch in matters within their portfolio, exercising their Ministry's lawful powers to enact the Laws passed by the Assembly, enforcing the Laws passed by the Assembly relating to their portfolio, developing their Ministry to reflect the changing national and international situations, and to communicate to the rest of the Royal Cabinet, the Prime Minister, and the Monarch when issues within their portfolio are poised to become larger in scope.
Certain Ministries originated in the First Constitution, while some were created more recently according to developing sciences, technologies, and ideas.


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