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===Recent History===
[[File:Piramide Chichen-Itza - panoramio (2).jpg|right|thumb|250px|The Tomb of Emperor Ramar, a popular and well-preserved Raonite monument.]]
The 17th Century started with Ni-Rao in a state of general disarray and poverty. For this reason, the Acronian Empire began a campaign of humanitarian aid in Ni-Rao, led largely by the [[Akronism|Church of Akrona]]. This would lead to Acronis establishing a colony, called Enaro Metravaník or Emerald Coast, in the northern regions of Ni-Rao in 1668. This was done without the express consent of the government of Ni-Rao, which theoretically claimed the area but had ''de facto'' ceded control to Acronis because it could not afford to defend the area or maintain its infrastructure - both things that Acronis was doing in the area already. This establishment of an Acronian territory on the mainland of Gondwana, immediately south of Tavaris, was considered by both Ni-Rao and Tavaris to be a massive breach of the status quo and led to the [[History of Tavari-Acronian Relations#Fourth War|Fourth War]] between Acronis and Tavaris. Ni-Rao joined the war on the Tavari side.
While Acronis initially suffered great losses in the beginning of the Fourth War, Acronis' population served as an advantage that allowed it to outlast both Tavaris and Ni-Rao, especially after the King of Acronis conscripted virtually the entire adult population of the Empire into military service. Eventually, Acronis pushed Tavaris back, and after ending the Tavari threat, Ni-Rao's weak military could not withstand the full attention of Acronian forces. Ni-Rao surrendered in 1680 and signed a treaty agreeing to return to the status quo ante bellum. While not explicit in the terms of the treaty, this surrender effectively ceded Ni-Rao's claim on Emerald Coast.
With its holdings winnowed, Ni-Rao lost status as a regional power. The 17th and 18th Centuries saw Ni-Rao adopt a constitutional monarchy as the general populace began to resist the traditional system of feudal authority. Ni-Rao's economy was largely agricultural, although as the Industrial Revolution spread, some industry did take hold in the major population centers. Population slowly increased. Additionally, the economy saw a boost as international trade came to the region and foreigners took note of the ancient pyramids and tombs. The monuments became an international tourist destination, and the government focused resources on repairing and maintaining the pyramids and in things such as roads and hotels in the region. The ancient monuments of Ni-Rao remain a popular tourist destination to the current day. Also in the 18th Century, a religious movement known as the New Ranites (from Rania, a city in the east that is believed to share an etymology with the word "Rao") rose up and eventually left Ni-Rao to cross the Danvreas Range and re-inhabit the gulf coast in that region.
Shortly after the establishment of constitutional monarchy in Ni-Rao, the Acronian Empire negotiated a withdrawal from Emerald Coast in which Ni-Rao would be sovereign over the former Acronian colonial holdings, but the right of the Church of Akrona to continue to exist, and the right of the Acronians present in the country to remain, were to be considered inviolable. The Acronian Cession was completed on January 1st, 1804. To this day, some 14% of the Raonite population is Acronian by descent, and over a third of the population is Akronist.
Since the Fourth War, Ni-Rao has primarily remained neutral in international affairs. Ni-Rao did not participate in the [[Great War]], unlike nearby powers such as Acronis, Tavaris, and Bana. Ni-Rao has typically had poor relations with Acronis and New Rania, its immediate neighbors, but has not maintained a military strong enough to present a threat to either of them. It established trading relations with other powers in the area, including the colonies like [[Lunaria]] and [[Vultuca]], Great Powers such as [[Great Morstaybishlia]], [[Salovia]], and [[Asendavia]], and other nearby states such as [[Ragea]] and [[Iassath]]. Ni-Rao is a popular place for foreign multinational manufacturing corporations to set up factories, as labor laws are lax in the country and wages are generally low. Ni-Rao has avoided joining modern international organizations such as the [[Alliance of Northwest Gondwana]]. Ni-Rao's foreign policy of isolationism from global affairs is broadly popular. Ni-Rao tends to place great emphasis on seeing itself as the conservator of feline culture in general and its own culture in specific, both things that majorities of Raonite politicians and citizens feel would be threatened by further involvement in international affairs.
===2020 Coup===
On October 17th, 2020, a coordinated military-led uprising in several cities in Ni-Rao, particularly in the south, successfully overthrew the government of the August Empire of Ni-Rao. A group of leading military officials, joined by various organizers of the Communist movement in the country, known as the Worker's Council of the Revolution assumed power after the military seized both the chambers of the Council of Five Hundred and the royal palace of the Empress. The Empress, the Grand Vizier, and a few other members of the legislature managed to escape the city. The Worker's Council of the Revolution proclaimed that the government of the Empire was over and in its place was a new country, which they called the [[Ni-Rao (PDR)|Raonite People's Democratic Republic]]. Both the Worker's Council of the Revolution and the government-in-exile of the Empress and Grand Vizier claim title to the name Ni-Rao and state that they rightfully control the entire territory of the country. In reality, the Empire holds the northern approximate half of the country from a base of power in Rora, and the Raonite P.D.R. holds the southern half of the country, governed from Amao.
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Several different methods have been used to elect the Council over the course of time. Since 1999, members are elected in a closed-list proportional system, in which citizens cast a vote for a political party and parties are granted a number of seats in the council in accordance to their proportion of the vote. In order to be granted seats, a party must reach at least 4% of the national vote. The office of Grand Vizier, the head of government of Ni-Rao, is appointed for nomination by the Council of 500, and the government must hold the confidence of the Council in order to remain in office. Other Viziers in government are appointed from among the members of the legislature by the Grand Vizier to the Supreme Council, which is usually called the Cabinet to distinguish it from the Council of 500.
After the coup, the Empress, the Grand Vizier, and several members of the legislature fled by jet to the city of Rora. An "emergency government" has been established, led by the Grand Vizier, where the remaining members of the Council of Five Hundred nominally serve as a Cabinet. In reality, the Constitution allows for the Grand Vizier to rule by fiat during a declared emergency ratified by the Empress. In Rora and in two other major cities in the north, loyalist military forces prevented the Communist insurgents from taking control. Additional security assistance is provided by [[Acronis|the Acronian Empire]], which has declared on the side of the August Empire-in-exile. In the areas governed by the Empire, martial law is in effect and a curfew has been imposed, enforced by a joint Raonite-Acronian command.


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