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Volkia is a federation comprised of 26 provinces and a [[Volkgoroda|federal city]]. Provinces are further divided into districts while the federal city of [[Volkgoroda]] is divided into wards for administrative purposes.
The country's 26 provinces, known as (''oblasts'',) are the principal political divisions. Each province holds jurisdiction over a defined geographic territory and shares sovereignty with the [[Federal government of Volkia|federal government]]. They are subdivided into districts, known as (''raions'',) and further divided into municipalities. ProvincesGenerally arespeaking givenVolkia can be grouped into three regions: [[Northern Volkia]], [[Southern Volkia]], and [[Western Volkia]]. Provinces have certain rights and obligations that are defined in the [[Constitution of Volkia|Volkian constitution]].
Provinces are afforded all power not delegated to the federal government in accordance with the constitution and may freely organize their local governments and ratify their own constitutions. Each province also owns and maintains their own natural and financial resources, though the federal government does own land and resources in each province; this amount varies across the provinces. Each province has a bicameral legislature, organized in a similar fashion to the federal legislature.
The constitution mandates that the provinces must maintain a representative, republican style of government and obey the constitution. Provinces may not unilaterally secede from the federation and they must remain subordinate to the federal government. Provinces are also not allowed to make war, engage in their own foreign relations, or print and issue currency.
====Federal City====
There is one city designated as a {{Wp|federal city}} in Volkia, which is the federal capital of [[Volkgoroda]]. The city is officially known as the "Federal City of Volkgoroda," and is located within [[Volkgoroda Oblast]]. As most municipalities in Volkia fall within a district, Volkgoroda is considered to be an {{Wp|independent city}} and is equivalent in status and function of a district. It is further subdivided into wards (''kupe'').
===Federal City===
Provinces hold all power not delegated to the federal government according to the [[Constitution of Volkia|Constitution]], though it mandates several requirements the provinces must obey. This means that they must have a representative, republican style of government, obey the Constitution, as well as remain subordinate to the federal government. They are not allowed to unilaterally secede from the federation. Beyond this, they are fully autonomous: they ratify their own constitutions, freely organize their local governments (in accordance with the Constitution), and own and manage their own natural and financial resources. Every province has a bicameral legislature, similar to that of the federal legislature.
[[File:Volkia Province Names.png|left|frameless|648x648px|alt=]]
