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[[File:Johan Ludvig.jpeg|thumb|250px|Johan Ludvig, founder of Royalistic Populism and prime minister of Norgsveldet (1921-1937)]]
{{Infobox political party
'''Royalistic Populism''', or also known as '''Monarchistic Populism''', is a political ideology created by Johan Ludvig and other founders of the [[Ulvriktru Democrats]]. The ideology was based around Ludvig’s interpretations of the work of the late monarchist philosopher Morakir Arginson. Arginson was a famous philosopher from [[Tangrland]] during the early 1600s. With his work such as ‘Laws for Kings’ and ‘The Lawful King’. Which have been considered crucial inspirations for the Concordian Enlightenment.
|name = Royalistic Populism
|native_name = Monarchistic Populism
|logo = [[]]
|colorcode = #A129A1
| founder = Erik Tangrson
|foundation = 1400s
|Founding Country = Tangrland and Norgsveldet
|ideology = Constitutional Monarchism, Traditionalism, and Equality
|position = [[Wikipedia: Right Wing]]
|international =
|colors = {{color box|#A129A1|border=black}} Purple
|country = [[Helslandr]]
Though based around Arginson’s work the ideology itself and its political views have been closely put in the basis of Ludvig’s work and his time as a Norgsveltian prime minister. Main aspect of Royalistic Populism has been the focus of conserving the monarchy as a unifying national and traditional symbol. Often arguing the power of the monarch shall be heavily limited by a constitution yet kept important by the monarch’s role in upholding that constitution and their role as a symbol. Placing the focus on what Ludvig considered as the parental role a monarch is meant to hold for the people. He also argued against what he saw as the destructive role nationalism had on people claiming it clouded judgment and was at its core secularist. Ludvig argued that through a popular monarchy through mass support can nationalistic tendencies be kept at bay.
Royalistic Populism, or also known as Monarchistic Populism is a monarchist philsophy that was started in the 1400s, which later gained popularity again in the early 1900s and modernised as Norgsveltian politicans from [[Asatru Democrats]] revived it into a conherent ideology. With Johan Ludvig in 1910, writting the book called 'Folkekonger' (People's kings) on which he argues the populist strenght of constitutional monarchies over that of republics. With also mentioning the weakness of a full democracy. Stating: "Problem with democracies is that it does not keep people very safe. It allows for dangerous ideas like nationalism, of which I state is the main cause of our politicans blindly getting this nation into this not so Great War. In which hatred is promoted more and more. We all equal spirits under the gods, but the more we allow extreme ideologies increase the less equal we become. Many often think monarchies no matter the kind, goes against the concept equality. I see that as far from the truth. The monarch should be the father of his nation, with us all being his children. As such we all equal under it! I am not promoting the monarch having more power, but simply the importance of keeping it! Because a nation with out a father figure is guideless!".
In that book Johan also mentions Erik Tangrson's book 'the Law for Kings' on which most Royalistic Populist movements base their beliefs from. Royalistic Populism mainly promotes the creation of a Constitutional Monarchy on which the monarch shall largly be a symbol for the nation, however the monarch shall have influnce in military and foreign policy matters. With the added idea that the monarch shall be parental figure for the nation.
During Ludvig time as prime minister of [[Norgsveldet]] his views also expanded on an economic field based around his Ulvriktru Democratic beliefs. Arguing against liberal economic policies, instead placing emphasis on policies supporting the community, welfare state, families, labor unions and market regulations. Mainly as the result of Ludvig’s rejection of individualism and support of family structures. Despite his progressive economic views for the time he strongly rejected left wing ideals of class warfare and general marxist theories. In modern day Royalistic Populists can often find themselves split on economic matters depending on the nation and the political parties they belong too. Especially between the left wing and traditional forms of Royalistic Populism.
Though the ideology has been called authoritarian by critics many political advocates of Royalistic Populism argues that having a monarch is central for the protection of democracy and political freedoms, as the monarch should follow the Concordian enlightenment. With the main belief being in a legislatures representives that is a balance to a monarch's power. Which can vary to nation to nation of what extent. As Erik Tangrson argue in his book "The king shall not make laws, he is only mediator and adviser on them, but never maker. The monarch has to act under the law, if not such a tyranical monarch must be overthrown for a more lawful monarch. He has unquestioned prowess in debate, and interputer of law, but shall NEVER be the maker of it. As must ensure the right of life that his subjects that must be ensured in law." The main aspect of monarchy and how it should funtion according to Royalistic Populists is that of a People's King and that of Lawfull King. As the monarch shall be role model for his subjects and guider, as such he can not be above the law.
Conservatism and traditionalism is also major aspects of Erik's views, "The people is unified by clear and continued laws, one shall not change laws of the people drasticaly as it puts the welfare of the people at risk. If laws and structure if ever change, it must be done in a slow manner and structured way under the guidence of the monarch and his people. Not done by small group of idealistic bafoons". Political commentators often point at this being more typical lawfull conservartism that is more focusing on conserving laws and less about cultural conservatism. Though Johan's own conservatism had mixed into this as well, having made the shift towards more cultural conservatism. With the book 'Folkekonger' (People's Kings) stating the following: "To combatan the dividing forces of nationalism, we must promote an conservative outlook instead. That way no matter what species or nationality, can become apart of our nation through following our culture and faith. As such should our foreign policy be, instead of petty rivalries we should embrace and work with our cultural brothers." With many Royalistic Populists often keeping the same views of Johan in foreign policy, and rather promoting international cooperation based around culture. Often rejecting agressive foreign policy decisions. Though the degree can vary to country to country.
Despite internal disagreement among Royalistic Populists on their views of Ludvig’s work all have common agreement that it is vital to follow his ideas of modernizing the role of the monarchy and ensuring its place in a more modern world. Stating that only through modernisation can a monarch in the 21st century survive.
Economicaly Royalistic Populists can vary greatly in economic beliefs. Some of them might support small goverment and federalist economic values such as many of those in Helslandr. Though most Royalistic Populists often have centrist economic policies and welfare economic values to help promoting familu values, such as the [[Asatru Democrats]]. With the argument being that since Royalistic Populism is an mass populist ideology, it should defend the welfare of the people. With many Royalistic Populists within nations like [[Norgsveldet]] and [[Eyjaria]] being heavily opposed to the more liberal market based parties within their countries. Often creating broad coalitions with Social Democratic parties.
== Traditional Royalistic Populism ==
'''Traditional Royalistic Populism''', also known as '''Conservative Royalism''', is a branch of Royalistic Populism that follows the works of Ludvig closely and often puts heavy emphasis on traditional values. With them opposing ideas of secularization and being skeptical of progressive social policies. Traditional Royalistic Populists are often more likely to defend the constitutional powers a monarch might hold and religious teachings. Often the branch who is most supportive of Ludvig’s economic views though the degree can differ depending on the sub branch.
The traditionalist branch is most popular among Royalistic Populists within Ulvrikia and often considered the largest branch in general. Though it has seen a decrease of popularity within the last decades as a result of societies becoming less religious. Despite that the traditionalists stayed influential in many nations within the Ulvrikian World and the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] with them playing a major role in the current government of [[Norgsveldet]].
=== Ulvriktru Royalism ===
'''Ulvriktru Royalism''' is a sub branch of Traditional Royalistic Populism mainly connected to Ulvriktru Democratic movements within Gustafistic nations. Often placing emphasis on cultural brotherhood among Ulvrikian nations and the importance of spreading the Ulvriktru religion. Very little difference exists between them and mainstream conservative Royalistic Populist thought. With the main difference its specification within Ulvriktru nations and often Pan-Ulvrikian attitudes that many within followers of Ulvriktru Royalism have. Most being big supporters of the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] which they see as being a big step towards the direction for a larger Ulvrikian Unity.
Ulvriktru Royalists being mainly popular among Gothirs who are either in or supporting Royalistic Populist movements such as the Ulvriktru Democrats in Norgsveldet and Atlalandr. With a few often going a bit further than just arguing in favor of preserving religious institutions but empowering them as well. Often as a result of their heavy dislike of secularism and nationalism. Though these are seen as more radical members of the movement. Despite their heavy focus on the family unit, most Ulvriktru Royalists follow the idea of gender equality between men and women as a result of the larger attitude towards gender relations in the Ulvriktru Community. As such being big supporters of maternity leave and paternity leave.
=== Agrarian Royalism ===
'''Agrarian Royalism''' is a sub branch of traditionalist thought. Which despite following Ludvig’s works closely does so with the focus of preserving agrarian and rural life styles. Arguing that for centuries support to the monarchy and preserving of traditions has been most anchored by peasants and farmers. In which they argue that the best class of people to promote and follow Royalistic Populist thought is rural communities. As such, push for policies that greatly benefit farmers and small rural communities in general. This can vary from pushing a decentralized and regionalist political structure to heavy economic subsidies and investment into rural regions.
This is an ideology that found popularity within regions in Nyveldet, Tangrland and Eyjaria. With the ruling Agrarian Party in [[Eyjaria]] following this sub branch. Despite being one of the more smaller movements compared to the other branches it had impact by having had several agrarian mass movements putting their support behind the monarchy mainly seen within West Nyveldet in Tangrland.
== Social Royalism ==
Social Royalism, also known as Left Wing Royalistic Populism and in a lesser degree Neo-Progressivism, was an ideology founded by [[Magrete Kverheim]] during her time as a university student in the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] during the 1960s. In which she was heavily influenced by the monarcho-socialist thought that the Federation was founded on. Social Royalism, as defined by Kverheim, is the ideal that if Royalistic Populism is to survive as a movement for the next centuries the monarch shall become a ceremonial figure with the support of the working class. Stating the monarch unifying symbol has its biggest effect on the working class population.
She has also criticized Ludvig’s economic policies claiming they didn’t go far enough. Though she agreed with the rejection of typical marxist theories of class warfare, she has stated her support for workplace democracy and creating stronger labor unions. With Social Royalism being often called the Social Democratic version of Monarcho-Socialism.
Though a cause of disagreement among Social Royalists, Kverheim was a supporter of secularization, social justice and multiculturalism. In which she argued that a monarch shall represent and be a figure for all members of society to follow not just traditional ones. During her time as prime minister of Norgsveldet she was known for interventionist military policies and heavy dislike towards dictatorships. Which many within her [[Labour Party (Norgsveldet)|Labour Party]] follow to this day.
=== Ademarist social royalism ===
'''Ademarist social royalism''' is the name given to the economically [[w:Centre-left_politics|centre-left]] model of Royalistic populism present within the Ademarist Social Party of [[Vistaraland]]. As a platform, it has been described as the advocacy for the monarch as a popular symbol and philanthropic paternalistic figure for disadvantaged members of society - a “leader of the masses” whose generosity and tolerance should be the example in which the nation should follow in order to create a fairer society.
Though the roots of the party’s economic model of [[w:Distributism|Distributism]] is closer related to the [[w:Religious democracy|religious democratic]] movement of Conservative royalism than the Marxist roots of [[w:Social democracy|social democracy]], the party’s adherence to a [[w:Syncretic politics|syncretic]] model of [[w: Social conservatism|social conservatism]] and opposition to the distribution of wealth amongst a wealthy elite of inherited wealth in capitalism has seen the movement’s association with the Vistari left and coordination with the social royalist movement within the [[Cooperative Worker's Party]]. This is seen especially within the Roosite faction within the party, whose interpretation of the party's ideology veers further towards the progressive policies of other forms of Social royalism than the party's conservative factions.
== Liberal Royalism ==
'''Liberal Royalism''' is the newest branch of Royalistic Populist thought. Having had the most popular effect in [[Vistaraland]] as a result of said country’s highly market oriented policies. Liberal Royalism is most often defined by its outright rejection of either the economic or social policies of traditional royalistic populism. With liberal royalists often being more connected to typical centrist liberal parties or center right liberal conservative parties.
Despite this Liberal Royalists do agree on Ludvig’s points of supporting a monarchy through popular support and the importance of modernizing the monarchy. While not inherently secular they usually argue in favor of the monarch as a patriotic symbol rather than a spiritual or religious one. Though this degree varies heavily from members of the movement.
=== Constitutional Royalism ===
'''Constitutional Royalism''', also known as '''Patriotic Royalism''' or '''Helslandrer Royalism''', is a political ideology within Liberal Royalism founded in [[Helslandr]]. It came as a result of Helslandr establishing its first ever monarch under [[Astrid I]]. The ideology argues in favor of federalism and multiculturalism proclaiming that the extreme form of nationalism fostered by [[Iron Front (Helslandr)|Iron Front]] is what caused the most amount of destruction to Helslandr. In which they argue that establishing a federal state under a ceremonial monarchy is the best way to keep the nation united. In which the monarch’s role is to act as a patriotic and liberal figurehead for the nation. As such what has been dubbed as a form of constitutional patriotism or civic nationalism has been in the center of their ideology. In which it heavily differentiated itself from other Royalistic Populist ideologies.
Economically it follows certain principles of regulated capitalism. As such while more liberal compared to Ludvig’s economic ideals it is still in favor of market regulations. With the Liberal Royalist party of Helslandr, the Royalist People’s Party (RPP), having been careful to implement market regulations while helping small businesses that were destroyed by the civil war. The ideology also big advocate of free trade and economic unions like the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] or the [[UNAC]].
=== Loyalist reformism ===
'''Loyalist reformism''', colloquially '''Baasism''' or '''Xandarian liberalism''' amongst traditional conservatives, is a [[Vistaraland|Vistarian]] political ideology within Royalistic populism that emerged through adaptation by the [[w:Liberal conservatism|Liberal conservative]] branch of the Imperial Conservative Party. As a product of the Vistari perception of monarchy, the ideology argues for the maintaining of the monarchy as a voluntary officiator of a popular, democratic constitution. In firm opposition of both Vistarian supremacism and separatist nationalism, proponents of the ideology argued for both democratisation of Vistaraland and the integration of overseas holdings as equals - known as Imperial confederalism. Much of the ideas of Loyalist reformism were implemented as core values of the Second Vistari Constitution, which established the Imperial Vistari Confederation under a model of representative democracy and Imperial confederalism.
Economically, the ideology sits firmly outside the interventionist model of its Norgsveltian counterparts, adhering far closer to the [[w:Economic liberalism|economic liberalism]] seen traditionally within the [[w:Centre-right_politics|centre-right]] factions of the Imperial Conservative Party. While not entirely denouncing market regulation when deemed necessary, unlike their Libertarian conservative counterparts, the economic platform of the Imperial Conservative Party under ideological proponent Allard Baas has remained a far cry from Ludvig’s advocacy of a welfare state - exemplified by the party’s [[Joint List (Vistaraland)|electoral alliance]] with the Libertarian Party.
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