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[[Category:Lerasi]] [[Category:Supernatural]]
Legendary or mythological creatures, (also called fabulousmythical creatures or fabulous beasts), are supernatural animals/plants or nonsentient paranormal entities, whose existence has not or cannot be proven and that is described in folklore (myths)or mythology, but also may be featured in historical accounts before modernity. DifferentLegendary continentscreatures andvary countriesfrom haveculture differentto myths and folkloreculture, and soare sometimesoften legendarylinked creatureswith innational oneidentity placeor aremoral wildlythemes. differentIn fromany thosecase, inlegendary anothercreatures place.of Thisall articlekind documentsmay thesebe legendary creaturesfound in alphabetical order by continent and country. GodsCreatures that are featured in fantasy fiction do not typically fall under this category. Sentient supernatural beings, butsuch as gods, angels, demons, and/or othermagically religiousgifted entitiesmortals do not fall under this category, either, but may be found in [[Legendary Figures of Urth|the corresponding Legendary Figures of Urth article]].
== Arcturia ==
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''Qilin'' are mythological divine messengers appearing similar to horses, easily marked by their blue fish scales, russet manes, and large antlers. Some drawings show long fish whiskers, and they generally appear to have brilliant, sparkling eyes. They are said to run as fast as the wind, and that if you are all alone in the forest and listen carefully, you can hear their hooves as they bolt from place to place. Qilin are known for their extraordinary wisdom, but most often in stories appear while being hunted by foolish elves who can never catch up, and often find themselves led to their doom for daring to commit such a sin.
=== OileanPeragen ===
[[File:Cuelebre.jpg|thumb|A wood depiction of the cuélebre]]
The '''cuélebre''' is the beast [[Impel]], the Peragian hero, king of Pelda and later Tunseist god of justice, defeated in the foundational myth of [[Arsal]]. He mostly resembles a serpent-dragon, with bat wings, iron claws and adamantine scarlet scales. He was a sapient creature: he ruled over the peoples of Peragen Exterior tyrannically and punished disidence by kidnapping the offenders and their families, who served to feed his offspring. The oppressed rulers called Pelda for help, and Impel himself crossed the Peragian sea to find the place the cuélebre hid his victims. When Impel found it near a bay to the north of the island, the beast found him and he spent two days and two nights fighting against him. The cuélebre was nearly impossible to defeat since he moved so fast he seemed to have multiple bodies, and the only vulnerability he had was inhaling salt. Impel, initially trying and failing to stab him with a sword covered in salt, while a storm was taken place found a slope near the beach, full of a mud nor the beast or the king could get off from; when the storm reached its strongest moment, they were inevitably covered by the mud and taken to the sea. Impel survived and returned to land, but the cuélebre drowned in salty water. He then went to the cave the kidnapped people were in, slained the cuélebre's offspring, who lacked their father's scales, and rescued the prisoners. Before returning to Pelda, Impel walked to the highest point of the bay, buried the salt he had still from the fight, and built a sanctuary over it. Its name was ''Ara de la Sal'', "Sanctuary of Salt", around which the city of Arsal was later built by Peldan settlers.
== Aurora ==
[[File:Will-o-the-wisp and snake by Hermann Hendrich 1823.jpg|thumb|left|''The Lemures and the Snake'', by Dilmenio del Fabar (1828). Snakes are believed to foresee the coming of the lemures and to prevent their attack.]]
The '''lemures''' are horrific creatures in the Peragian lore. They are the spirits of the dead ancestors whose family have denied them the rites of union with Tunsé's eternity. Their appearance is that of lights and fires in the dark which, instead of rising to the skies and becoming stars in the night, they seek to find the ones who didn't grant them a fair ritual, blind them, and leave them paralyzed as stones forever. If they reach their target, they will continue blinding anyone they might find in their rage until someone does the fair cremation and throw their ashes from a high point, reaching then Tunsé's Eternity and becoming stars.
== Aurora ==
Legends exist in [[the Oan Isles]] about the '''''pakepakeha.''''' ''Pakepakeha'' are small creatures with translucent luminous skin. They float instead of flying or walking and can be found near bodies of water especially marshes and river banks. They are said to be shy and timid, but mischievous and troublesome. They tend to hide away at the sight of people, but they often play tricks on people such as creating illusions, stealing possessions or giving people hallucinations. When they are captured, the captor can ask them to fulfill one of their wishes. Some scientists believe that myths about these creatures arose due to illusions created by methane escaping from wetlands and reacting with warm air to growing a soft glowing fume in dark weather. This particularly prevalent in the Oan Isles because of volcanic activity under the ground that makes the air surrounding wetlands warm and makes the wetlands themselves release this gas. [[Ahua the Great]] actually forbade myths about such creatures, but the superstitions never died and with Pohinga infusing folk beliefs into [[Thaerism]], superstitions and myths about these creatures gain a resurgence.
== Borea ==
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== Itur ==
=== AivintisVolkia ===
The '''''lesnoy zver''''', or "beast of the woods," is an evil entity that is said to inhabit the deepest, darkest parts of the Volkian forests. The ''lesnoy zver'' is described as having a lupine-like form and is approximately 10 feet tall. It has sunken eyes, no fur, ears, or a tail, and the beast's claws are far longer than a modern lupine's. The beast's lips appear receded so its large fangs are always visible and has an emaciated appearance, but retains superlupine strength. A ''lesnoy zver'' is easily spotted due to its size and reflective eyes; light can be used to deter an attack and to scare off the beast, but it must be shone in its eyes. The beast's ragged breathing is a telltale sign of an imminent attack. The ''lesnoy zver'' prefers to crawl on all fours instead of walking. Despite its strength it rarely will target groups, preferring people by themselves and children. Parents often tell children stories of the ''lesnoy zver'' to encourage them not to enter the woods after dark and to scare children into good behavior.
The '''''Rydaniya''','' or "sobbing woman," is a phantom who roams the docks and waterfront areas of port cities mourning her children, whom she drowned. The legend varies across regions in Volkia. In the typical version of the legend, a beautiful woman named Zoya marries a wealthy admiral in the Volkian Navy and bears him two children. One day, Zoya sees her husband with another woma and she is thrown into a blind rage. She ultimately drowns her children, which she regrets immediately. Consumed by guilt she drowns herself but is unable to enter the afterlife, forced to remain on Urth where she roams the docks in search of her children. She finds her husband one night, returning to his ship after a visit to one of the local taverns, and drowns him as well. ''Rydaniya'' is a common ghost story told by Volkian sailors and used as a cautionary tale to discourage infidelity and to take care walking the docks at night, especially after drinking. She is commonly depicted across versions as a beautiful lupine woman wearing a white, wet dress, nocturnal wailing, and an association with water.
== Gondwana ==
=== Aivintis ===
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''Zzor Vampires'' are monsters that appear as pale humans, usually with a worn, haggard expression and unnaturally long teeth. However, when exposed to candlelight, they appear much more feral and animalistic, to a horrifying extreme. Zzor Vampires have a well documented weakness to wooden stakes and sunlight, but at night are known to have heightened strength, speed, reflexes, senses, and regeneration. Unless killed by a wooden stake, sunlight, or a consecrated weapon, they are said to be immortal, unaging and highly resistant to conventional weaponry. In one tale, it is suggested that being starved of blood can also kill a vampire. Poison and disease cannot touch them, but they are repelled by wild garlic, and injured when trying to cross a salt line. Most have the power to compel mortals to do as they say, but more powerful vampires have the ability to levitate and use telekinesis, and some even more obscure tales tell of Zzor Vampires who are completely undying, maintain their powers during the day, and can even turn into bats or a cloud of mist. Zzor are created through an unholy blood pact with an existing Zzor, making use of rare ingredients and a dozen sacrifices, and Zzor that are created during a blood moon have the ability to practice blood magic, which converts the blood they consume into magical energy which they can use to cast spells and strengthen their existing powers. Powerful blood magic can even temporarily protect vampires from sunlight.
=== Oilean ===
=== SerdemiaKorćetta ===
''Oileanian Dragons'' are five meters tall, with broad, muscular bodies and thick, armored scales. They are usually orange or brown in color, but some can be dark red. They are unique for their flat snouts and thick, curved horns, sharp enough to skewer livestock. Oileanian dragon tails notably end with a spearhead points. Their wings are massive and bat-like, lending to their ability to fly for very long times without rest. Oileanian dragons are known for stealing cows and sheep from farmers and terrorizing villages and towns that offend them. Some of the oldest ones, however, are said to be wise and benevolent.
''Ents'', also know as ''tree people'', are sentient trees from Korćetta folklore.
''Dullahans'' are headless riders on black horses, ghosts of fallen warriors who sometimes carry their heads high in their hands. The mouth is usually in a hideous grin that touches both sides of the head. Its eyes are constantly moving about and can see across the countryside even during the darkest nights. The Dullahan is believed to use the spine of a human corpse for a whip, and its wagon is adorned with funeral objects - it has candles in skulls to light the way, the spokes of the wheels are made from thigh bones, and the wagon's covering is made from a worm-chewed pall or dried human skin. The ancient Oileanians believed that where the Dullahan stops riding, a person is due to die. The Dullahan calls out the person's name, drawing away the soul of his victim, at which point the person immediately drops dead.
''Dullahans'' are headless riders on black horses, ghosts of fallen warriors who sometimes carry their heads high in their hands. The mouth is usually in a hideous grin that touchesstretches to both sides of the head. Its eyes are constantly moving about and can see across the countryside even during the darkest nights. The Dullahan is believed to use the spine of a human corpse for a whip, and its wagon is adorned with funeral objects - it has candles in skulls to light the way, the spokes of the wheels are made from thigh bones, and the wagon's covering is made from a worm-chewed pall or dried human skin. The ancient Oileanians believed that where the Dullahan stops riding, a person is due to die. The Dullahan calls out the person's name, drawing away the soul of his victim, at which point the person immediately drops dead.
''Enbarrs'' are mythological horses who could traverse land and sea and were faster than the wind. They are usually found by or gifted to questing heroes.
''Enbarrs'' are mythological horses who could traverse land and sea and were faster than the wind. They are usually found by or gifted to questing heroes, and are often ridden by the Fae.
''Fae'' are immortal, amoral trickster deities appearing in forests or lakes to have some fun with mortals. They are known for using riddles, jokes, and scams to outwit mortals, and can help or hinder people as they please, without warning. They are unpredictable and wild, and some are even known to shapeshift. The Fae often appear where and when they're least expected.
''Fear Gorta'' are phantoms of hunger and famine resembling emaciated humans. Their skin has a greyish green color, and they are deathly thin, with arms as thin as twigs. It has long, matted, grey or white hair and facial hair. Its nails are terribly long and dirty as well. The fear gorta walk the earth during times of famine, seeking alms from passers-by. They can be a potential source of good luck for generous individuals, but those who refuse to give charity are cursed with hunger, poverty, and bad luck. In one myth, the fear gorta were harbingers of famine.
=== Serdemia ===
''Fiacla Iarainn'' are a clan of ''Zzor Vampires'' (See: Aivintis) who have migrated to Oilean and adapted to the new environment. Fiacla Iarainn are less monstrous in appearance, wearing a predatory, immortal, but ultimately beautiful human face. Their teeth and claws are said to be made of iron, rather than bearing natural vampire weapons. Fiacla Iarainn culture values strength and brutality, and punishes weakness of all kinds. Fiacla Iarainn are unable to practice blood magic, but can levitate naturally. They also do not share a weakness to wood or an aversion to garlic. However, it is said that they are hunted by Dragons.
''Oileanian Dragons'' are five meters tall, with broad, muscular bodies and thick, armored scales. They are usually orange or brown in color, but some can be dark red. They are unique for their flat snouts and thick, curved horns, sharp enough to skewer livestock. Oileanian dragon tails notably end with a spearhead points. Their wings are massive and bat-like, lending to their ability to fly for very long times without rest. Oileanian dragons are known for stealing cows and sheep from farmers and terrorizing villages and towns that offend them. Some of the oldest ones, however, are said to be wise and benevolent.
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''Zzor Vampires'' are monsters that appear as pale humans, usually with a worn, haggard expression and unnaturally long teeth. However, when exposed to candlelight, they appear much more feral and animalistic, to a horrifying extreme. Zzor Vampires have a well documented weakness to wooden stakes and sunlight, but at night are known to have heightened strength, speed, reflexes, senses, and regeneration. Unless killed by a wooden stake, sunlight, or a consecrated weapon, they are said to be immortal, unaging and highly resistant to conventional weaponry. In one tale, it is suggested that being starved of blood can also kill a vampire. Poison and disease cannot touch them, but they are repelled by wild garlic, and injured when trying to cross a salt line. Most have the power to compel mortals to do as they say, but more powerful vampires have the ability to levitate and use telekinesis, and some even more obscure tales tell of Zzor Vampires who are completely undying, maintain their powers during the day, and can even turn into bats or a cloud of mist. Zzor are created through an unholy blood pact with an existing Zzor, making use of rare ingredients and a dozen sacrifices, and Zzor that are created during a blood moon have the ability to practice blood magic, which converts the blood they consume into magical energy which they can use to cast spells and strengthen their existing powers. Powerful blood magic can even temporarily protect vampires from sunlight.
== Novaris ==
== Yasteria ==
=== VistaralandCryria ===
''Blödhaj'' are large, mythical sharks who pursue their victims to the ends of the earth. These creatures typically appear as curses or minions of mythological villains. It is said that when they taste a man's blood, he can never again be safe on the waters, for the Blödhaj will always know where they are and will pursue them tirelessly as long as he lives. Myths of the Blödhaj can likely be traced to the ability of actual sharks to smell blood from extraordinary distances.
''Draug'' are the spirits of drowned sailors said to haunt the seas. Typically depicted as saltwater-drenched, barnacle-encrusted corpses, Draug lurk on their lost and wrecked vessels, or in the waters which slew them. Cryrian myths portray Draug as hostile, unintelligent creatures driven to drown and murder any life they encounter. Scenes of Draug hordes marching up from the depths to attack settlements are a popular mainstay in Cryrian media, and they play a role similar to zombies.
''Leviathans'' are legendary sea creatures that appear across Cryrian mythology, and are said to dwell in the deepest parts of the ocean. The physical form of these creatures varies wildly across myths, though they are most often shown as massive squids, whales, or crabs. Indeed, it is likely that tales of Leviathans were born from exaggerated tales of encounters with such creatures, and further fueled by the rough and dangerous nature of the northern seas, where ships could often vanish without trace or explanation. Leviathans are typically portrayed as incredibly ancient creatures with a strange and alien intelligence beyond the comprehension of most sapients. As such, their own motives and natures are left mysterious. Instead, they typically play the role of a force of nature, sometimes helping but often hindering heroes and villains alike by smashing ships to splinters or sinking coastal towns. On occasion, they are also shown to be sources of forgotten knowledge. Leviathans continue to be the centerpiece of Cryrian cosmic horror literature.
== Yasteria ==
=== Asendavia ===
''Dragons'' in Asendavian folklore, not to be confused with real-life drakes, are the children of Kazhrumak. Unlike drakes, they retained the ability of flight and fire-breathing from their mother. Their appearance varies from story to story, though they are typically depicted as matching the colors of the environment they are found in. Unlike drakes, they are depicted as sapient beings, usually either indifferent or malevolent to the other sapient species of Urth. The dragon Tarki, as featured in the 15th-century poem "Ruin," is the archetypal malevolent dragon in Asendavian folklore, and often appears as the antagonist in older Asendavian poems and stories that feature dragons, as Tarki was especially known for his predilection toward wanton destruction and mayhem.
''Kazhrumak'', also known by her title ''Drahomaja'', is a legendary creature that originates from pre-Asendavian Dwarven mythology as a monster that emerged during the creation of the world. In both Asendavian folklore and the original Dwarven mythology she's depicted as a giant fire-breathing dragon and the mother of all dragons and drakes. After emerging from the depths of the Urth during its creation, she wrecked havoc until she was driven back beneath the surface and imprisoned. It is said that she remains imprisoned underneath the Ademarkorvu mountains, watched over by ancient dwarven heroes. Her children are said to tunnel through the urth until they breach the surface, at which point her fiery breath comes to the surface as magma.
''Kravlarozhu'', or ''Burrowers'', are another one of Kazhrumak's children. Born exclusively after their mother's imprisonment, their sole purpose is to burrow through the urth until they reach the surface, at which point Kazhrumak's fire can then pour through the tunnel they made, spilling onto the surface as lava. Kravlarozhu are often conflated with drakes, for they can neither fly nor breathe fire, unlike dragons but akin to drakes. It's often said that kravlarozhu are baby drakes burrowing their way to the surface to be born.
The most iconic creature of Vistari mythos is the Noorvic myth of the '''Adliausir'''. The '''Adliausir''' are creatures not of flesh and blood, more akin to a sentient white goop that shambles around in a humanoid form. They are known to have a notably strong smell, reminiscent of rotting fish and perturbing to a point of inflicting illness of those with poor constitution. They have three indents in the area where their face would be that function as their eyes, filled with an orange ooze which writhes and pulsates as the creature looks around. They have three eyes, two horizontal that are reminiscent of the placement of human eyes and a third vertical eye on what would usually be described as a forehead. The '''Adliausir''' bear some ability to mould their form to appear as another sapient creature, though in most cases they would appear malformed and be clearly visible to not be such, still traversing the world in a shamble and having to consume food by excreting their orange acidic blood from their mouth to break the food down. They do not show any physical signs of aging, believed to be functionally immortal if not slain or starved.
While they cannot connivingly mimic a sapient form themselves, '''Adliausir''' are said to use the flesh of dead humanoids and wear them like clothing, allowing the '''Adliausir''' to mimic the humanoid, appearing as it by sound, touch, feel, smell or sight. The skin they use to mimic continues to age as if the creature it came from were alive besides the pigmentation of the eyes, and must be discarded after it surpasses the natural maximum lifespan of the creature. This process is usually the subjects of stories of the '''Adliausir''', containing dire warnings of peers who do not appear themselves.
== Yasteria Minor ==
=== Central Yasteria ===
In countries where [[Paxism]] is the majority religion or is practiced by a minority of the population such as [[Packilvania]], [[Drakkengard]], and [[Allegheny]], legendary and mythological creatures stem from its [[Writings of Paxism|religious texts and apocryphal writings]]. The [[Esma]] are mythical beings believed to have been created by the primary deity of Paxism, [[Noi]], to aid in the creation and management of the universe and to intervene in the lives of moral beings. These beings are believed to lack a physical form and are made of light. Belief in this creatures forms part of the path of [[Assimilation]] as followed by major denominations such as [[Melkezedekism]]. The Haagen are creatures that are believed by a small denomination to conceived by Noi and [[Pax]] as demigods from which King Obed III of [[Bingol]] claimed to be descended (which the [[Magisterium of Paxism]] and the majority of the [[Priesthood in Paxism|priesthood of Paxism]] disavow and condemn).


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