Royal Antoran Defense Forces: Difference between revisions

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| age = 18
| conscription = Citizens must complete basic training courses before age 30
| active = 300290,920
| reserve = 207,010
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== Branches ==
The Defense Forces are a professional force, with a limited conscription requirement that every citizen of able body completes the seven-week basic training courses of the Armed Legions before they turn thirty years old. Currently in 2020, the total active personnel count 300290,920 with 207,010 reserve. Soldiers rotate between active and reserve based on current defense priorities, training schedules, and personal leave. In times of war, the FDCR can marshal upwards of 15 million citizens as dictated by the Emergency Reserve Act of 1909. As mandated by the First Constitution, the nation maintains a standing force of 25,000 minimum within the Royal Corric Guard, which is a paramilitary police organization that provides anti-terrorist, disaster relief, and other emergency response services for the districts of Casilló y Réal, as well as acting as the personal protectors of the Royal Family.
=== Armed Legions ===
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=== Air Cavalry ===
The Royal Corric Air Cavalry consists of four Air Brigades, two Air Bombardment Brigades, and two Transport Brigades. The Air Brigades each have two Air Groups, which encapsulate every aspect of aircraft use from pilots to engineers to spare parts inventories, each Group containing two operations combat squadrons. The Air Cavalry maintains about 200100 fighter craft across sixteen squadrons. Most fighters are older fourth-generation models, allowing for more to be fielded than newer jets. Along with the direct combat aircraft, inventory also consists ofmaritime about 60 ground attackpatrol craft, 12transport bombersplanes, severalfirefighting AWACSaircraft, and EWARmany planes,helicopters. andThe Air Cavalry adoes not possess bombers or large numbernumbers of transports,long-range airaircraft patroldue craft,to multi-missiondoctrine configurablebeing aircraft,mostly anddefensive severalin hundrednature. helicopters.
=== Guard ===


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