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The area of land the Tavari had established control over was relatively small, especially compared to the holdings of the Banian humans to their immediate north, and the Tavari established very early on that they would need to grow in economic strength in order to be able to survive. In contrast to the Acronians whose religion taught careful stewardship of the environment, the Tavari quickly began cutting down the forests not only to sell the wood but also to build ships to trade with other countries, especially the growing [[Asendavia|Asendavian]] presence in the region. Later, trade relationships were established with [[Salovia]] as well. With the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and capitalist economies, Tavaris very quickly established an economy of heavy manufacturing. Additionally, Tavaris established the first financial market in the region, and the Tavari Stock Exchange continues to the present day.
Tavaris launched [[History of Tavari-Acronian Relations|several attempts]] to re-conquer their former territories on Avnatra between 15801617 and 17301714, none of which were successful. AfterTavaris 1730,also whilefought Tavarisagainst abandonedAcronis militaryin effortsthe to[[Great takeWar]], backduring which time it seized control of the disputed territory, theyMetrati haveAnar. Tavaris has never formally ceded their claim to either Metrati Anar or the landisland onof Avnatra, which theyit holdholds theyit werewas forcefully removedexiled from. Except for a brief period at the end of the 19th century, Tavaris and Acronis have remained bitter enemies and never had formal relations until relations were normalized in 2020 after the Good Harbor Agreement was ratified. Prior to the Good Harbor Agreement, international relations between the two countries were handled between the [[Asilica|Asilican]] embassies in each country.
Tavaris is the smallest state in the Union, at 64,918 square kilometers in area, but it has the most powerful economy and is generally considered to be the leading political force in the Union. Modern Tavaris remains an economic power in the region, with strong manufacturing and financial sectors. It is also the most densely populated state in the Union, with 10,413,625 people as of the 2019 census - less than 500,000 fewer people than Bana, which is several times larger in area. It is significantly more urbanized than the other states, although Good Harbor and Nuvrenon remain the major population centers. Tavaris has long depended on agricultural imports from Bana, New Rania, and other countries for its food supply.


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