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Over the course of several more rounds of negotiations between the various states called the Councils of Zalica, held between 1800 and 1803, a treaty was negotiated that would admit the remaining South Ethalrian states to the Principality of South Ethalria, and then change the Principality to a Republic under the name Asilica. The treaty was signed by all parties in 1803, but would not become effective unless ratified by the population in a referendum. Notably for the era, suffrage in the vote was extended to all adult men, regardless of landowning status. The referendum occurred in December of 1803, and the votes were counted and declared official on January 22nd, 1804. Today, this is celebrated as the date the Republic was founded.
Later in 1804, a Constitutional Convention replaced the Treaty of Zalica with the Constitution of the Republic of Asilica, which declared that the former states had ceased to be independent and had all been subsumed and replaced with the Republic. However, the borders of the former states were preserved as cantons, the first-level division of the country. The 2022 cantons that existed in 1804 still exist today, however in 1978, the government separated the cities of Asilica and Sugen from their cantons and made them "canton-level municipalities" with the same status and authority under the law as cantons. The Constitution of 1804 also renamed the City of Zalica to "the City of Asilica" and the language Sudethalnische to ''Asilican''.
===Contemporary History===
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The Grand Council has 300 seats and, like in most parliamentary systems, is the more powerful of the two houses. Under the law, the government must command the confidence of a majority of the Grand Council, and the Chancellor and other Ministers of State are drawn from its membership. The Grand Council is elected in a party list proportional representation system with multi-member districts. Since the passage of a constitutional referendum in 2016, the law has fixed the term of a Grand Council to four years, with elections occurring on the third Wednesday in April, unless the government loses a vote of confidence in the Grand Council. Prior to 2016, the Chancellor could call for snap elections at any time. In the event that an early election must be called because of a no-confidence vote, that Grand Council may only serve until the next regularly scheduled election, unless the early election occurs less than one year prior to the next regularly scheduled election.
The Senate is an indirectly elected body with 78 members elected by the legislatures of Asilica's twenty-two cantons and two canton-level municipalities, the City of Asilica and the City of Sugen. Each canton receives a number of senators based on its population. Sugen Canton (which is distinct from the City of Sugen) has five senators, whereas the smallest canton, Putèr, has two. The number of senators is changed upon every census to account for population shifts, and the law specifies that there can be no fewer than 70 nor more than 80 senators. The Senate is only a deliberative body, designed to ensure that regional considerations are always heard during the legislative process, and has no power to halt legislation passed by the Grand Council. Officially, a new Senate is appointed every time there is an election for members of the Grand Council. However, senators are often re-appointed from one Senate to the next, and many choose to resign and are replaced in the middle of their terms, so in practice the membership of the Senate is not strictly linked to terms of the Grand Council.
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[[File:Christian_Wulff_Cropped.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Jörg Renatsch, the current President of the Republic of Asilica]]
The President of the Republic of Asilica is the country's Head of State. The President is elected by popular vote to a term of eight years and cannot be re-elected. Candidates are nominated by the National Assembly meeting in joint session, where the Grand Council and the Senate meet as one unified body. Any political party that has representation in the National Assembly may nominate a candidate, but in order to be placed on the ballot, a candidate must receive at least 20% of the vote from the joint session. Additionally, a candidate may be nominated for the Presidency by the people directly, via a petition signed by at least 3% of the population of the country from at least eight out of the twenty-twofour cantons and canton-level municipalities. If no candidate for President achieves a majority in the election, there is a runoff 30 days later with only the top-two vote receivers. While candidates are nominated by political parties, they are listed as non-partisan on the ballot and are required to renounce all party affiliation in order to assume office.
There have been 27 Presidents of the Republic of Asilica. The incumbent, Jörg Renatsch, was elected on January 30th, 2020.
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[[File:SerraGeralI.jpg|right|thumb|300px|The fertile northern highlands in Putèr Canton]]
[[File:Asilica cantons.png|left|thumb|400px|A map of the 2224 cantons and canton-level municipalities of Asilica.]]
Asilica is a geographically diverse country, with coastal lowlands near the sea giving rise to relatively higher elevations further north, known as the "hill country." Two of the country's largest cities, Asilica and Sugen, are on the sea. Asilica, the capital, has a metro area population of approximately 5.5 million, which is over a third of the country's population. The Sugen metropolitan area is home to another 3 million people, meaning combined, the two cities are home to over half of the country's people. The country's largest inland city is Valladia, in the center of the country. The hill country is largely rural in nature and much less densely populated than the southern lowlands.
The hill country is home primarily to agricultural and pastoral areas, especially sheep. The south of the country is more urban, especially along the coasts, although there is still significant agriculture in some southern areas, given the flatter terrain. The climate in Asilica is classified as "humid subtropical," with hot, humid summers. Winters are cooler and somewhat drier; snow is rare but not unknown. In the hill country where elevation is somewhat higher, winters tend to feature at least one dusting of snow per year, while in the southern areas, it is only on the order of once every few years that snow falls.
Asilica is divided into 2224 different first-level divisions: 2022 cantons and 2 canton-level municipalities. Each of these cantons was an independent state prior to the formation of the Republic of Asilica in 1804. While from a legal standpoint, the cantons are held to have forgone their sovereignty upon ratifying the Treaty of Zalica in 1804, many of them remain culturally distinct. There are four established dialects of the Asilican language that are recognized by the Asilican Language Institute, but nearly every canton has unique phrases, idioms, and other kinds of grammatical distinctions. Additionally, while Asilican is spoken across the country, the west of the country tends to have more Staynish speakers and the east tends to have more Ethalrian speakers. There exist border towns on both sides where either Staynish or Ethalrian is the majority language. The Government of Asilica is bound by law to respond to any correspondence made in Asilican, Ethalrian, or Staynish in the language in which the correspondence was written, and signs on the Autostrada are always in all three languages.


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