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===Foreign Relations===
Rusanru'a is primarily aligned with [[Packilvania]] and is especially dependent on trade with that country to replace lost imports from countries in opposition to the military regime. It has also received political support from [[Kæra'zna]] and [[Volkia]], and General Fyodorovich was believed to be courting [[Kyrloth]] before the end of the [[Sinter Tass]] regime in September of 2021. Relations with [[Nystatiszna]] have markedly improved since the coup, with the two countries generally aligned in international geopolitical debates. In contrast, relations with [[Blaskog]] have soured considerably, with several higher authorities in the coup forces indicating extreme opposition to the Republic of Rusanru'a's political outreach to Terist political groups in Blaskog advocating for a political union of the two countries. On October 15th, 2021, Rusanru'a joined the [[Douglasa Accords]].


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