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In 1150, a greater rebellion occurred across the entire Ethalried Empire. In 1152, the King was overthrown, executed, and replaced with a Queen. This marked the beginning of the [[Ethalria|Grand Matriarchy of Ethalria]]. This rebellion initially weakened the authority of the government in all areas across the country, and cost Ethalria influence both in northern Aurora and southern Aurora. Ethalria could not afford the military and economic resources to prevent South Ethalria from pulling away. A South Ethalrian armed rebellion led to Ethalria abandoning the area in 1158, declaring it "outside [their] protection" and "open for the wolves to feast upon." For a short time there existed a Kingdom of South Ethalria with a base of power in what is now Valladia, but by 1200 it had already dissolved into various competing princedoms and city-states.
The Kingdom of [[Valeria]] would move in to the area very quickly after the Ethalrians left. Some South Ethalrian princedoms would voluntarily join the Kingdom or become vassal states, while others were conquered in a Valerian military campaign in 1200. Meanwhile, contarycontrary to their promise, in response to increasing Valerian influence, Ethalria would also conquer or make vassals of various princedoms, and later conquered entire swaths of what had been Valeria as well. Over the centuries, there would even be several minor outbreaks of violence between Valeria and Ethalria over South Ethalrian states, and many states changed hands several times. In fact, between 1400 and 1600 at least one of the several South Ethalrian states was at war in some fashion or another. At their highest number in 1515, there were 27 South Ethalrian states. Many of them existed for hardly longer than a generation, and the borders among them shifted constantly.
ByBeyond theSouth turn of the 17th centuryEthalria, as [[Great Morstaybishlia]] (the successorregion towould thesee Kingdomchanges ofas Valeria)Ethalria began to turn itsfocus attention beyondon Aurorawhat andhad Ethalria'sbecome influenceGreat beganMorstaybishlia, toa decline,risen thingsgreat beganpower. toBy settlethe in17th, centyury, the South Ethalrian regionstates began to settle. In 1600, there were 14 South Ethalrian states that were nominally or functionally independent, as well as various other areas that were under the direct control of either Morstaybishlia or Ethalria. One hundred years later, this number had only changed by two, as two states broke away again from Ethalria and increased the number to 16. Also during the 17th century, the number of South Ethalrian states that were vassals or subjects of outside powers decreased from 5 to none, as the style of diplomacy among nations had shifted away from demanding formal tribute to more trade-based economic relationships. At the dawn of the 18th century, all 16 South Ethalrian states were recognized independent states, although approximately seven of them were closely allied with Ethalria, five with Morstaybishlia, and sixthere ofwere them declared neutral. There werea alsofurther four distinct areas thatconsidered Southto Ethalriansbe generallyculturally consideredand to behistorically South Ethalrian states that formed part of MorstaybishliaEthalria itself.
In the 18th century, desire among South Ethalrians for unity among themselves and independence from others began to crystallize. In 1714, residents ofAt the four South Ethalrian states under the control of Morstaybishlia delivered a petition to the King asking for independence. At that same time, militiasEthalria werehad raisedbegin amongto independence-orienteddecline groupsin both insidepower thoseand territories as well asterritory in variousfavor Southof EthalrianMorstaybishlia, statesand thatthere were moresigns alliedof withunrest Ethalria.beginning Ratherin thanthe riskfour furtherSouth armedEthalrian conflictstates withthat Ethalria, Morstaybishlia allowed for the independence of the four remaining South Ethalrian areascontrolled. AsIn of 17141733, therea werenumber 20of South Ethalrian states. However,agreed withinto anothermerge 20 years, the four formerly Morst states merged with with three other statestogether to form a Principality of South Ethalria, with a capital in the port city Zalica. Zalica was the largest city in the region by population and the wealthiest of the South Ethalrian states.
[[File:Listed neoclassical house, 7 Becsi Kapu Square, 2017 Varnegyed.jpg|left|thumb|300px|The "Yellow House," also known as "the Palace of Zalica," where the League of South Ethalrians met in Zalica, now the City of Asilica.]]
Very quickly, it became the predominant political idea among the elite in the Principality of South Ethalria to unite all the South Ethalrian states. In this period, a nationalist idea arose among South Ethalrians, defining themselves as a unique culture and people that deserved a single state. A society known as the League of South Ethalrians was formed in Zalica, whose members formed a political ideology centered around the idea that the South Ethalrians had been disregarded and treated as just more people to conquer by the other world powers. They were driven to create a truly independent home for South Ethalrians, which they referred to by the Sudethalnische word for "home, refuge, or asylum," ''Asil''. It became fashionable to refer to the Principality of South Ethalria as ''Asilica'', which was meant to be a poetic name based on the word ''asil'' and partially inspired by the name of the capital, Zalica.
The League of South Ethalrians gradually became the leading political forum in the region, and given the wealth of the Zalican-led Principality of South Ethalria - which only increased as time went on - other South Ethalrian states began to join the Principality. There were several holdouts, and the political system of the Principality became a controversial issue. After centuries of independence, many of the states had formed their own distinct methods of government, and many of them refused to return to monarchy under the Prince of South Ethalria. However, at the end of the 18th century, the [[Posolic Wars]] broke out between Morstaybishlia and Ethalria. The threat of violence from all sides around South Ethalria increased nationalist sentiment as well as the idea that the city-states needed to band together for their own safety. In 1800, an agreement was negotiated between every South Ethalrian city state and Morstaybishlia - the first time all South Ethalrian states had united in a single diplomatic effort - allowed Morstaybishlian troops to move through South Ethalrian lands and waters in exchange for Morstaybishlia agreeing to support South Ethalrian independence from both Ethalria asand well as Morstaybishliaunification. Additionally, Asilican troops joined the Morstaybishlians in their effort to beat back the Ethalrians. In this armed conflict, the last four South Ethalrian states were liberated from Ethalrian control and regained their independence.
Over the course of several more rounds of negotiations between the various states called the Councils of Zalica, held between 1800 and 1803, a treaty was negotiated that would admit the remaining South Ethalrian states to the Principality of South Ethalria, and then change the Principality to a Republic under the name Asilica. The treaty was signed by all parties in 1803, but would not become effective unless ratified by the population in a referendum. Notably for the era, sufferagesuffrage in the vote was extended to all adult men, regardless of landowning status. The referendum occurred in December of 1803, and the votes were counted and declared official on January 22nd, 1804. Today, this is celebrated as the date the Republic was founded.
Later in 1804, a Constitutional Convention replaced the Treaty of Zalica with the Constitution of the Republic of Asilica, which declared that the former states had ceased to be independent and had all been subsumed and replaced with the Republic. However, the borders of the former states were preserved as cantons, the first-level division of the country. The 20 cantons that existed in 1804 still exist today, however in 1978, the government separated the cities of Asilica and Sugen from their cantons and made them "canton-level municipalities" with the same status and authority under the law as cantons. The Constitution of 1804 also renamed the City of Zalica to "the City of Asilica" and the language Sudethalnische to ''Asilican''.


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