Katyunon: Difference between revisions

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=== The Katyunon Revolution (1917) ===
All throughout the war opposition in all four nations protested their involvement in, what they saw as a pointless conflict that gained them nothing. this was proven to be true as after the war ended Katyunon had gain nothing due to the lack of a decisive victory by either side. the people were enraged and took to the streets to protest the shortages of food and clothing brought on by the war. soldiers returning from the war were also angry, They had been promised a land fit for heroes but were instead abandoned. The protest were organised by a group called the Katunon [[Red Front]], a group of socialist political organisations that operated in the Katyunon region Arguing for the end of capitalism and the corporate and royal dictatorships and the creation of a united federation of the Four nations of Katyunon
This all boiled over in Katystan on November 7th, 1917, when the army joined the protesters and began to seize key buildings in various cities. The Red Front laid siege to the palace of queen Li-Sigrid. With support from the army the Red Front stormed the palace and arrested the queen and many of her nobles. The Red Front established the Katystan Socialist State and a regional Revolutionary Council in the capital of Katesval To coordinate the revolution and spread it to the neighbouring countries.
This sudden revolution in Katystan Inspired the [[Red Front]] in Trudatsya, Kyravnia and Alasemo to seize the initiative. In Trudatsya and Kyravnia large workers strikes supported by mutinying soldiers seize large parts of the nations industry and in Alasemo peasants began throwing aristocrats off their land or killing them. Trudatsya's government and Kyravnia's corporate board fled the region and Alasemo's king, Ivan, was killed when peasants stormed his private palace in the countryside. By november 11th, the [[Red Front]] established New Socialist States In each nation. each nation would face internal opposition organised by the old governments but never full civil war, but in Alasemo in particular opposition by wealth farmers sabotaged the rebuilding of the food supply and was stamped out by state security services and the most prominent counter-revolutionaries were executed.
=== The Treaty of Katyunite (1918) ===
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=== Katystan ===
The Katystani Socialist Republic hold's the honour of the home of the Katyunon Revolution, being the nation that the regional revolution began and being the first nation to be liberated by the proletariat. it was known as a majority feline state and as major producer of Luxury clothing items that were enjoyed by the privileged classes of the old capitalist and feudal nations of the Katyunon region. after the revolution its clothing industry was socialised, under the Katystani textiles enterprise, and most luxury items were dropped from production in favour of adequate clothing and accessory items for the masses, this still remains the largest employer in Katystan. the current ruling party in the Katystani congress of soviets is the [[Red Front]], lead by the Solidarity faction of the party.
=== Trudatsya ===
The Trudatsya soviet republic is an historically ursine nation and the most populace nation in the federation, holding the most seats in the federal congress and the largest national congress, both of which return large [[Red Front]] majorities. The main political conflicts arise from the competing factions in the red front, mostly being won by the Solidarity faction. Trudatsya was always a major centre for heavy industry. after the revolution most of the war industries were converted into civilian goods factories, producing mostly medical equipment, however large construction and steel enterprises, as well as machine factories, still remain operational, all now under public ownership.
=== Kyravnia ===
Kyravnia had an intersting history as a nation of dwarves ruled by the large mining corporations of the region, which still majorly influences the economy of the region. The Corporations fled during the revolution as a miners rebellion, led by a the Red Front who had formed a secret miners union, captured many of the pits and mining Towns within Kyravnia. The economy of Kyravnia is lest reliant on the state-owned mining enterprise, although it is still the largest employer in the region, new technology industries have begun to create a new high tech economy fuelled by the proximity of rare minerals such as lithium. The [[Red Front]] win large majorities here with Solidarity and Marxist Vanguard being the biggest winners.
=== Alasemo ===
