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'''Durakia''', officially the '''Miner's Republic of Durakia''' is a Socialist Democracy in Western Norvaris. It comprises the Island of Durakia and the Toria Isles, as well as the Cernov Islands and the Northwestern Region and Central of Irnac Island. Wesnov is the Capital, while Arnstal is the largest city.
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|alt_map =
|map_caption = Map of Durakia (dark greenOutdated)
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|languages2_type = Recognised regional <br /> languages
|languages2 = Vakarian, Ernokish, Rydanian
|ethnic_groups = 46% [[wikipedia:human|Human]] <br /> 3238% [[Species|UrsineDwarf]] <br /> 1812% [[Species|DwarfUrsine]] <br /> 4% unspecified
|ethnic_groups_year = 20102018
|demonym = Durakan, Durakian
|government_type =
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|leader_name1 = [[Horis Adley]]
|leader_title2 = Head of the Union Council
|leader_name2 = [[Tarov Hyla]]
|leader_title3 = Deputy of the Union Council
|leader_name3 = Emil Petrov
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|area_km2 =
|area_sq_mi =
|population_estimate = 2543,402273,307474
|population_estimate_year = 20172020
|population_census =
|population_census_year =
|population_density_km2 =
|population_density_sq_mi =
|GDP_nominal = ⎉62.53 Billion or $287.68 Billion
|GDP_nominal_year = 20192020
|GDP_nominal_per_capita = ⎉83.8 Billion ($537.5 Billion)
⎉1,769937.53 or52 ($1132512,420)
|Gini =
|Gini_year =
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The Territories that are now Durakia was sparsely populated until the formation of Durakia, with Dwarven settlements being few and far between. Theories have been made of a expansive Dwarven Civilization that used to inhabit Durakia and Irnac due to recent archaeological finds being publicly released which is suspected to be evidence of large Dwarven settlements across the island. The most likely theory is that there was a large Dwarven state, however its population decreased rapidly from some great tragedy. The islands were generally left alone by the empires of the world, with it not being seen as strategically valuable enough to set up a colony there, with only minor exploration of the area. What is now refered to as Durakia Island was settled by the Asendavian Miner's and Labourers's Front during the Great War, after a retreat following the Battle of Tungrad. The AMLF founded the settlements of Wesnov and Arnstal, eventually declaring themselves as the Miner's Republic of Durakia.
== History of Durakia ==
'''Native Period of Durakia (?-1916)'''
Little is known of the Dwarven settlements of Durakia, though archaeological finds date them to being at least 10,000 years ago. These settlements were mainly small villages built around fertile rivers which were isolated from each other by the time of expeditions in the 1600s. Theses settlements still remain or Irnac today,with many believing that the theorised Dwarf Nation in Durakia fled to Irnac. The IrnacFeudal DwarvesDwarvern signed the TrwatyStates of Irnac withoften Asendaviamade andagreements Norgsveldetto in the e late 1500s, with apwy tribute being paid to notEmpires setsuch upas colonies in the islands. This treaty would go on to beAsendavia heldor untilNorgsvepdet thefor 1920sprotection.
'''AMLF and the Wesov Landings (1913-1916)'''
[[The [[Great War]] had put a lot of strain on the Working Class Population of [[Asendavia]]. To fight for better working conditions and social reform, Arith Linski formed the Asendavian Miner's and Labourers's Front. The AMFAMLF spread quickly with the unhappy working class, soon getting the attention of the nations fighting against [[Asendavia]]. Funding from [[Norgsveldet]] was essential in the arming and organising of the AMLF. Whilst small strikes and uprisibgs happened across [[Asendavia]], the main conflict was the Battle of Tungrad, which saw the AMLF briefly attempting to take the city. This did not last as Asendavian Forces moved into the City, forcing the AMLF to flee by sea, going east towards Norvaris. They landed at the site of Wesnov, officialy declaring thenselves the Miner's Republic of Durakia with notable Syndicalist Tarov Hesse as Leader of the Union Council and Linski as Head of Government.
'''Durakia and the Great War (1916-1917)'''
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'''Martov Era (1917-1934)'''
By the end of [[The Great War]], Sariv Martov had gained full power over the Durakan Revolutionary Council, solidified by the Death of Linski in December 1918.He was voted in as the second Head of the Durakan Government, thoigh there is some evidence of electoral fraud, with Martov winning 90% of the vote. He then passed the Civil Defense Act in May 1919 after the murder of Hesse, which is commonly believed to have been orchastrated by Martov.This act allowed Martov to appoint Union Council members as he saw fit and ended elections in Durakia. He appointed [[Martovism|Martovist]] Politician Talin Himler as a puppet leader for the Union Council.
Martov's Dictatorship was Totalitarian in nature, and perscuted anyone who was deemed a traitor to Durakia. These included known followers of [[Ademarism]] and other religions, those previoisly of upper class - regardless of political views - and anyone deemed to be showing Asendavian culture or anti-communist beliefs. Those who were caught doing this were put into forced Labour to construct cities like Urnst and Lynal. These acrions, while rapidly urbanising the nation, brought along Anti-Authoritarian Groups such as Sviete od Smer (''English: Liberty or Death'') and Republika Za De Mench. (''English: Republic for the People'') These groups gained a lot of popularty in the early 1930s after Conscription was introduced to fight the Durakan-Dwarven Wars.
The Durakan-Dwarvern Wars were fought from 1924-1933, where the Conscripted Durakan Army fought the Dwarvern Settlements for their lands. The First War (1924-1926) saw a resounding success for the Durakan Army, who usedmodern arms purchased from [[Great Morstaybishlia]] easily defeated the Dwarvern Settlements on Durakia and the Toria Islands.This also saw heavy investment in the Hailyk Military Fortress, seeing the Hailyk University of Warfare producing some of the best Military Commanders in Novaris, such as Symak Haya, who was awarded the Defender of the Proletaroat Medal at only 23 for his skill in the Battle of Ostrom. The Second War (1928-1929) saw the capture of the Cernov Islands.The third Durakan-Dwarvern War (1931-1933) was not as successful as the first two, with the tired and demoralised Durakan Army failing to conquer Irnac Island, with the seizure of the Northwest Territories only being successful after the unlikely victory of the Battle of Ostrum.
The Conquered Territories were organised into Martovist Puppet States, drawn on vague ethnic lines.
'''Durakan Civil War and Economic Collapse (1934-1937)'''
The Third Durakian Dwarvern War hit the Durakan economy hard as well as bringing the previously sipenced population to start mass strikes, which were met by firing squads. These strikes made the failing economy to accelerate. Amgered by the government mistreatment, armed revolts began in Arnstal, Kultin, Marlo and Weltam, declaring themselves the Sveitefront (Liberty Front). Martov called the Army to intervene, but Haya, now head of the Army, defected to the SF. This saw a large portion of the Army defect, beginning the Civil War in earnest, between the Svietefront ,Made of Democrats and Anarchists from all sides of the political spectrum, against the Truv Kommunist (Loyalist Communist), Made up of Hardline Communists and Martovists.
The [[Durakan Civil War]] was a three year long brutal war as Liberty Front Militia, aided by the Kingdom of [[Tretrid]], fought against the Government Firces and Red Militia.
'''Recovery Period (1937-1984)'''
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== Government and Politics ==
Durakia is run from two main politucal bodies: the Council of Trade Unions, made of 120300 elected representitives, onetwo from each of the 10 Deoartments from each of the 1215 regions. The other government body is the Durakan Revolutionary Council, a body of officials dealing with Nationwide Decisions. The DRA is led by the Heaf of the Durakan Governmemt, while the CTU is led by its own Head, appointed by the Union representitives to impose the will of the CTU on the DRADRC.
== Geography of Durakia ==
Placeholder Geography
== Media ==
Placeholder Media
== Culture ==
Placeholder Culture
== Education ==
Placeholder Education
== Health ==
Placeholder Health


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