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|national_motto = ''Prosperity, Together'' <br />
|national_anthem = "A Strong and Mighty Country"
|image_map = [[File:New tavaristavari union wiki.png|175px]]
|alt_map = <!--alt text for map-->
|map_caption = Location of the Tavari Union (dark green)<br /> on the continent of [[Gondwana]] (grey)
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[[File:Tavaris.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of Tavaris.]]
[[File:New new tavaris only wiki.png|thumb|right|300px|The location of Tavaris within the Tavari Union.]]
Tavaris descends from the Kingdom of Tavaris established on the island of Avnatra in the latter half of the 15th century. After the Tavari Civil War that ended in 1499, the remaining Tavari loyalists were exiled and largely sailed to the Gondwanan mainland to the east. At that time, that region was populated predominately by a feline polity based in the interior of the continent who largely disapproved of Tavari settlement. Between 1499 and 1567, the Tavari loyalists established several different settlements that each failed due to feline aggression as well as because of disease and lack of food. In 1567, the loyalists landed at the point they named Good Harbor for its placid waters sheltered from harsh weather they were experiencing when they discovered it. By this time the felines had grown weaker politically and had begun to retreat back in to the interior of the continent. They were able to establish a more permanent settlement there, and eventually began expanding eastward. Within a generation, they had reached the shores of Lake Unar, where they established the city of Nuvrenon. The Tavari consolidated power over this region and gradually established nine provinces - one for each loyalist chief's family line.
The area of land the Tavari had established control over was relatively small, especially compared to the holdings of the Banian humans to their immediate north, and the Tavari established very early on that they would need to grow in economic strength in order to be able to survive. In contrast to the Acronians whose religion taught careful stewardship of the environment, the Tavari quickly began cutting down the forests not only to sell the wood but also to build ships to trade with other countries, especially the growing [[Asendavia|Asendavian]] presence in the region. Later, trade relationships were established with [[Salovia]] as well. With the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and capitalist economies, Tavaris very quickly established an economy of heavy manufacturing. Additionally, Tavaris established the first financial market in the region, and the Tavari Stock Exchange continues to the present day.
Tavaris launched several attempts to re-conquer their former territories on Avnatra between 1580 and 1730, none of which were successful. After 1730, while Tavaris abandoned military efforts to take back the territory, they have never ceded their claim to the land on Avnatra, which they hold they were forcefully removed from. Except for a brief period at the end of the 19th century, Tavaris and Acronis have remained bitter enemies and never had formal relations until relations were normalized in 2020 after the Good Harbor Agreement was ratified. Prior to the Good Harbor Agreement, international relations between the two countries were handled between the [[Asilica|Asilican]] embassies in each country.
Tavaris is the smallest state in the Union, at 64,918 square kilometers in area, but it has the most powerful economy and is generally considered to be the leading political force in the Union. Modern Tavaris remains an economic power in the region, with strong manufacturing and financial sectors. It is also the most densely populated state in the Union, with 10,413,625 people as of the 2019 census - less than 500,000 fewer people than Bana, which is several times larger in area. It is significantly more urbanized than the other states, although Good Harbor and Nuvrenon remain the major population centers. Tavaris has long depended on agricultural imports from Bana, New Rania, and other countries for its food supply.
[[File:Bana flag.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of Bana.]]
[[File:BanaNew wikinew mapbana wiki.png|right|thumb|300px|The location of Bana within the Tavari Union.]]
Bana is a primarily human nation with significant elven populations in the northern and eastern regions. Both populations are considered to be indigenous to the region. The polity of Bana was established as a city-state on the coast of the Strait of Vultuca in the seventh century AD and became the seat of a powerful human kingdom that conquered nearby human states. Bana saw significant periods of war with both the elves and the felines in the region for hundreds of years until the felines began to decline in the 16th century. By the 17th century, the elven tribes in the region were largely incorporated into Bana, but there was significant unrest in the region until they were granted a form of autonomy by a Constitution passed in 1910.
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The Banian Civil War raged from 1939 to 1953. The war led to the destruction of every major population center in the country. Usage of trench warfare and chemical weapons by both sides caused significant damage to the environment and led to tens of thousands of deaths. Nearly one half of the population of Bana died in the civil war. In 1954, a ceasefire was signed and the Democratic Republic of Bana was formed. The new constitution enshrined permanent autonomy for two elven communities, the Northern Bana Autonomous Community and the Eastern Bana Autonomous Community. For a time, both communist and nationalist political parties were banned. It would take Bana until the year 2018 for their population to re-eclipse the population of Tavaris.
Bana sees the most tourism out of the three states of the Tavari Union, and has the most land available for agriculture. The Banian agricultural sector produces rice, wheat, beef, chicken, goats, and dairy products primarily, as well as lumber, paper, and paper goods. Bana also has significant reserves of gold and some precious gyms. Bana also remains the world's largest exporter of bananas. It had a population in 2019 of 10,908,110 and an land area of 242,687 square kilometers.
===New Rania===
[[File:New rania.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of New Rania.]]
[[File:New new rania wiki.png|thumb|right|300px|The location of New Rania in the Tavari Union.]]
New Rania is the smallest state in the Tavari Union in bothby population, and while its' 71,248 square kilometers is larger than Tavaris in land area, much of New Rania's territory is undeveloped. With a population of 1,004,398, the other two states each have a population larger by nearly a factor of ten. New Rania is also relatively impoverished compared to the other two states, having long been economically dependent on Tavaris for most imports. The New Ranite economy is largely based in textiles, although manufacturing and the service industry have been seeing gains in recent years as New Rania's minimum wage laws are attractive to international business.
New Rania was founded in 1747 by a group of religious outcasts exiled from feline lands in the interior of the continent. "Old" Rania was a location in the interior from which many of the first exiles had been from. They had to migrate through both dense jungles and over a range of mountains, a journey the New Ranites called "the Long Walk." After the long walk, the New Ranites settled in a city they called Ranisport, which was built atop the ruins of an abandoned former feline city. They very quickly formed a friendship with the Tavari, with whom they empathized as fellow exiles from their homeland. Originally organized as a strictly religious colony, New Rania went through a process of democratization in the 19th century, although the New Ranite Church maintained representation in the National Council and the theoretical power to remove a President from office until 1954.
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The New Ranite Church is a religious belief centered around the teachings of a prophet called Ori, who taught that the traditional pantheon of the northern Gondwanan felines was false and that the afterlife would only be open to people who followed his teachings. Ori taught about the holiness in "ordinary work and toil" such as craftsmanship or farming, and calls for women to serve primarily as wives and homemakers. While the Church no longer holds official power in New Rania, more than two-thirds of the New Ranite population continues to follow the faith. The High Prophet of the New Ranite Church remains a powerful figure, although since the separation of church and state, the law in New Rania has gradually established protections for things such as women in the workplace and restrictions on child labor.
Nearly half of New Rania's population is in the Ranisport metropolitan area, with the outer areas (called "the out-country") much more sparsely populated. The areas of New Rania to the east, south of the Loko River and Lake Unar, are known as "Translokonia" and is largely a protected wilderness area. New Rania purchased Translokonia from Bana in 1957 after Bana offered it for sale to raise funds for reconstruction after the Civil War. New Rania was scheduled to make payments on the land to Bana until 2057, however the debt was waived as part of the Good Harbor Agreement. New Rania has significantly less transit infrastructure than the other states in the Union, with fewer highways and noonly one rail linesline. As an independent country, it maintained almost no standing military, with defense provided by Tavaris. This military connection with Tavaris caused the Acronian government to limit trade with New Rania, for which reason New Rania has long had a dispute with its western neighbor.


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