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== Itur ==
=== Volkia ===
The '''''lesnoy zver''''', or "beast of the woods," is an evil entity that is said to inhabit the deepest, darkest parts of the Volkian forests. The ''lesnoy zver'' is described as having a lupine-like form and is approximately 10 feet tall. It has sunken eyes, no fur, ears, or a tail, and the beast's claws are far longer than a modern lupine's. The beast's lips appear receded so its large fangs are always visible and has an emaciated appearance, but retains superlupine strength. A ''lesnoy zver'' is easily spotted due to its size and reflective eyes; light can be used to deter an attack and to scare off the beast, but it must be shone in its eyes. The beast's ragged breathing is a telltale sign of an imminent attack. The ''lesnoy zver'' prefers to crawl on all fours instead of walking. Despite its strength it rarely will target groups, preferring people by themselves and children. Parents often tell children stories of the ''lesnoy zver'' to encourage them not to enter the woods after dark and to scare children into good behavior.
The '''''Rydaniya''','' or "sobbing woman," is a phantom who roams the docks and waterfront areas of port cities mourning her children, whom she drowned. The legend varies across regions in Volkia. In the typical version of the legend, a beautiful woman named Zoya marries a wealthy admiral in the Volkian Navy and bears him two children. One day, Zoya sees her husband with another woma and she is thrown into a blind rage. She ultimately drowns her children, which she regrets immediately. Consumed by guilt she drowns herself but is unable to enter the afterlife, forced to remain on Urth where she roams the docks in search of her children. She finds her husband one night, returning to his ship after a visit to one of the local taverns, and drowns him as well. ''Rydaniya'' is a common ghost story told by Volkian sailors and used as a cautionary tale to discourage infidelity and to take care walking the docks at night, especially after drinking. She is commonly depicted across versions as a beautiful lupine woman wearing a white, wet dress, nocturnal wailing, and an association with water.
== Gondwana ==


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