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The Democratic Republic of Nyo has become the largest oil producer in the Lake Nyo region, providing the country with a degree of prosperity despite political and economic instability in some areas and unequal distribution of oil revenue nationwide. Nyo's economy is heavily dependent on the oil sector, and economic growth has slowed considerably since 2018.
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== History ==
=== Pre-Colonial Nyo ===
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=== Norgsveldet Colonial era ===
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=== Post-Colonial Era ===
The Republic of Nyp received full independence from Norgsveldet in 1960. '''Obuto Akombo''' ruled as the country's first president until labor elements and rival political parties instigated a nine-day uprising that ousted him. The Nyobi military briefly took charge of the country, and installed a civilian provisional government headed by Elealeh Akoth.
Under the 1966 constitution, Elealeh Akoth was elected President for a five-year term. During Elealeh Akoth term in office the regime adopted "scientific socialism" as the country's constitutional ideology. In 1969, Nyo established relations with East Cerdani, Provisional Military Government of Socialist Chianski, Faethalaria and Stratarian. Elealeh Akoth regime also invited several hundred Stratarin army troops into the country to train his party's militia units and these troops helped his government survive a ''coup d'état'' in 1971 led by paratroopers loyal to future President Wanyanga Adida. Nevertheless, Elealeh Akoth was unable to reconcile various institutional, tribal and ideological factions within the country and his regime ended abruptly with a bloodless ''coup'' in 1973.
Adida, who had participated in the coup, assumed the presidency in 1974. One year later, President Adida proclaimed Nyo Central Gondwana first "people's republic", the People's Republic of Nyo, and announced the decision of the Nyobi Revolutionary Party to change its name to the Nyobian Communist Party. He survived an attempted ''coup'' in 1977 but was assassinated in 1980.
Ogwang Adongo aligned the country with Socialist and Communist nations and signed a twenty-year friendship pact with East Cerdani Over the years, Adongo had to rely more on political repression and less on patronage to maintain his dictatorship.
Ojwang Akeyo, who became Nyo first elected president during the period of multi-party democracy, attempted to implement economic reforms with Norgsveldet backing to liberalize the economy. In 1998, Nyo approved a three-year 75 million SHD enhanced structural adjustment facility and was on the verge of announcing a renewed annual agreement when civil war broke out in Nyo in 2000.
Nyo democratic progress was derailed in 2000, when Adongo and Akeyo started to fight for power in the civil war. As presidential elections scheduled for October 2000 approached, tensions between the Adongo and Akeyo camps mounted. On 5 June, President Akeyo government forces surrounded Adongo compound in Ujana and Akeyo ordered members of his private militia to resist. Thus began a four-month conflict that destroyed or damaged much of Ujana and caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths. In early October, the Norgsveldet government began an invasion of Nyo to install Adongo in power. In mid-October, the Akeyo government fell. Soon thereafter, Adongo declared himself president.
Adongo also won the following presidential election in 2007. According to the Nyobi Observatory of Human Rights, a non-governmental organization, the election was marked by "very low" turnout and "fraud and irregularities". In 2014 Adongo announced that he wanted to run for yet another term in office and a constitutional referendum in October resulted in a changed constitution which allowed him to run during the 2014 presidential election. He won the election believed by many to be fraudulent. After violent protests in the capital, Adongo attacked the Byea region, where the Kron rebels of the civil war used to be based, in what was believed to be a distraction. This led to a revival of the Kron rebels who launched attacks against the army in 2017, leading 142,000 people to flee their homes. A ceasefire deal was signed in 2019.
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