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== History ==
The Orange Guard was founded as the protectors of the king of Avantana, an informal group of the best knights and warriors that the king had in his lands. They later were officially established as the Kings’ Own Mounted Regiment once Avantana became the center of the Kingdom of CorríCasilló. Over the centuries the unit expanded, being integrated into the larger standing army as a premiere shock cavalry formation. This standing army became the first official branch of the military, the Royal CorricArranzic Armed Legions. In the 16th century, the Kings' Own became divided into the First Royal Armed Sword Company, the First Royal Cavalry Company, and the First Royal Volley Company, otherwise known as the Kings' Own Orange Harquebuses. This was the first time an organized Corric military unit used firearms in battle.
During the 17th and 18th centuries, the increased economic output of the united kingdoms of Casilló and Réal allowed for more expansive changes to the military. The smaller fleets of the crown, nobles, and merchant alliances were consolidated into the Royal Corric Armada. This force of sailing ships was charged with defending Corric shipping and protecting the waterways of the nation. A large portion of the fleet would be occupied preventing pirate raids on merchant vessels throughout this period. The levied armies of feudal Andora were phased out to fully embrace the standing professional army Casilló had used to conquer Réal. The Royal Arranzic Armed Legions were increased in size, and renamed the Royal Corric Armed Legions. Infantry formations replaced their pikes and halberds with shortswords and carbines, and archers and crossbowmen traded their bows for rifled flintlocks. Casilló y Réal never had the manpower, finances, or political need for overseas colonization, and so the nations military and economy remained stable during the period of colonial independence wars.
At the dawn of the 20th century, military technology remained a few years behind the international standards for the Corric military. Lever-action and breech-loading rifles were standard issue while neighboring countries issued their soldiers bolt-actions. Remaining neutral in the Great War, the RCDF played their role in enforcing the nations sovereignty by preventing conflict within Corric territory. The continued lack of martial ambition again benefitted Casilló y Réal by allowing them to learn military science through observation. The lessons learned - and profits derived from selling supplies to warring nations - allowed the RCDF to advance several leaps in training, research & development, and organization.


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