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[[File:Niah Skull.jpg|200px|thumb|right|The discovery of a skull, dubbed the "''Unang Bungo''" or "The First Skull", which estimates say is around 40,000 years old on the Nadan caves in Nada, has been identified as the earliest evidence for human settlement in the Sokalan archipelago.]]
The first inhabitants of the Sokalan archipelago are thought to have come from prehistoric [[Iphelklori]]. Boats of a similar structure dating back to 40,000 years ago were unearthed in east Iphelklori as well as in South Sokala. The cause of the migration is unclear but it is speculated that migration of [[Species#Elves|Elves]] downwards south might've been the cause. Preserved skeletons were also found by [[Nuesperanza|Nuesperanzan]] archaeologists in caves in [[Nada]]. The first to be found was the "''Unang Bungo''" or "The First Skull" in the Nadan cave. Further exploration in the surrounding caves revealed at least 150 preserved skeletons, all of which were human. While most of the skeletons belonged to adult humans aged 30-40, "''Unang Bungo''" was told to have belonged to a 15-16-year-old male. A crack can be observed in "''Unang Bungo''"' leading many to speculate on the cause of death. The skeletons resembled the [[Eastern Civilization]] skeletons, a mass grave of over 300 skeletons that were as old as "''Unang Bungo''".
[[File:Lǎo Chéngqū Village.png|200px|thumb|left|Lǎo Chéngqū Village was unearthed in 2018 and was dated to have been built roughly 900-1000 years ago]]
A study conducted in 2003 concluded that the Sokalan islands were a hotbed for trade. According to the study, the Sokalan islands originally only had [[Tagisla]] speaking tribes until traders from [[Justelvard]] arrived in north-western around the 1000s while traders from [[Fuso]] arrived in north-eastern Sokala around the 1100s. These traders would later create small trading communities in the coastal areas. An example of these old trading communities is the [[Lǎo Chéngqū Village]] found in southern [[Diyu]]. Lǎo Chéngqū is believed to be one of the first villages built by [[Fuso|Fusoan]] traders. These trading communities would soon grow to coastal kingdoms with many Tagislan tribes allying with the newcomers as recorded by the [[Silangan Tablets]], stone slabs inscribed in Old Tagisla detailing the alliance between 15 Tagislan tribes and Lǎo Chéngqū Village. The distance between the Justelvardic and Fusoan settlements and their origins would result in the creation of proto-Diyuhan and proto-Durdneelian languages.
Both settlements would grow sporadically, growing large enough to even rival the largest Tagislan tribes: the [[Silangan]], [[Baduyaw]], [[Tagupad]], [[Dumadag]], and [[Meri Laulu]] tribes. The Justelvardic settlement would soon be dubbed ''durdneel'' by the Tagislan tribes. ''Durdneel'' is a bastardization of the Justelvardic words ''durdrum'', which means a loud noise, and ''dreel'', which means drill. According to Tagislan writing, the reasoning for this was that The Fusoan settlement would later be dubbed "Diyuhan", another bastardization of the combination of the words ''diyu'', which meant 'hell', and ''han'', which means 'to contain'. Those that didn't ally with Durdneel or Diyuhan would ally with the largest Tagislan tribes for protection.
===Early states===
