2006 Volkgoroda bombings: Difference between revisions

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== Attacks ==
{{quote box
| title = Timeline of attacksbombings
| align = left
| width = 25%
| quote = November 18:
* '''67:3002 pm''' – TheTwo sixexplosions attackersoccur exitin a train within theGurkovsky Metro station, near≈4 theseconds squareapart.
* '''7:03 pm''' – Transit police alert dispatch to explosions. Emergency calls begin.
* '''6:36 pm''' –
* '''7:0005 pm''' – Two simultaneous explosions occurred within Stefan Gurkovksy Square.
* '''7:0210 pm''' – Emergency services begin arriving en masse to both sites.
* '''7:11 pm''' – Fifth attacker's vest fails to detonate properly, critically injuring himself.
* '''7:03 pm''' –
* '''7:0718 pm''' – Sixth attacker taken into custody after his vest fails to detonate.
* '''7:1830 pm''' – All public transport within the city is suspended.
* '''7:32 pm''' – Volkia raises its terrorist threat level to its highest level and locks down Volkgoroda.
* '''8:26 pm''' –
* '''7:45 pm''' – Officers from the Rapid Intervention Unit are deployed to Volkgoroda.
* '''8:57 pm''' –
* '''8:57 pm''' – Police detonate a suspicious package near the National Assembly Building.
* '''9:02 pm''' –
* '''911:25 pm''' – Police raid the main Yarkiye building in Volkgoroda.
{{align|right|<small>All times are VST (UTC+5).</small>}}
}}There were two successful coordinated attacks: two bombs at Stefan Gurkovsky Square and two within the nearby Metro station. A third attack by two additional suicide bombers intended to target first responders failed.


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