Category:Political party: Difference between revisions

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(154 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
Line 8:
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[20172021 Aduraszna General Election|20172021]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
Line 16:
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="4385F1" | || [[ReNDaF|Resdinsr e Noxara]] || Democracy and Freedom || [[Harun Lunsdzhura]] || Right-wing || 3731.381% || {{Composition bar|162115|320|hex=#4385F1}} || {{yesno2|GovernmentOpposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a4243b" | || [[AK/ER|Aszar Kharo / Ex Rei]] || Aszar Radicals / By the People || Te'a Skárun || Centre-left || 3430.766% || {{Composition bar|129105|320|hex=#a4243b}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="46BDC6" | || [[Solidarity|Reinjatura]] || Solidarity || Kestrel Sarikai || Trade unionist || 622.688% || {{Composition bar|881|320|hex=#46BDC6}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="674EA7AAF683" | || Nakhar[[Movement Rursutafor Ecological Action|Taxra ko'Rur ter'Chasel]] || MeaningfulMovement Changefor Ecological Action || KánlunAreu'i RenutaszraTsankur || CentristGreen politics || 57.510% || {{Composition bar|711|320|hex=#674EA7AAF683}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="AAF683A17C6B" | || [[Movement for Ecological ActionKN-CR|Taxra ko'RurKietul ter'ChaselNjartikt]] || MovementCivic for Ecological ActionRenewal || Areu'iSanjarai TsankurEleris || Green politicsCommunist || 52.049% || {{Composition bar|6|320|hex=#AAF683A17C6B}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="A17C6BFFFF00" | || [[KN-CR|Kietul Njartikt]]Tsanásgót! || Civic RenewalAttention! || SanjaraiLo ElerisSadzhun || CommunistLibertarian || 43.110% || {{Composition bar|61|320|hex=#A17C6BFFFF00}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
(WIP to be updated soon-ish)
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="2" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2021 Alkari General Assembly Election|2021]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="FAA61A" | || [[Alkari Liberal-Democrat|Liberal-Democrat]] || [[Roland Jerome]] || Some ideology idk || - || {{Composition bar|0|725|hex=FAA61A}} || {{-|-}}
| width="1" bgcolor="19CED4" | || [[Alkari Conservative-Monarchist|Conservative-Monarchist]] || [[Fabien Morel]] || [[Royalistic Populism]], Conservatism || - || {{Composition bar|0|725|hex=#19CED4}} || {{-|-}}
| width="1" bgcolor="000000" | || [[Alkari Nationalist Party]] || [[David Pernet]] || Alkari Nationalism, Right-wing authoritarian || - || {{Composition bar|0|725|hex=#000000}} || {{-|-}}
| width="1" bgcolor="A63D75" | || [[Xaethosi Democrat]] || [[Brother Victor Bourbeau]] || Theocratic, Xaethosi Conservatism || - || {{Composition bar|0|725|hex=#A63D75}} || {{-|-}}
= [[The Andorinhões|Andorinhões]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2019 Andorinhean legislative election|2019]]))
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Translated
! % of votes
! Seats in the [[National Assembly of the Andorinhões|National Assembly]]
| width="1" bgcolor="33709c" |  || [[We Andorinheans Party (Andorinhões)|Nós Andorinhianos]] || We Andorinheans Party || [[Alícia da Praia]] || Centre-left, Territorial nationalism || 32.74% || {{Composition bar|39|76|hex=#33709c}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="474e8a" | || [[Conservative Coalition (Andorinhões)|Coalizão Conservadora]] || Conservative Coalition || [[Leo Sautor]] || Right-wing, Conservatism || 12.67% || {{Composition bar|13|76|hex=#474e8a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="cb338e" | || [[Democratic Alternative (Andorinhões)|Alternativa Democrática]] || Democratic Alternative || [[Tomé Avilar]] || Centrist, Liberalism || 12.25% || {{Composition bar|10|76|hex=#cb338e}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a952a6" | || [[Constitutionalist Tradition (Andorinhões)|Tradição Constitucionalista]] || Constitutionalist Tradition || [[Isabel Pecuarista]] || Centre-right, Constitutionalism || 9.33% || {{Composition bar|5|76|hex=#a952a6}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7f8b97" | || [[National Assembly of Independents (Andorinhões)|Renião Nacional dos Independentes]] || National Assembly of Independents || [[Albano Peres]] || Pluralism, non-partisan politics || 7.43% || {{Composition bar|3|76|hex=#7f8b97}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="f26557" | || [[New Socialist Option (Andorinhões)|Nova Opção Socialista]] || New Socialist Option || [[Meritxell Capela]] || Left-wing, Progressivism || 6.39% || {{Composition bar|3|76|hex=#f26557}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="de4a53" | || [[National Worker Party (Andorinhões)|Partido Trabalhista Nacional]] || National Worker Party || [[Fausto Dourado]] || Left-wing, Syndicalism || 6.09% || {{Composition bar|2|76|hex=#de4a53}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="338b56" | || [[Republican Reformists Group (Andorinhões)|Grupo de Reformistas Republicanos]] || Republican Reformists Group || [[Adriano Prateiro]] || Centre-right, Reformism || 5.09 % || {{Composition bar|1|76|hex=#338b56}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="99c05e" | || [[Federation of Creditists (Andorinhões)|Federação de Creditistas]] || Federation of Creditists || [[Anair Cereais]] || Right-wing, Social credit movement || 2.78% || {{Composition bar|0|76|hex=#99c05e}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="f58450" | || [[League of Progressive Forces (Andorinhões)|Liga das Forças Progressivas]] || League of Progressive Forces || [[Elianne Arciveiro]] || Far-left, Socialism || 1.92% || {{Composition bar|0|76|hex=#f58450}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="338881" | || [[Patriotic Alliance (Andorinhões)|Aliança Patriotica]] || Patriotic Alliance || [[Jerônimo Muniz]] || Far-right, Cultural nationalism || 1.42% || {{Composition bar|0|76|hex=#338881}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="bc5549" | || [[People's Front of Communal Revolution (Andorinhões)|Frente Popular da Revolução Comunal]] || People's Front of Communal Revolution || [[Lucianno Parreira]] || Far-left, Communitarianism || 1.26% || {{Composition bar|0|76|hex=#bc5549}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="52336f" | || [[Unity of the Cross Party (Andorinhões)|Unidade da Cruz]]|| Unity of the Cross || [[Éric Laranjeiras]] || Far-right, Libertarian populism || 0.64% || {{Composition bar|0|76|hex=#52336f}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
= [[Cappedore]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="2" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2018 Cappedore general election|2018]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="#b02d2c" | || [[Cappedore Social Democratic Party|Social Democratic Party]] || [[Maya Murray]] || Left-wing || 40.86% || {{Composition bar|349|850|hex=#b02d2c}} || {{yes2|Government{{refn|group=n|name=Working majority|The CSDP is the leading party in the [[Welfare Coalition (Cappedore)|Welfare Coalition]]. Although they do not have a majority by themselves, with the addition of the CLU and the Green Party, the coalition holds just over the amount required for a Gemotern majority.}}}}
| width="1" bgcolor="0087DC" | || [[Cappedore Conservative Union|Conservative Union]] || [[Ellis Hampson]] || Centre-right || 36.46% || {{Composition bar|312|850|hex=#0087DC}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FAA61A" | || [[Cappedore Union of Liberals|Liberal Union]] || [[Thomas Coleman]] || Centrism to Centre-left || 16.61% || {{Composition bar|142|850|hex=#FAA61A}} || {{yes2|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="c00000" | || [[Momentum Alliance|Momentum]] || [[Casimir Parks]] || Cappedorite nationalism, far-left || 2.45% || {{Composition bar|21|850|hex=#c00000}} || {{Partial|Absentionist}}
| width="1" bgcolor="002060" | || [[Libertarian Party of Cappedore|Libertarian Party]] || [[Kevin Owens]] || Libertarianism, centre-right || 1.01% || {{Composition bar|8|850|hex=#002060}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="92d050" | || [[Cappedore Green Party|Green Party]] || [[Liberty Hasquith]] || Eco-socialism || 0.91% || {{Composition bar|7|850|hex=#92d050}} || {{yes2|Goverment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="5390a7" | || [[Velikaya Tomariya]] || Vitaly Melnyk || [[Thomaria|Thomarian]] secession, centrism || 0.42% || {{Composition bar|3|850|hex=#5390a7}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="702e85" | || [[Cappedore Unionist Party|Unionist Party]] || Elizabeth Myles || Cappedore unionism, right-wing, nationalism || 0.40% || {{Composition bar|3|850|hex=#702e85}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="008080" | || [[Democratic Federalist Party|Democratic Federalist]] || ''Collective leadership'' || Federalism, centrism || 0.22% || {{Composition bar|1|850|hex=#008080}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FDFD96" | || [[For Cappedore!]] || ''Collective leadership'' || Unionism || 0.19% || {{Composition bar|1|850|hex=##FDFD96}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7f7f7f" | || Independents (Total) || N/A || N/A || 0.42% || {{Composition bar|3|850|hex=#008080}} || {{Partial|Absentionist}}
= [[Casilló y Réal]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Conference Chair
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election (2022)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Abbre.
! Party Name
! % of votes
! Assembly Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="38abeb" | || CC || Chivalric Caucus || Oliver Aisa || Left-wing Conservatism, Sapient Equality, Pro-LN, Anti-Trust and Monopoly || 36.81% || {{Composition bar|81|220|hex=#38abeb}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="0042ff" | || APP || Andoran Progress Party || Mateo Olloqui || Democratic Socialism, Left-wing Liberalism, Social Welfare, Sapient Equality, Pro-LN|| 16.36% || {{Composition bar|36|220|hex=#0042ff}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="26d34d" | || ES || Environmental Stewards || Juan Jose Díaz || Left-wing Populism, Environmental Responsibility, Elimination of Carbon Impact, Social Welfare || 14.09% || {{Composition bar|31|220|hex=#26d34d}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="cb90dc" | || HAC || Honorable Action Caucus || Gema Merino || Centrist Democratic Populism, Rule of Law, Pro-LN || 7.72% || {{Composition bar|17|220|hex=#cb90dc}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="e5d83c" | || FF || Feudalist Front || Pilar Hoyo || Centrist Conservatism, Pro-Oligarchy, Pro-Feudalism || 7.27% || {{Composition bar|16|220|hex=#e5d83c}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="f40200" | || NUP || National Unity Party || Triana Piedrabuena || Left-wing Nationalism, Populist Democratic Socialism, Anti-LN || 6.36% || {{Composition bar|14|220|hex=#f40200}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="00f6e9" | || CPF || Coastal Prosperity Front || Juan Carlos Albacete || Centrist Libertarianism, Laissez-faire Economic Reform, Deregulation || 5.45% || {{Composition bar|12|220|hex=#00f6e9}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="742ffc" | || ISC || Island Secessionist Caucus || Antonio Jose Catalán || Free Trade, Territorial Independance, Centrist Libertarianism || 3.63% || {{Composition bar|8|220|hex=#742ffc}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="030400" | || DV || Deus Vult || Judith Morterero || Militant Theocratic Nationalism, Economic Reform, Isolationism || 1.36% || {{Composition bar|3|220|hex=#030400}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FFFF00f88708" | || Tsanásgót!R || Attention!Royalists || LoNayara SadzhunCuevas || LibertarianMonarcho-fascist, Right-wing Nationalism, Humano-centrism || 30.2192% || {{Composition bar|12|320220|hex=#FFFF00f88708}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
Line 46 ⟶ 182:
! Union Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="D0312D" |  ||Demokratisch Arbiechters Parti || Democratic WorkersWorker's Party || [[Tarov Hyla]] || LeftDemocratic WingSocialism, DemocraticHessian Unionism, SocialisnMilitarism || 3130.33% || {{Composition bar|9391|300|hex=#D0312D}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF8A8A" | || [[Social Democratic Party|Sotsail Demokratish Parti]] || Social Democratic Party || [[HorisKlarissa Adley]]Antonov (acting) || Centre-left, Social Democracy, Vehrism, Hessian Unionism || 2920.43% || {{Composition bar|8861|300|hex=#FF8A8A}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="900D09" | || Durakloran Kommunist Parti || Durakan Communist Party || Arik Maylow || FarCentrist LeftMarxism, CommunistCommunism, Anti-Capitalism || 2014.3% || {{Composition bar|6043|300|hex=#900D09}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="F9E076089939" | || DurakloranProgressiv SveitArbiecht Parti || DurakanProgressive LibertyLabour Party || RosalynKoliana TyrolObrista || CentristPacifism, SocialVehrist LiberalSocialism, Democratic Socialism || 710.7% || {{Composition bar|2332|300|hex=#F9E076089939}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="B8B8B8F9E076" | || IrnacDurakloran AvtonomyaSveit Parti || IrnacDurakan AutonomyLiberty Party || BorisRosalyn YebedevTyrol || DwarfCentrim, NationalistSocial Liberalism, RegionalistThird Way || 67.7% || {{Composition bar|2023|300|hex=#B8B8B8F9E076}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FE7D6AB8B8B8" | || ArbiechtersIrnac NatsonalAvtonomya GranzitParti || Workers'Irnac NationalAutonomy FrontierParty || IgorBoris StrasseYebedev || LeftIrnac WingNationalism. NationalistRegionalism, CommunalSocial NationalistConservatism || 37.30% || ''Irnacish Seats'' {{Composition bar|21|100|hex=#B8B8B8}}''Total'' {{Composition bar|1021|300|hex=#FE7D6AB8B8B8}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="710C04FE7D6A" | || Durakloran Sviet Arbiechters PartiNatsonal Granzit || DurakanNational FreeFrontier Workers'of PartyWorkers || JosephIgor EngelStrasse || Anarcho-CommunistLeft Wing Nationalism, Anarcho-SyndicalistMilitarism, Communal Nationalism || 14.30% || {{Composition bar|412|300|hex=#710C04FE7D6A}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="1C4966D2422B" | || DurakloranOppositya-Leva Natsonal FrontDuraklora || DurakanLeft NationalOpposition Frontof Durakia || WesleyCollective NoricLeadership || RightCommunism, International WingSocialism, ReactionaryAnti-Corruption || 03.7% || {{Composition bar|211|300|hex=#1C4966D2422B}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="710C04" | || Durakloran Sviet Arbiechters Parti || Durakan Free Worker's Party || Joseph Engel || Anarcho-Communism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, Green Anarchism || 1.3% || {{Composition bar|4|300|hex=#710C04}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="1C4966" | || Durakloran Natsonal Front || Durakan National Front || Wesley Noric || Durakan Nationalism, Fiscal Conservatism, Social Conservatism || 0.7% || {{Composition bar|2|300|hex=#1C4966}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[GransrikGräntierik]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
Line 70 ⟶ 210:
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="23" | Last election (2018)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | NameAbbre.
! Party Name
! Translated
! % of votes
! Parnsät
! Seats
! Sactenat
| width="1" bgcolor="a7291c" | || CWF || Civic Worker Front || Fransilo Alois|| [[w:Centrist Marxism|Centrist Marxism]], [[League of Novaris|Pro-LN]], [[w:Theocracy|Theocratic]] [[w:Disestablishmentarianism|disestablishment]] || 24.1% || {{Composition bar|57|237|hex=#a7291c}} || {{Composition bar|24|81|hex=#a7291c}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="C21A09636262" | || StaatsOPF Arbetfront|| CivicOrthodox LabourPeople's FrontForum || FranzhonKarlosilo Guillem Olivefader Alois|| Centrist[[Theocratic MarxismSocialism|Theo-Socialism]], Pro[[Ademarism|Ademarist]] [[w:Religious democracy|democracy]], [[w:Left-LNwing populism|Social nationalism]] || 3623.12% || {{Composition bar|55|237|hex=#636262}} || {{Composition bar|9429|20781|hex=#C21A09636262}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="48494B659f5e" | || Ortodox FolksforumAV || OrthodoxAgrarian Peoples'Voice Forum|| KarrzohnDirksilo WillardEhren Sofia-Paulfader Ottovoder || Theo-Socialism[[w:Agrarian socialism|Agrarian socialism]], [[Ademarism|Ademarist]] Democracy[[w:Religious democracy|democracy]], [[w:Populism|Populism]] 29|| 21.25% || {{Composition bar|51|237|hex=#659f5e}} || {{Composition bar|8220|20781|hex=#48494B659f5e}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="72bC698e3e3e" | || AgrarröstCAS || AgrarianCampaign Voicefor Ademarist Socialism || DirkzhonAntonsilo Bruno Ehren Sofia-Paulvoder|| Agrarian[[w:Democratic Socialismsocialism|Democratic socialism]], [[Ademarism|Ademarist]] Democracy[[w:Religious democracy|democracy]], [[w:Religious tolerance|Nonconformist 28repatriation]] || 17.87% || {{Composition bar|2442|237|hex=#8e3e3e}} || {{Composition bar|16|20781|hex=#72bC698e3e3e}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="544C4Aea5757" | || Nationel LösanILA || NationalIndependent ResolveLabour Association || GustavzhonJohansilo Harold'Ancho' Harrietfader Adolf-Helgavoder|| Clerical[[w:Social NationalismDemocracy|Social democracy]], Novari[[w:Progressivism|Progressivism]], Enmity[[League of Novaris|Pro-LN]] || 38.50% || {{Composition bar|19|237|hex=#ea5757}} || {{Composition bar|513|20781|hex=#544C4Aea5757}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="DFC98A544c4a" | || PartieNR für|| National DemokratiResolve || PartyGustavsilo forBenito DemocracyAntonio-Hildafader || Wilhelmzhon[[w:Clericalism|Clerical]] Hubert[[w:Religious Klaravodernationalism|nationalism]], [[w:Economic nationalism||Economic Liberalismnationalism]], Pro-LN[[League of Novaris|Novari]] [[w:Euroscepticism|enmity]] 1|| 3.48% || {{Composition bar|29|237|hex=#544c4a}} || {{Composition bar|1|20781|hex=#DFC98A544c4a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="cbb679" | || PFD || Party for Democracy || Willemsilo Mario Klarafader || [[w:Social liberalism|Social liberalism]], [[w:Free trade|Free trade]], [[League of Novaris|Pro-LN]] || 1.69% || {{Composition bar|4|237|hex=#cbb679}} || {{Composition bar|2|81|hex=#cbb679}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
Line 105 ⟶ 249:
| width="1" bgcolor="B22222" | || [[MBE Labour|Labour Party]] || [[Franklin Barvata]] || Centre-left || 34.08% || {{Composition bar|863|1794|hex=#B22222}} || {{yes2|Government{{refn|group=n|name=Working majority|Given that MARIP MPs [[Wikipedia:Abstentionism|do not take their seats]] and the Speaker and deputies do not vote, a working majority only requires 852 MPs, meaning that Labour, albeit officially being a minority government, nevertheless have control of the legislature as if they held an absolute majority (898 seats).}}}}
| width="1" bgcolor="0087DC4f79ab" | || [[MBE Conservatives|Conservative PartyPodites]] || [[Benjamin Wardola]] || Centre-right || 28.26% || {{Composition bar|600|1794|hex=#0087DC}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FAA61A" | || [[MBE Democrats|Democratic Party]] || [[Osbourne Saudaran]] || Centrism || 22.99% || {{Composition bar|205|1794|hex=#FAA61A}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
Line 121 ⟶ 265:
= [[KyrlothK'undzeti]] =
<div style="overflow: auto;">
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan = "3" | Bloc
! rowspan = "2" |Zedakhli Seats
! rowspan = "2" | Status
! colspan = "4" | Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="3" | Last election (2021)
! colspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Leader
! colspan="3" | Acronym
! Name
! % of votes
! Senate Seats
! Assembly Seats
! Provincial Senates
! Regional Assem.
| width="1" bgcolor="ffe599" | || Commonwealth Bloc || Mikhail Zetali || Senate {{Composition bar|17|42|hex=#ffe599}}Assem. {{Composition bar|136|450|hex=#ffe599}} || {{yes|Senate Gov. <br /> Assem. Gov.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="ffe599"| || თპ/GP || Commonwealth Party || Fiscal Conservative || Akhalip'ortsi: 20.79% <br> K'undzeti: 25.85% <br> P'almistrand: 18.88% || Akhalip'ortsi {{Composition bar|3|13|hex=#ffe599}} K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|6|21|hex=#ffe599}} P'almistrand: {{Composition bar|2|8|hex=#ffe599}} || Western: {{Composition bar|29|150|hex=#ffe599}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|40|150|hex=#ffe599}} P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|19|90|hex=#ffe599}}|| {{yes|Akhalip'ortsi Gov.<br> K'undzeti Gov. <br> P'almistrand Gov.}} || {{yes|K'undzeti Gov. <br> P'almistrand Gov.}}
| style="background-color:#ffe599;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#99ff99;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="3c78d8"| || კკ/KC ||K'undzeti Conservatives || Social Conservative || Akhalip'ortsi: 11.25% <br> K'undzeti: 20.08% || Akhalip'ortsi: {{Composition bar|1|13|hex=#3c78d8}} K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|4|21|hex=#3c78d8}} || Western: {{Composition bar|10|150|hex=#3c78d8}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|31|150|hex=#3c78d8}} || {{yes2|K'undzeti Gov. <br> Akhalip'ortsi Opp.}} || {{yes|K'undzeti Gov.}}
| style="background-color:#ffe599;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#99ff99;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="f1c232"| || თმა/GBA || Free Citizens Alliance || Libertarian || P'almistrand: 6.7% || P'almistrand: {{Composition bar|1|8|hex=#f1c232}} || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|7|90|hex=#f1c232}} || {{no|P'almistrand Opp.}} || {{no|P'almistrand Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="e06666" | || Prosperity & Democracy || Maia Smit’i || Senate {{Composition bar|7|42|hex=#e06666}}Assem. {{Composition bar|90|450|hex=#e06666}} || {{no|Senate Opp. <br /> Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="e06666"| || თდკ/V&W || Freedom and Welfare || Social Democratic, <br> Republican || Akhalip'ortsi: 10.35% <br> K'undzeti: 19.16% <br> P'almistrand: 5.30% || Akhalip'ortsi: {{Composition bar|1|13|hex=#e06666}} K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|3|21|hex=#e06666}} || Western: {{Composition bar|16|150|hex=#e06666}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|22|150|hex=#e06666}} P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|8|90|hex=#e06666}}|| {{yes2|Akhalip'ortsi Gov.<br> K'undzeti Opp.}} || {{yes2|P'almistrand Gov. <br> K'undzeti Opp.}}
| style="background-color:#e06666;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#ff9999;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="f4cccc"| || თვ/WR || White Rose || Social Democratic, <br> Third Way || Akhalip'ortsi: 21.76% || Akhalip'ortsi: {{Composition bar|3|13|hex=#f4cccc}} || Western: {{Composition bar|31|150|hex=#f4cccc}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|8|150|hex=#f4cccc}} || {{yes|Akhalip'ortsi Gov.}} || {{yes|K'undzeti Gov.}}
| style="background-color:#e06666;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#ff9999;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="b6d7a8"| || PI || Green Party || Environmentalist, <br> Social Democratic || Zetian: 8.08% || N/A || Zetian: {{Composition bar|5|60|hex=#b6d7a8}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{yes|P'almistrand Gov.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="#a61c00"| || Verk'ohist Unity Front || Ioseb Gelashvili || Senate {{Composition bar|6|42|hex=#a61c00}}Assem. {{Composition bar|73|450|hex=#a61c00}} || {{yes|Senate Gov. <br /> Assem. Gov.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="a61c00"| || წაპ/VOP || Verk'ohist Revival Party || Verk'ohist Democrat, <br> Salovian Pan-Nationalist || Akhalip'ortsi: 12.14% <br> K'undzeti: 14.43% <br> P'almistrand: 5.10% || Akhalip'ortsi: {{Composition bar|2|13|hex=#a61c00}} K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|3|21|hex=#a61c00}} || Western: {{Composition bar|19|150|hex=#a61c00}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|21|150|hex=#a61c00}} P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|8|90|hex=#a61c00}}|| {{yes2|K'undzeti Gov. <br> Akhalip'ortsi Opp.}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp. <br> P'almistrand Opp.}}
| style="background-color:#a61c00;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#99ff99;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="6fa8dc"| || წდპ/PVD || Party of Verk'ihist Democrats || Verk'ohist Democrat, <br> Social Conservative || Akhalip'ortsi: 5.35% <br> K'undzeti: 5.93% || K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|1|21|hex=#6fa8dc}} || Western: {{Composition bar|9|150|hex=#6fa8dc}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|8|150|hex=#6fa8dc}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp.}} || {{yes|K'undzeti Gov.}}
| style="background-color:#a61c00;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#99ff99;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="d5a6bd"| || წა/VA || Verk'ihist Alliance || Verk'ohist Democrat || P'almistrand: 5.68% || N/A || P'almistrand Gen.:{{Composition bar|8|90|hex=#d5a6bd}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{yes|P'almistrand Gov.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="93c47d" | || Eco-Socialist Alliance || Seyn Pisheri || Senate {{Composition bar|5|42|hex=#93c47d}}Assem. {{Composition bar|36|450|hex=#93c47d}} || {{no|Senate Opp. <br /> Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="93c47d"| || ჩპჩხ/OPOM || Our Planet, Our People || Eco-Socialist, <br> Left-Wing Populist || Akhalip'ortsi: 12.94% <br> K'undzeti: 7.25% || Akhalip'ortsi: {{Composition bar|2|13|hex=#93c47d}} K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|2|21|hex=#93c47d}} || Western: {{Composition bar|19|150|hex=#93c47d}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|11|150|hex=#93c47d}} || {{no|Akhalip'ortsi Opp.<br> K'undzeti Opp.}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp.}}
| style="background-color:#93c47d;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#ff9999;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="34a853"| || თეშ/VEA || Liberty, Ecology, Labour || Eco-Socialist, <br> Libertarian Socialist|| P'almistrand: 6.98% || P'almistrand: {{Composition bar|1|8|hex=#34a853}} || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|6|90|hex=#34a853}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}} || {{yes|P'almistrand Gov.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="e69138" | || Adenarist-Unionist Bloc || Hendrik Cruyff || Senate {{Composition bar|5|42|hex=#e69138}}Assem. {{Composition bar|36|450|hex=#e69138}} || {{no|Senate Opp. <br /> Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="e69138"| || UVA || Unionist Reconciliation Alliance || Unionist, <br> Vistarophile || K'undzeti: 7.30% || K'undzeti: {{Composition bar|2|21|hex=#e69138}} || Western: {{Composition bar|8|150|hex=#e69138}} Eastern: {{Composition bar|9|150|hex=#e69138}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp.}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp.}}
| style="background-color:#e69138;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#ff9999;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="f9cb9c"| || AVP || Ademarist People's Party || Ademarist Democrat, <br> Royalistic Populism|| P'almistrand Gen.: 6.43% || N/A || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|6|90|hex=#f9cb9c}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{no|P'almistrand Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="d9ead3" | || Solidarity Council || Sukarno || Senate {{Composition bar|2|42|hex=#d9ead3}}Assem. {{Composition bar|22|450|hex=#d9ead3}} || {{no|Senate Opp. <br /> Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="d9ead3"| || DS || - || Democratic Socialist, <br> Zetian Rights || P'almistrnad: 19.08% || P'almistrand: {{Composition bar|2|8|hex=#d9ead3}} || Zetian: {{Composition bar|22|60|hex=#d9ead3}} || {{yes|P'almistrnad Gov.}} || {{yes|P'almistrnad Gov.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ead1dc" | || Culture and Heritage || Andi || Senate {{Composition bar|1|42|hex=#ead1dc}}Assem. {{Composition bar|19|450|hex=#ead1dc}} || {{no|Senate Opp. <br /> Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="ead1dc"| || B&W || - || Neoonservative, <br> Zetian Rights || P'almistrnad: 15.24% || P'almistrand: {{Composition bar|1|8|hex=#ead1dc}} || Zetian: {{Composition bar|19|60|hex=#ead1dc}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="dd7e6b" | || Communist Party of the West Pacific || Ivan Orakhelashvili || Senate {{Composition bar|1|42|hex=#dd7e6b}}Assem. {{Composition bar|13|450|hex=#dd7e6b}} || {{no|Senate Opp. <br /> Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="dd7e6b"| || პრ/PR || Popular Revolutionaries || Communism || Akhalip'ortsi: 5.42% || Akhalip'ortsi: {{Composition bar|1|13|hex=#dd7e6b}} || Western: {{Composition bar|9|150|hex=#dd7e6b}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp.}} || {{no|K'undzeti Opp.}}
| style="background-color:#dd7e6b;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="border-top-style:hidden" width="1" | || style="background-color:#ff9999;border-top-style:hidden" width="1";| || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="ea4335"| || დსლ/OSL || Independent Socialist League || Communism, <br> Centre Marxism || P'almistrand Gen.: 5.02% || N/A || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|4|90|hex=#ea4335}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{no|P'almistrand Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="d9d9d9" | || Together for Victory || Theodore Tsiklauri || Senate {{Composition bar|1|42|hex=#d9d9d9}}Assem. {{Composition bar|13|450|hex=#d9d9d9}} || {{yes2|Assem. Gov. <br /> Senate Opp. }} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="d9d9d9"| || ეგ/SVDO || - || Centrist, Anti-Devolution || P'almistrnad: 11.92% || P'almistrand: {{Composition bar|1|8|hex=#d9d9d9}} || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|13|90|hex=#d9d9d9}} || {{yes|P'almistrnad Gov.}} || {{yes|P'almistrnad Gov.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="8e7cc3" | || Sacred Labour Front || Larasati || Assem. {{Composition bar|8|450|hex=#8e7cc3}} || {{no|Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="8e7cc3"| || SBS || - || Theo-Socialist || P'almistrnad: 5.12% || N/A || Zetian: {{Composition bar|8|60|hex=#8e7cc3}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{yes|P'almistrnad Gov.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="3d85c6" | || Justice for P'almistrand || Giorgi Dzhugashvili || Assem. {{Composition bar|6|450|hex=#3d85c6}} || {{yes|Assem. Gov. }} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="3d85c6"| || სპ/GVP || - || National Conservative, <br> Populist || P'almistrnad Gen.: 6.61% || N/A || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|6|90|hex=#3d85c6}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="45818e" | || Nation of Our Own|| Kuat || Assem. {{Composition bar|5|450|hex=#45818e}} || {{no|Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="45818e"| || BKD || - || Zetian Nationalist, <br> Socialist || Zetian: 7.75% || N/A || Zetian: {{Composition bar|5|60|hex=#45818e}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="#999999" | || Strandian Independence Party || Karl Oniani || Assem. {{Composition bar|5|450|hex=#999999}} || {{no|Assem. Opp. }} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="999999"| || სდპ/SOP || - || P'almistrand Independence, <br> Zetian Body Abolition || P'almistrnad Gen.: 5.07% || N/A || P'almistrand Gen.: {{Composition bar|5|90|hex=#999999}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}}
| width="1" bgcolor="666666" | || United Zetian Legion || Hartono || Assem. {{Composition bar|3|450|hex=#666666}} || {{no|Assem. Opp.}} || colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="666666"| || LZB || - || Zetian Nationalist, <br> Anti-Imperialist || Zetian: 5.05% || N/A || Zetian: {{Composition bar|3|60|hex=#45818e}} || {{no|N/A}} || {{no|P'almistrnad Opp.}}
= [[Katyunon]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position
! colspan="2" | Last election
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Acronym
! Name
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="c41818" | || RF || [[Red Front]] || Aino Jokinen || Socialism, Left-Wing Unity || 65.7% || {{Composition bar|263|400|hex=#c41818}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffd900" | || LFP || Liberal Freedom Party || Hjalmar Löfström || Liberalism, Centrism || 24.1% || {{Composition bar|94|400|hex=#ffd900}} || {{no|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="0502ad" | || NF || Nationalist Front || Yevhen Belash || Conservatism, Nationalism || 10.2% || {{Composition bar|43|400|hex=#0502ad}} || {{no|Opposition}}
= [[Korćetta]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="2" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election (2022)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! % of votes
! Senate Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="130966" | || Freedom Party || Maryna Lewan || National Conservatism || 39.3% || {{Composition bar|94|238|hex=#130966}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="27A901" | || [[Korćetta Ecology]] || Łukasz Belka || Green Politics || 32.3% || {{Composition bar|77|228|hex=#27A901}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="82030B" | || People First || Elżbieta Gruba || Social Democracy || 21.8% || {{Composition bar|52|228|hex=#82030B}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="535353" | || Silvism Party || Celestyn Świtała || Silvist Conservatism || 6.6% || {{Composition bar|16|228|hex=#535353}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Kurandia]] =
== Geographical Constituencies (62/161) ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! colspan="2" | Political position
! colspan="2" | Last election (2018)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Acronym
! Name
! Faction
! Ideology
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="da7c66" | || SHARP || [[SHARP|Socialist Housing & Agrarian Radicals Party]] || Hanuketa Aruletsz || Constitutionalist || Centre-left || 33.89% || {{Composition bar|31|62|hex=#da7c66}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="258399" | || RMRA || Royal Morstaybishlian Reinforcement Alliance || Benjamin Taszun || Loyalist || Conservative || 17.56% || {{Composition bar|7|62|hex=#258399}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffcd00" | || APG || Akaifvrun Progressive Group || Daurusz Smith || Constitutionalist || Liberal || 5.77% || {{Composition bar|6|62|hex=#ffcd00}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ff2492" | || EKAJE || East Kuran Alliance for Justice and Equality || Simoa Smith || Constitutionalist || Liberal || 6.27% || {{Composition bar|5|62|hex=#ff2492}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="900000" | || NUSCCE || New United Socialist and Communist Coalition ([[Keri Eler|Elerist]]) || Ántól Sarikai || Constitutionalist || Far-left || 1.38% || {{Composition bar|2|62|hex=#900000}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="46bdc6" | || FAFF || Federated Association of Fishers and Farmers || Bobby Ószun || Loyalist || Agrarian || 2.55% || {{Composition bar|1|62|hex=#46bdc6}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="00cc00" | || CTG || Corren Tree Greens || Saotikt Clement || Constitutionalist || Environmentalist || 2.16% || {{Composition bar|1|62|hex=#00cc00}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="2c35a5" | || CREKI || Campaign for the Reminder of the Existence of Kestrel Island || Tracy Clarina || Loyalist || Regionalist || 1.10% || {{Composition bar|1|62|hex=#2c35a5}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
== Functional Constituencies (99/161) ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! colspan="2" | Political position
! colspan="1" | Last allocation (2018)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Acronym
! Name
! Faction
! Ideology
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="258399" | || RMRA || Royal Morstaybishlian Reinforcement Alliance || Benjamin Taszun || Loyalist || Conservative || {{Composition bar|33|99|hex=#258399}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="e65643" | || LMP || Labourers Movement Party || Lenud Kaszki || Constitutionalist || Left-wing || {{Composition bar|8|99|hex=#e65643}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="979da8" | || FTUA || Federated Trade Union Association || Khalus Xal || Constitutionalist || Trade unionist || {{Composition bar|4|99|hex=#979da8}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="053182" | || USHG || United Staynish Heritage Group || Frederick Loszen || Loyalist || Far-right || {{Composition bar|4|99|hex=#053182}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b22222" | || CLP || [[MBE Labour|Coalition of Labour Parties]] || Phil Tsetrun || Loyalist || Centre-left || {{Composition bar|3|99|hex=#b22222}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="00ff00" | || RFBT || Roundtable Forum for a Better Tomorrow || Untán Ildas || Loyalist || Technoprogressive || {{Composition bar|3|99|hex=#00ff00}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ac03ac" | || NR || New Roundtable || Kalus Ildas || Unaligned || Technoprogressive || {{Composition bar|3|99|hex=#ac03ac}} || {{Partial|Cross-bench}}
| width="1" bgcolor="e3c209" | || LDPP || Liberal & Democratic People's Party || Fusz Kaitaszn || Constitutionalist || Liberal || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#e3c209}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="edcc15" | || PPDL || People's Party of Democrats & Liberals || Stón Taishun || Constitutionalist || Liberal || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#edcc15}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="85200C" | || SN || Salusz Network || Shan Salusz || Constitutionalist || Communist || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#85200C}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b382a9" | || LURC || League of Urban and Regional Councilworkers || Nartisz Etórik || Constitutionalist || Regionalist || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#b382a9}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="4bdbd9" | || 3FTWU || Third Federated Transport Workers' Union || Jan Fveriskul || Constitutionalist || Trade unionist || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#4bdbd9}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="afd993" | || CPN || Critical Policy Network || Steven Jones || Loyalist || Big-tent || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#afd993}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="3dd9ad" | || NPI || New Progress Initiative || Janet Farmer || Loyalist || Liberal || {{Composition bar|2|99|hex=#3dd9ad}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffcd00" | || APG || Akaifvrun Progressive Group || Daurusz Smith || Constitutionalist || Liberal || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#ffcd00}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="c7abcc" | || NCA || Network of Community Associations || Kellen Tass || Constitutionalist || Regionalist || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#c7abcc}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ff0000" | || SDL-PA || Social Democratic League = Power of Action || Kairun Astur || Constitutionalist || Left-wing || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#ff0000}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffeec4" | || 5M || Fifth Movement || Simoa Astur || Constitutionalist || Big-tent || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#ffeec4}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b22222" | || NLP || New Labour Party || Mitchell Kazun || Constitutionalist || Left-wing || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#b22222}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="46bdc6" | || FAFF || Federated Association of Fishers and Farmers || Bobby Ószun || Loyalist || Agrarian || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#46bdc6}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a38a4d" | || PP || People's Party || Ótfva Sirun || Loyalist || Right-wing || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#a38a4d}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="db9f0b" | || NPP || New People's Party || Tesz Sirun || Loyalist || Right-wing || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#db9f0b}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="f2e311" | || NP || New Party || Halus Sirun || Loyalist || Right-wing || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#f2e311}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="1c9feb" | || TCP || Traditional Conservative Party || Daniel Kalt || Loyalist || Far-right || {{Composition bar|1|99|hex=#1c9feb}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Meagharia]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2020 Meagharian Election]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Translated
! % of Seats in [[Centurion's Assembly]]
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="028A0F" | || [[Páirtí Aontacht]] || Unity Party || [[Nathaniel O'Fahr]] || [[Meagharism#Burnsidism|Burnsidism]] || 37.38% || {{Composition bar|150|250|hex=#028A0F}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF0000" | || [[Páirtí Radacach]] || Radical Party || [[Spadlin O'Perre]] || [[Meagharism#Marxism-Meagharism|Marxism-Meagharism]] || 34.76% || {{Composition bar|50|250|hex=#FF0000}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7AD7FO" | || [[Páirtí Neamhchiontach]] || Innocence Party || [[Mary McKinley]] || Single Issue || 6.68% || {{Composition bar|50|250|hex=#7AD7F0}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Nagato]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="4" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2020 Nagato General Election|2020]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Abbreviation
! Codexian
! Genesi
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="ff1650" | || LP || [[Labor Party of Nagato|Labor Party]] || Rōdō Pāti || [[Moka Akashiya]] || Modern Liberalism, Democratic Socialism, center to left-wing || 45.88% || {{Composition bar|156|340|hex=#ff1650}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffff00" | || UP || [[Unity Party of Nagato|Unity Party]] || Danketsu Pāti || [[Shizuka Nekonome]] || Environmentalism, Centrism || 29.41% || {{Composition bar|100|340|hex=#ffff00}} || {{yes2|Support}}
| width="1" bgcolor="0000ff" | || CP || [[Conservative Party of Nagato|Conservative Party]] || Hoshu-teki Pāti || [[Ririko Kagome]] || Conservatism, Genesi Sovereignty, right-wing || 20% || {{Composition bar|68|340|hex=#0000ff}} || {{no|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="808080" | || NSWP || [[New Order (party)|Nagatoian Socialists Workers’ Party]] || Nagatoian Shakai Shugi-sha Rōdōshatō || [[Lyn Kelly-Kazumi]] || Nagatoian Nationalism, Neo-socialism, far-right || 4.71% || {{Composition bar|16|340|hex=#964b00}} || {{no|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="028a0f" | || NIP || [[New Independence Party of Nagato|New Independence Party]] || Atarashī Dokuritsu Pāti || Yukari Shiratori || Genesi Sovereignty, right-wing || 0% || {{Composition bar|0|340|hex=#028a0f}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="50c878" | || GGP || [[Gondwana Green Party of Nagato|Gondwana Green Party]] || Gondwana Midori Pāti || Ami Shirō || Environmentalism, center to left-wing || 0% || {{Composition bar|0|340|hex=#50c878}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="bf40bf" | || SDPN || [[Social Democratic Party of Nagato]] || Nagato no Sōsharu Minshu-shugi Pāti || Micheal Okabe || Democratic Socialism, far-left || 0% || {{Composition bar|0|340|hex=#bf40bf}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffa500" | || SOSP || [[Haruhoe Suezohmezoh Party|Spreading Excitement All Over the World with Haruhoe Suezohmezoh Party]] || Haruhi Pāti || Natsumi Noriaki || Pro-Haruhoe Democracy, right-wing || 0% || {{Composition bar|0|340|hex=#ffa500}} || {{partial|Not elected}}
= [[Nisserige]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
Line 128 ⟶ 544:
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2019 Kyrloth General Election|2019]]2022)
! rowspan="2" | Status
Line 136 ⟶ 552:
! Seats
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="FF00002FA256" | || [[Soldiers'Nisser GuildGreen Party|TsruraxDie is'NjureiGrünes]] || Soldiers'Green GuildParty || [[SinterWendel Tass]]Peters || FascistCenter-left, ||Libertarian Agrarianism 46.15% || ''de36% jure''{{Composition bar|73|216|hex=#FF0000}} ''de facto''{{Composition bar|14545|216125|hex=#FF00002FA256}} || {{yes|Government}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="E11919" | || [[Nisser Labor Party|Die Roten]] || Labor Party || Helga Lorenz || Left-wing, Social democrat || 31.2% ||{{Composition bar|39|125|hex=#E11919}} || {{yes|Government}}
| style="background-color:#ff0000;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || width="1" bgcolor="ff2020" | || [[2019 Kireitan Provisional Election|Tsrurta Ketsántrat<br />Provisional Parties]]{{refn|group=n|name=Provisional Parties|MPs from the disputed [[2019 Kireitan Provisional Election]]. Although ''de jure'' these MPs caucus with their claimed parties, ''de facto'' they coalition with the Soldiers' Guild.}} || Prov. Guild<br />Prov. Socialists<br />Prov. Board<br />Prov. Council || Gen. Artun Sotarikos<br />Isara Aomera<br />Asanorre Laiuteras<br />Aruketa Paruna || Officially the same<br />as their parties,<br />''de facto'' Fascist || {{N/A}}{{refn|group=n|name=Provisional Election|The [[2019 Kireitan Provisional Election]] was internationally recognised as fraudulent; as such, no legitimate vote shares exist for the provisional parties.}} || {{Composition bar|34|216|hex=#ff4040}}{{Composition bar|25|216|hex=#ffa040}}{{Composition bar|7|216|hex=#40a040}}{{Composition bar|6|216|hex=#40a0ff}} || {{yes|Government}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="404040000000" | || [[TheBlack OppositionHat Party|InjaitaxDie Schwarzen Hüte]] || TheBlack OppositionHat Party || RunnerLeon is'VaaraKeller || AntiCenter-fascistright, conservatism || 45.9828% || {{Composition bar|7135|216125|hex=#404040000000}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| stylecolspan="background-color:#404040;border-top-style:hidden;2" width="1" | || width="1" bgcolor="ff8000929292" | || [[SocialistUnabhängige Party (Kyrloth)|Nutuxoldreita]] || Socialist PartyIndependents || Gull HughnyN/A || SocialistN/A || 224.158% || {{Composition bar|346|216125|hex=#ff8000929292}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| style="background-color:#404040;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || width="1" bgcolor="0080ff" | || Nju is'Sarkrei || Council of Scientists || Keras Qirat || Centre-left || 16.80% || {{Composition bar|26|216|hex=#0080ff}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| style="background-color:#404040;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || width="1" bgcolor="008000" | || Taxrei'a ko'Njurar is'Urata || Resource Control Board || Gull Hughny || Right-wing || 7.03% || {{Composition bar|11|216|hex=#008000}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
Line 164 ⟶ 577:
! Seats
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="9F00C5" | || [[NCP|Nasjonale Senterpartiet]] || National Centre Party || [[JohannaJohn Sverdrup]]Wilstan Vultz || Liberal conservaitsm, Libertarian-conservative || 35.78% ||{{Composition bar|215|600|hex=#9F00C5}} || {{yesno2|GovernmentOpposition}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="EE1400" | || Arbeiderpartiet || Labour Party || Wilhelm Kirkeland || Social democrat, Social royalism || 23.00% ||{{Composition bar|139|600|hex=#EE1400}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="ECFF16" | || LiberalnasjonalLiberale Nasjonale Partiet || Liberal National Party || Carl Agnar || Liberalism, Liberal centristnationalism || 14.70% ||{{Composition bar|88|600|hex=#ECFF16}} || {{yesno2|GovernmentOpposition}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="260EDB" | || [[AsatruUlvriktru Democrats|AsatruUlvriktru Demokratene]] || AsatruUlvriktru Democrats || Bjørn Varg || Royalistic Populism, Agrarian-conservative || 13.67% ||{{Composition bar|82|600|hex=#260EDB}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="955905" | || [[Fatherland Party|Fedrelands Partiet]] || Fatherland Party || Erik Vederveld || Nationalist || 8.54% ||{{Composition bar|51|600|hex=#955905}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="8D0D06" | || Folkets Arbeidernes Parti || People's Workers Party || Merli Cirivele || CommunistDemocratic Socialism || 4.24% ||{{Composition bar|25|600|hex=#8D0D06}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[VistaralandPhoenixia]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="23" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2020 Vistari General Election|2020]]2022)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Translated Name
! % of Reps.votes
! Seats
! Represntitives
| width="1" bgcolor=FF1AAA" | || Labor Party of Phoenixia || Renato Mattia || Social Democratic || TBD.X% || {{Composition bar|280|630|hex=#ff1a1a}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="0b5394FF9E10" | || RoyalPhoenixia ConservativeLiberal Democratic Party || [[AllardVeronica Baas]]Wasool || Centre-RightProgressive, Centrist || 25TBD.8X% || {{Composition bar|153120|592630|hex=#0b53940066cc}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="A4C2F4C62415" | || Liberal Progressive Party of Phoenixia || HeidiClaudio Mulder, Lukas VisserMorì || Centre-LeftProgressive || 20TBD.9X% || {{Composition bar|12436|592630|hex=#A4C2F4ff8000}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="f1c232674EA7" | || LibertarianNational PartyAlliance || Adelbert,Leoluca CountA. ofAmadeo Adelisia || Big TentConservatism, LibertarianPopulism || 17TBD.0X% || {{Composition bar|101120|592630|hex=#f1c2321a1a1a}} || {{yesno2|GovernmentOpposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="DD7D6B77C029" | || Cooperative Workers' PartyPlaceholder || Hessel TeulingPlaceholder || Social Democracy, Green PoliticsPlaceholder || 11TBD.8X% || {{Composition bar|7024|592630|hex=#DD7D6B71C029}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b4a7d6393939" | || New Democratic Ademarist PartyPlaceholder || Alwin HakePlaceholder || Right-Wing, Ademarist DemocracyPlaceholder || 8TBD.8X% || {{Composition bar|529|592630|hex=#b4a7d6A93930}} || {{yesno2|GovernmentOpposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="CCCCCC" | || Centre & Autonomy Party || Beatrix Lochte || Centrism || 4.1% || {{Composition bar|30|592|hex=#CCCCCC}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Pledonia]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
| width="1" bgcolor="FF9800" | || Popularists || Jacob Klaver || Left Wing Populism, Libertarian Socialism || 2.9% || {{Composition bar|17|592|hex=#FF9800}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election (2020)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
| width="1" bgcolor="3e5a73" | || Northern Movement || Aksel Berg || Noorvistian Nationalism, Social Democracy || 1.7% || {{Composition bar|10|592|hex=#3e5a73}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
! Translated
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="0897E4" | || Demokratisk Frihetsparti || Democratic Freedom Party || Lukas Gronseth || Democratic Socialist || 44.5% || {{Composition bar|137|300|hex=#0897E4}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF9E16" | || Pledonske Bondepartiet || Pledonian Agrarian Party || Jens Hauge || Agarian Conservative, Centrist || 21.7% || {{Composition bar|67|300|hex=#FF9E16}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="C62415" | || Folkets Samlingsparti || People's Unity Party || Svend Haugen || Social Democrats || 15.32% || {{Composition bar|47|300|hex=#C62415}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="674EA7" | || Ulvriktru Enhet Bevegelse || Ulvriktru Unity Movement || Marion Aalvik || Ulvriktru Conservatism || 8.4% || {{Composition bar|25|300|hex=#674EA7}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="77C029" | || Miljø Ligaen || Environmentalist League || Amanda Evensen || Green Politics || 7.97% || {{Composition bar|24|300|hex=#77C029}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="393939" | || Jernfronten for Plendonlandr || Iron Front of Pledonia || Christer Aglen || Vestravan Pan-Nationalism, Fascist || 2.1% || {{Composition bar|0|300|hex=#393939}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= Suvani SR =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! rowspan="2" | Seats in <br /> the Workers <br /> Assembly
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Translated
| width="1" bgcolor="FFE598" | || Vlassar Electoral Party || Pieter Boekhondt || Vlassar Nationalism, Left-Wing || 1.4% || {{Composition bar|8|592|hex=#FFE598}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="E69038#bd0231" | || ValrikianSuvanigiin PartyKommunist Nam || AdanSuvani SantanaCommunist Party || ValerosanDashiin &Jasrai Valrikian|| NationalismSuvani Marxism, RightCommunism, Wing ||Cultural 1.2%Centralism || {{Composition bar|744|592160|hex=#E69038bd0231}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="8E7CC3c25921" | || AdemarArdchilsan Ardyn Nam || Democratic People's WillParty || ArendOkin AchenMaral || FarLeft RightPopulism, ClericalSocial FascismDemocracy, ||Cultural <0.1%Centralism || {{Composition bar|327|592160|hex=#8E7CC3c25921}} || {{no2Partial|Opposition}} (''de jure'')
| width="1" bgcolor="9141417E2811"| || Avral Ba Khodolmoriin Front || SalovianSalvation Partyand ofLabour K'undzetiFront || MikhailKokhir ZeteliAchens || SalovianCentrist NationalismMarxism, Centre-RightPansuvanism, ||Socialist <0.1%Unity || {{Composition bar|322|592160|hex=#9141417E2811}} || {{no2yes2|OppositionSupport}}
| width="1" bgcolor="B6D7A8A45A52" | || ZetianSuvani LiberationSotsialist PartyKhodoo Aj Akhuin Blok || UtomoSuvani Socialist Agricultural Bloc Kiademak|| ZetianChinua NationalismKhulan || Suvani Marxism, LeftAgrarian WingSocialism, ||Left <0.1%Populism || {{Composition bar|314|592160|hex=#B6D7A8A45A52}} || {{no2yes2|OppositionSupport}}
| width="1" bgcolor="A61B00ab2b69" | || RevolutionaryKapitalistyn LabourEsreg PartyKhuvisgalt Uil Ajillagaa || LaurentAnti-Capitalist FranzenRevolutionary Action || Communism,Sholban Baatar Anti-Monarchy|| <0.1%Suvani Marxism, Militarism, Social Conservatism || {{Composition bar|212|592160|hex=#A61B00ab2b69}} || {{no2yes2|OppositionSupport}}
| width="1" bgcolor="6AA84Ee8bb61" | || VorpestianSotsialist IndependantArdchilsan CoalitionAlityernativ || EliasAlternative Cassarfor Socialist Democracy || VorpestianBorte Nationalism,Chakha Big Tent|| <0.1%Democratic Socialism, Liberal Socialism, Anti-Communism || {{Composition bar|210|592160|hex=#6AA84Ee8bb61}} || {{no2no|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="000000960018" | || KolonitalAdyelisiin NationalKommunist FrontierKhuizit Nam || HaarhoffCommunist BrouwerHuizite Party of Adelisia || KolonitalAltan VistariKhertek Nationalism|| Suvani Marxism, FarSuvani RightUnionism, Huizitism || <0.1%''Adelisian Seats'' {{Composition bar|9|15|hex=#7E2811}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|29|592160|hex=#0000007E2811}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="F7B16B46664b" | || FreeAtyeist ChibilabaArdchilsan Kommunist Nam || PhilaSecular BenguDemocratic Communist Party || GondwananPeljidiin Nationalism, Left WingMonkbat || <0.1%Suvani Marxism, Secularism, Neo-Progressism || {{Composition bar|28|592160|hex=#F7B16B46664b}} || {{no2yes2|OppositionSupport}}
| width="1" bgcolor="D1E0E3636cb8" | || ValerijkSuvani IndependenceArdyn PartyShinechleliin Klub || ErwinSuvani RosenveltPeople's Reform Club || ValrijkianEllis NationalismOrdai || Social Democracy, CentreAnti-LeftCommunism, ||Social <0.1%Liberalism || {{Composition bar|24|592160|hex=#D1E0E3636cb8}} || {{no2no|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="F9CB9C" | || Native Bloc || Jan Begaye || Kayrentian Nationalism, Left Wing || <0.1% || {{Composition bar|1|592|hex=#F9CB9C}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[MeaghariaTuvaltastan]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
Line 239 ⟶ 689:
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2020October Meagharian Election]]2021)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Translated
! % of votes
! % of Seats in [[Centurion's Assembly]]
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="028A0F4385F1" | || [[Páirtí Aontacht]]Saerto! || Unity PartyCommonality! || [[NathanielIvan O'Fahr]]Eratishvili || [[Meagharism#Burnsidism|Burnsidism]]Center-left || 3743.3823% || {{Composition bar|150281|250650|hex=#028A0F4385F1}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF0000a4243b" | || [[Páirtí Radacach]]Didieli || RadicalGrand PartyOl' || [[SpadlinVictor O'Perre]]Alikhidze || [[Meagharism#Marxism-Meagharism|MarxismCentre-Meagharism]]right || 3427.7608% || {{Composition bar|50176|250650|hex=#FF0000a4243b}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7AD7FO46BDC6" | || [[PáirtíDidi Neamhchiontach]]Satuvamalt'aivelo || InnocenceGrand PartyTuvaltastan || [[MaryPelits'a McKinley]]Enikhishvili || Single IssuePopulism || 617.6885% || {{Composition bar|50116|250650|hex=#7AD7FO46BDC6}} || {{no2yes|OppositionGovernment}}
| width="1" bgcolor="AAF683" | || Mts'vane || Green || Yurev Khaliveniuri || Green politics || 4.00% || {{Composition bar|26|650|hex=#AAF683}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="A17C6B" | || Akhali Salovelo || New Salovia || Hulla Gheridze || Neo-nationalist || 4.00% || {{Composition bar|26|650|hex=#A17C6B}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="674EA7" | || Erovnuli Kveshiuli || National Underground || Azioli Meghredze || Nationalist Kveshi || 3.38% || {{Composition bar|22|650|hex=#674EA7}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FFFF00" | || Other || N/A || N/A || Libertarian || 0.46% || {{Composition bar|3|650|hex=#FFFF00}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Vessarlian]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="2" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="3" | Last election ([[2021 Vessarlan General Election|2021]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="3" | Name
! Chamber of Reps % of votes
! Chamber of Reps Seats
! Chamber of Dels Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="E80005" | || [[VES Democratic Socialists|Union of Democratic Socialists]] || [[Roderick Lockwood]] || Left wing || 33.1% || {{Composition bar|201|461|hex=#E80005}} || {{Composition bar|262|700|hex=#E80005}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="311CD3" | || [[VES Conservatives|Conservative Party]] || [[Jason McDonough]] || Right wing || 15.3% || {{Composition bar|73|461|hex=#311CD3}} || {{Composition bar|128|700|hex=#311CD3}} ||{{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="46EF1F" | || [[VES Greens|Green Party]] || [[Gabriel Dobbs]] || Green Politics || 12.9% || {{Composition bar|50|461|hex=#46EF1F}} || {{Composition bar|82|700|hex=#46EF1F}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="A5071A" | || [[VES Communists|Communist People's Party]] || [[Sylva Rosala]] || Marxism, Anti-Monarchy || 11.9% || {{Composition bar|45|461|hex=#A5071A}} || {{Composition bar|61|700|hex=#A5071A}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="D5DD2A" | || [[VES Libertarians|Libertarian Party]] || [[Nancy Rogers]] || Libertarianism || 7.7% || {{Composition bar|31|461|hex=#D5DD2A}} || {{Composition bar|60|700|hex=#D5DD2A}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="000000" | || [[VES Monarchists|Monarchist Party]] || [[Alois Rosala]] || Monarchism, Nationalism || 8.9% || {{Composition bar|31|461|hex=#000000}} || {{Composition bar|49|700|hex=#000000}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="CC31C4" | || [[VES Nationalists|Vessarlan National Party]] || [[Oliver Hawkes]] || Nationalism, Far Right || 6.9% || {{Composition bar|19|461|hex=#CC31C4}} || {{Composition bar|44|700|hex=#CC31C4}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="6BF0F7" | || [[Illiath Independence Party]] || [[Fletcher Von Euler]] || Illiath Nationalism, Centre-left || 3.3% || {{Composition bar|11|461|hex=#6BF0F7}} || {{Composition bar|14|700|hex=#6BF0F7}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Vistaraland]] =
<div style="overflow: auto;">
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:50px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" style="width:60px;"| Political position
! rowspan="2" | Ideology
! colspan="3" | Last election ([[2020 Vistari General Election|2020]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Party name
! Translated
! style="width:20px;"| Reps %
! Representatives
! Lord-Advisors
| width="1" bgcolor="0b5394" | || Keizerlijke Conservatieve Partij || Imperial Conservative Party || [[Allard Baas]] || [[w:Centre-right_politics|Centre-right]] to [[w:Right-wing politics|right-wing]] || [[w:Conservatism|Conservatism]], <br /> [[Royalistic Populism|Royalistic populism]], <br /> [[w:Liberal conservatism|Liberal conservatism]] ||align=center| 14.86% || {{Composition bar|148|996|hex=#0b5394}} || {{Composition bar|27|112|hex=#0b5394}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="f1c232" | || Libertarische Partij || Libertarian Party || Adelbert van Edalavia || [[w:Centrism|Centre]] to [[w:Centre-right_politics|centre-right]] ||[[w:Right-libertarianism|Libertarianism]], <br /> ''[[w:Laissez-faire|Laissez-faire]]'', <br /> [[w:Classical liberalism|Classical liberalism]] ||align=center| 10.34% || {{Composition bar|103|996|hex=#f1c232}} || {{Composition bar|19|112|hex=#f1c232}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a4c2f4" | || Burgerlijke Liberale Partij || Civic Liberal Party || Heidi Mulder || [[w:Centrism|Centre]] to [[w:Centre-left_politics|centre-left]] || [[w:Liberalism|Liberalism]], <br /> [[w:Neoliberalism|Neoliberalism]], <br /> [[w:Unionism#Politics|Vistari unionism]] ||align=center| 10.14% || {{Composition bar|101|996|hex=#a4c2f4}} || {{Composition bar|12|112|hex=#a4c2f4}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="dd7e6b" | || Coöperatieve Arbeiderspartij || Cooperative Worker's Party || Hessel Teuling || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] to [[w:Left-wing_politics|left-wing]] || [[w:Social_democracy|Social democracy]], <br /> [[w:Labor_rights|Employment rights]], <br /> [[w:Cooperative|Co-operatism]] ||align=center| 9.54% || {{Composition bar|95|996|hex=#dd7e6b}} || {{Composition bar|11|112|hex=#dd7e6b}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="46bdc6" | || Vooruitgang en Vrijheid || Progress and Liberty || Lisanne Scholten || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] || [[w:Social liberalism|Social liberalism]], <br /> [[w:Progressivism|Progressivism]], <br /> [[w:Third Way|Third way]] ||align=center| 7.83% || {{Composition bar|78|996|hex=#46bdc6}} || {{Composition bar|5|112|hex=#46bdc6}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="1155cc" | || Burgerlijke Unionistische Partij || Civic Unionist Party || Wil-Jan Hakket || [[w:Centrism|Centre]] to [[w:Centre-right_politics|centre-right]] || [[w:Conservative_liberalism|Conservative liberalism]], <br /> [[w:Unionism#Politics|Vistari unionism]], <br /> [[w:Economic liberalism|Economic liberalism]] ||align=center| 6.63% || {{Composition bar|66|996|hex=#1155cc}} || {{Composition bar|7|112|hex=#1155cc}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="cc4125" | || Socialistische Oorzaak || Socialist Cause || Klaas Hofte || [[w:Left-wing_politics|Left-wing]] || [[w:Democratic_socialism|Democratic socialism]], <br /> [[w:Trade_union|Trade unionism]], <br /> [[w:Scientific socialism|Scientific socialism]] ||align=center| 4.62% || {{Composition bar|46|996|hex=#cc4125}} || {{Composition bar|4|112|hex=#cc4125}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="8961b9" | || Moreel Ademaristisch Centrum || Moral Ademarist Centre || Marijne Luppe
||[[w:Centre-right_politics|Centre-right]] || [[Ademarism|Ademarist democracy]], <br /> [[w:Social_conservatism|Social conservatism]], <br /> [[w:Constitutional monarchy|Constitutional monarchism]] ||align=center| 4.22% || {{Composition bar|42|996|hex=#8961b9}} || {{Composition bar|4|112|hex=#8961b9}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="d5a6bd" | || Ademaristisch Sociale Partij || Ademarist Social Party || Florens Kiefhorst || ''Fiscal:'' [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] <br /> ''Social:'' [[w:Centre-right_politics|Centre-right]] || [[Ademarism|Ademarist]] [[w:Left-wing politics|left]], <br /> [[w:Distributism|Distributism]], <br /> [[w:Social_conservatism|Social conservatism]] ||align=center| 3.92% || {{Composition bar|39|996|hex=#d5a6bd}} || {{Composition bar|2|112|hex=#d5a6bd}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b4a7d6" | || Nieuwe Democratische Vieristische Partij || New Democratic Vierist Party || Alwin Hake || [[w:Right-wing politics|Right-wing]] || [[Vierism|Vierist democracy]], <br /> [[w:Right-wing_populism|National populism]], <br /> [[w:Protectionism|Protectionism]] ||align=center| 3.15% || {{Composition bar|31|996|hex=#b4a7d6}} || {{Composition bar|4|112|hex=#b4a7d6}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a2c4c9" | || Rationele Vereniging || Rational Association || Jolijn Adkin || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] to [[w:Left-wing_politics|left-wing]] || [[Army of Progress#History of the AoP|Progressism]], <br /> [[w:Secularism|Secularism]], <br /> [[w:Social_democracy|Social democracy]] ||align=center| 2.51% ||{{Composition bar|25|996|hex=#a2c4c9}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ff9900" | || Populairisten || Popularists || Jakob Klaver || [[w:Left-wing_politics|Left-wing]] to [[w:Far-left politics|far-left]] || [[w:Libertarian_socialism|Libertarian socialism]], <br /> [[w:Left-wing_populism|Left populism]], <br /> [[w:Republicanism|Republicanism]] ||align=center| 2.21% || {{Composition bar|22|996|hex=#ff9900}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b7b7b7" | || Centrum En Autonomie Partij || Centre and Autonomy Party || Beatrix Lochte || [[w:Centrism|Centre]] || [[w:Centrism|Centrism]], <br /> [[w:Localism_(politics)|Localism]], <br /> [[w:Electoral_reform|Reformism]] ||align=center| 2.11% ||{{Composition bar|21|996|hex=#b7b7b7}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b6d7a8" | || Voor Een Betere Aarde|| For a Better Urth || Pieter-Adje Weitkamp || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] to [[w:Left-wing_politics|left-wing]] || [[w:Green politics|Green politics]], <br /> [[w:Social_democracy|Social democracy]], <br /> [[w:Eco-socialism|Eco-socialism]] ||align=center| 1.91% ||{{Composition bar|19|996|hex=#b6d7a8}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffd966" | || Nationale Liberale Alliantie Partij || National Liberal Alliance Party || Mareike Verduijn || [[w:Right-wing_politics|Right-wing]] || [[w:National_liberalism|National liberalism]], <br /> [[w:Libertarian_conservatism|Libertarian conservatism]], <br /> [[w:Corporatocracy|Mercantarianism]] ||align=center| 1.61% ||{{Composition bar|17|996|hex=#ffd966}} ||{{Composition bar|1|112|hex=#ffd966}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="45818e" | || Kayrenter-Icxiotalan Alliantie || Kayrent-Icxiotal Alliance || Jan Begaye || [[w:Left-wing_politics|Left-wing]] || [[w:Municipal socialism|Municipal socialism]], <br /> [[Arcturia|Arcturian]] [[w:Indigenism|Native rights]], <br /> [[w:Left-wing_nationalism|Social nationalism]] ||align=center| 1.41% ||''Valrijkian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|14|360|hex=#45818e}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|14|996|hex=#45818e}} ||''Valrijkian Lords'' {{Composition bar|1|30|hex=#45818e}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|1|112|hex=#45818e}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="073763" | || Noordelijke Beweging || Northern Movement || Aksel Berg || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] || Noorvistian [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]], [[w:Regionalism_(politics)|Regionalism]] <br /> [[w:Social_democracy|Social democracy]] ||align=center| 1.31% ||''Noorvistian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|13|120|hex=#073763}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|13|996|hex=#073763}} ||''Noorvistian Lords'' {{Composition bar|2|10|hex=#073763}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|2|112|hex=#073763}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="ffe599" | || Unie van de Vlassar-Kiezers || Vlassar Electoral Union || Pieter Boekhondt || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] to [[w:Left-wing_politics|left-wing]] || [[Vlas Isles|Vlassar]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]], <br /> [[w:Liberal_socialism|Liberal socialism]], <br /> [[Vlas Isles|Vlassar]] [[W:Secessionism|independence]] ||align=center| 1.20% ||''Vlassar <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|12|48|hex=#ffe599}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|12|996|hex=#ffe599}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a2c4c9" | || Partij voor de Valerijk Onafhankelijkheid || Valerijk Independence Party || Erwin Rosenvelt || [[w:Centrism|Centre]] to [[w:Centre-left_politics|centre-left]] || [[Valerijk|Valrijkian]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] <br /> [[w:Social_liberalism|Social liberalism]] || 0.90% ||align=left|''Valrijkian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|9|360|hex=#a2c4c9}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|9|996|hex=#a2c4c9}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="999999" | || Viktoristische Volkspartij || Viktorist People's Party || Leif Hedström || [[w:Centre-right_politics|Centre-right]] to [[w:Right-wing politics|right-wing]] || [[Viktorism|Viktorist]] [[w:Conservatism#Religious_conservatism|conservatism]] <br /> [[w:Agrarianism|Agrarian]] [[w:Populism|populism]] || 0.80% ||align=left|{{Composition bar|8|996|hex=#999999}} ||align=left|{{Composition bar|1|112|hex=#999999}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7082c4" | || Traditionele Royalisten || Traditional Royalists || Jan-Willem Scherphof || [[w:Right-wing_politics|Right-wing]] to [[w:Far-Right_politics|far-right]] || [[w:Monarchism|Monarchism]] <br /> [[w:Economic_nationalism|Economic nationalism]] || 0.80% ||align=left|{{Composition bar|8|996|hex=#7082c4}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a7331b" | || Socialistische Democratische Boerenpartij || Socialist Democratic Farmer's Party || Karl Alsteen || [[w:Left-wing_politics|Left-wing]] to [[w:Far-left_politics|far-left]] || [[w:Communism|Communism]] <br /> [[w:Agrarian socialism|Agrarian socialism]] || 0.70% ||align=left|{{Composition bar|7|996|hex=#a7331b}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a66726" | || Vrije Democraten van Valerijk || Free Democrats of Valerijk || Adan Santana || [[w:Right-wing_politics|Right-wing]] || [[w:Agrarianism|Agrarian]] [[w:Conservatism|conservatism]] <br /> [[w:Right-wing populism|National populism]] || 0.70% ||align=left|''Valrijkian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|7|360|hex=#a66726}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|7|996|hex=#a66726}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="674ea7" | || Wil Van Ademar || Will of Ademar || Arend Achen || [[w:Far-right_politics|Far-right]] || [[Ademarism|Ademarist]] [[w:Religious_nationalism|nationalism]] <br /> [[w:Clerical_fascism|Clerical fascism]] || 0.60% || align=left|{{Composition bar|6|996|hex=#674ea7}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="000000" | || Kolonitaal Front National || Kolonital National Frontier || Haarhoff Brouwer || [[w:Far-right_politics|Far-right]] || [[w:Afrikaner_nationalism|Kolonital nationalism]] <br /> [[w:Apartheid|Segregationism]] || 0.60% || align=left|''N. Gondwanan <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|6|96|hex=#000000}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|6|996|hex=#000000}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="d7a200" | || Mensen van Valerosa || People of Valerosa || Rafael Viedma || [[w:Right-wing_politics|Right-wing]] to [[w:Far-right_politics|far-right]] || [[w:Right-wing populism|National populism]] <br /> [[Valerijk|Valerosan]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] || 0.50% ||align=left|''Valrijkian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|5|360|hex=#d7a200}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|5|996|hex=#d7a200}} || align=left|''Valrijkian Lords'' {{Composition bar|1|30|hex=#d7a200}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|1|112|hex=#d7a200}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="c8843c" | || Chibilaba Bevrijding || Free Chibilaba || Phila Bengu || [[w:Far-left_politics|Far-left]] || [[w:Communism|Communism]] <br /> [[w:Anti-imperialism|Anti-imperialism]] || 0.50% || align=left|''N. Gondwanan <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|5|96|hex=#c8843c}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|5|996|hex=#c8843c}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="93c47d" | || Zetian Bevrijdingspartij || Zetian Liberation Party || Utomo Kiaidemak || [[w:Centre-left_politics|Centre-left]] to [[w:Left-wing_politics|left-wing]] || [[K'undzeti|Zetian]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] <br /> [[w:Democratic_socialism|Democratic socialism]] || 0.50% || align=left|''West Pacific <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|5|48|hex=#93c47d}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|5|996|hex=#93c47d}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="6aa84f" | || Onafhankelijke Coalitie van Vorpest || Vorpestian Independent Coalition || Elias Cassar || [[w:Big tent|Big tent]] || [[Vorpest|Vorpestian]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] <br /> [[w:Anti-imperialism|Anti-imperialism]] || 0.40% || align=left|''Vorpestian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|4|24|hex=#6aa84f}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#6aa84f}} || ''Vorpestian <br> Lords'' {{Composition bar|1|2|hex=#6aa84f}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|1|112|hex=#6aa84f}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="660000" | || Verkohistisch Eenheidsfront || Verk'ohist Unity Front || Utomo Kiaidemak || [[w:Right-wing_politics|Right-wing]] || [[Verk'ohism|Verk'ohist democracy]] <br /> [[Salovia|Pan-Salovianism]] || 0.40% || align=left|''West Pacific <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|4|48|hex=#660000}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#660000}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="073763" | || Noorvic Nationale Democratische Unie || Noorvic National Democratic Union || Gerald Olander || [[w:Right-wing_politics|Right-wing]] to [[w:Far-right_politics|far-right]] || Noorvic [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] <br /> [[w:Seperatism|Noorvistian]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] || 0.40% || align=left|''Noorvistian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|4|120|hex=#68698b}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#68698b}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="98f18b" | || Collectieve Organisatie voor een Ontwapend Tijdperk || Collective Organization of a Disarmed Era || Marysa Katerman || [[w:Centrism|Centre]] to [[w:Centre-left_politics|centre-left]] || [[w:Nuclear disarmament|Nuclear disarmament]] <br /> [[w:Pacifism|Pacifism]] || 0.40% ||align=left|{{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#98f18b}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="405067" | || Nationale Rijksorde || National Rijk Prerogative || Reinout Velnaar || [[w:Far-Right_politics|Far-right]] || [[w:Hereditary_monarchy|Hereditary]] [[w:Monarchism|monarchism]] <br /> [[w:Irredentism|Reconciliationism]] || 0.40% ||align=left| {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#405067}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="85200c" | || Partij van de Revolutionaire Hamer || Party of the Revolutionary Hammer || Laurent Franzen || [[w:Far-Left_politics|Far-left]] || [[w:Industrialisation|Industrial]] [[w:Communism|communism]] <br /> [[w:Anti-revisionism|Anti-revisionism]] || 0.40% ||align=left| {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#85200c}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a4723e" | || Vistari Nationale Defensie Partij || Vistari National Defence Party || Rik-Jan Schuite || [[w:Far-Right_politics|Far-right]] || [[Hirdism]] <br /> [[w:National syndicalism|Vistari fascism]] || 0.40% ||align=left| {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#a4723e}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="511919" | || Front voor Radicale Actie || Front for Radical Action || Ivette Bailen || [[w:Far-Left_politics|Far-left]] || [[w:Classical Marxism|Classical Marxism]] <br /> [[w:Syndicalism|Syndicalism]] || 0.40% ||align=left| {{Composition bar|4|996|hex=#511919}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b45f06" | || Valrijks Vrijheidsliga || Valrikan Freedom League || Reyes Llansana || [[w:Far-right_politics|Far-right]] || [[w:Agrarianism|Agrarian]] [[w:Conservatism|conservatism]] <br /> [[Valerijk|Valrikan]] [[w:Nationalism|nationalism]] || 0.30% ||align=left|''Valrijkian <br> Representatives'' {{Composition bar|3|360|hex=#b45f06}} ''Total'' {{Composition bar|3|996|hex=#b45f06}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="d62387" | || Keizerlijk Revolutionair Blok || Imperial Revolutionary Bloc || Thys Scholtz || [[w:Syncretic politics|Syncreic]] || [[Scholtzism]] <br /> Monarcho-socialism || 0.20% ||align=left| {{Composition bar|2|996|hex=#d62387}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a79481" | || Wilfred Reanimatie Society || Wilfred Reanimation Society || Jurren Wolberink || {{n/a}} || [[w:Political satire|Satirical party]] <br /> [[w:Anti-austerity movement|Anti-austerity]] <br /> [[w:Populism|Populism]] ||align=center| 0.20% || {{Composition bar|2|996|hex=#a79481}} || {{n/a}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Vothetria]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2021 Vothetrian General Election|2021]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Translated
! % of Union Council
! Union Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="32245F" |  || Vöhmian Arbeiterpartei || [[Vothetrian Workers' Party]] || [[Clauzia Sarohart]] || Right-wing conservatism || 54.56% || {{Composition bar|227|416|hex=#a090d5}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF3366" | || Vöhmian Gewerkschaftspartei || Vothetrian Labour Union Party || [[Carla Schmidt]] || Left-wing social democracy || 42.06% || {{Composition bar|175|416|hex=#FF3366}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="cc7a00" | || Vöhmian Unionistischepartei || Vothetrian Unionist Party || [[Ana Nreitz]] || Centre-right libertarianism || 3.36% || {{Composition bar|14|416|hex=#cc7a00}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= Western Provinces =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! colspan="2" | Political position
! colspan="2" | Last election (2020)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Acronym
! Name
! Alignment
! Ideology
! % of Seats
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="C55A11" | || VUP || Vistari Unionist Party || Milan Fisher || Vistarophile || Ademarist Democrat, Centre-Right || 28.9% || {{Composition bar|26|90|hex=#C55A11}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="016064"| || OVP / TTAN || Independent People's Party || Alexandre Tresnev || Sovereigntist || Right-Wing Populism, Republicanism || 21.1% || {{Composition bar|19|90|hex=#016064}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FCAA18" | || CLP / ÜKLN || Constitutional Liberal Party || Aisha Umar || Constitutionalist || Social Liberalism, Third Way || 20% || {{Composition bar|18|90|hex=#FCAA18}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="68BB59" | || GGD / NDA || Greenwave Democrats || William Barati || Constitutionalist || Green Politics, Social Democracy || 13.3% || {{Composition bar|12|90|hex=#68BB59}} || {{yes2|Confidence & Supply}}
| width="1" bgcolor="3F3F4E" | || ZK / KZ || Black Cross || Matthias Abdulin || Sovereigntist || Provincian Nationalism, Symphic Identity || 6.7%|| {{Composition bar|6|90|hex=#3F3F4E}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF5349" | || OK / DNDE || Upturn || Bart Hoffman || Sovereigntist || Left-Wing Populism, Market Socialism || 4.4%|| {{Composition bar|4|90|hex=#FF5349}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7E2811" | || ABKF || Salvation and Labour Front || Kokhir Achens || Pansuvanist || Centrist Marxism, Socialism || 3.3%|| {{Composition bar|3|90|hex=#7E2811}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="7A4988" | || SENN || Suvan Unity Party|| Amar Yusul || Pansuvanist || Traditional Conservatism || 2.2% || {{Composition bar|2|90|hex=#7A4988}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[West Borean Federation]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="4" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election ([[2021 West Borean General Election|2021]])
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="3" | Name
! Translated
! % of votes
! Seats
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="404040" | || [[The Opposition|Injaitax]] || The Opposition || Runner is'Vaara || Anti-fascist || 64.35%{{refn|group=n|name=RCBleft|During the 2021 election, the Resource Control Board was a constituent party of The Opposition, however they left this alliance on 16 April 2022.}} || {{Composition bar|193|288|hex=#404040}}|| {{yes|Government}}
| style="background-color:#404040;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || width="1" bgcolor="ff8000" | || [[Socialist Party (West Borea)|Nutuxoldreita]] || Socialist Party || Gull Hughny || Socialist || 34.51% || {{Composition bar|104|288|hex=#ff8000}} || {{yes|Government}}
| style="background-color:#404040;border-top-style:hidden;" width="1" | || width="1" bgcolor="0080ff" | || [[Council of Socialists|Nju is'Sarkrei]] || Council of Scientists || Keras Qirat || Centre-left || 13.12% || {{Composition bar|39|288|hex=#0080ff}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF0000" | || colspan=2 | [[Soldiers' Guild|Tsrurax is'Njurei]] || Soldiers' Guild || [[Sinter Tass]] || Fascist || 27.15% || {{Composition bar|81|288|hex=#FF0000}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="008000" | || colspan=2 | [[Resource Control Board|Taxrei'a ko'Njurar is'Urata]] || Resource Control Board || Gull Hughny || Right-wing || 16.72% || {{Composition bar|50|288|hex=#008000}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="b22222" | || colspan=2 | [[Elerist Popular Front|Dzhurizarha Horlata Elerit]] || Elerist Popular Front || Asatarhadia Mira || Communist ([[Keri Eler|Elerist]]) || 4.13% || {{Composition bar|12|288|hex=#b22222}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="a3e4ff" | || colspan=2 | [[For King and Country|Kuninkaan ja Maan Puolesta]] || For King and Country || Mastirei I || Monarchist || 1.64% || {{Composition bar|2|288|hex=#a3e4ff}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= Notes =
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