Sinking of the NRN Constantino Buccio: Difference between revisions

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* [[League of Novaris|LN]]-mandated independence referendum
* Eventual Karolingian collapse
* [[Schlesia|Civilian government]] established in Schlesia
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The [[League of Novaris]], called upon to mediate the increasingly tense situation, condemned the attacks, though they did not believe Tretridian claims that Arkalarius was responsible. The League also accepted Arkian demands to hold an independence referendum in Karolingia, which would lead to political violence and the eventual collapse of the country.
The incident has largely been considered a watershed moment in contemporary Novaran history, due to its reigniting West Novaran political rivalries as well as precipitating the establishment of a new government in [[Schlesia]], the formation of the [[Tolinsk Accords]], and Tretridian entry into the [[North Concordian Economic Forum]].
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While the coup was well received within Karolingia, whose populace had languished under the kleptocratic government of Neu Arkia, international opinion was rather more mixed. Mere hours after the coup, Tretridian Prime Minister Eoforwine Æthelstanson formally recognized Karolingia as the legitimate successor state to Neu Arkia and renewed the Tretridian alliance with the state. The Prime Minister promised to cede Schlesia, which still lay under Tretridian military administration, to Karolingia once the state consolidated. The [[League of Novaris]] was also quick to recognize Karolingia, determining that, as the successor state to Neu Arkia, they would hold the formerly Neu Arkian seat in the Novaran Council.
On the other hand, Arkalarius denounced Karling as a "dangerous revolutionary," and sent soldiers to the border between Arkalarius and Karolingia. Furthermore, Arkalarius laid claim to lakes on the Arkian-Karolingian border. Almost immediately, allegations that Arkian soldiers had been sent into Karolingian territory cropped up. Karling placed the army on alert in response, though Arkalarius stringently denied these claims, insisting that the soldiers were Karolingian.
==The sinking==
The KKS ''Konstantin Böhm'' was a frigate that patrolled the Johannes Bay. In the direct aftermath of Karling's coup and the reported Arkian incursions, the ship was placed on alert due to the possibility of Arkian ships encroaching on Karolingian territorial waters.
At 2:23 on the morning of July 29, a submarine was detected by the frigate. Captain Erhardt Armbruster ordered that the ship attempt to contact the submarine to order it to leave Karolingian waters or risk being fired upon. The submarine did not reply, and markedly refused to move from its position.
[[File:Ark RKF Canton.jpg|thumb|200px|The naval ensign of Arkalarius, which the unidentified submarine was flying at the time of the attack.]]
At about 2:28, the submarine was spotted surfacing. Reports indicated that it flew the naval ensign of Arkalarius. Armbruster once again tried to contact the ship to order it to leave Karolingian waters. Once again, the submarine did not respond.
At about 2:33, the submarine fired two torpedoes at the ''Konstantin Böhm''. Armbruster would later report that he was about to order that the frigate fire a warning shot at the submarine when the torpedoes were spotted. Both torpedoes struck the ''Konstantin Böhm''—one in the center of the ship, and one in the bow. Armbruster was knocked unconscious by the first explosion.
The ship incurred numerous casualties from the explosions, mainly shrapnel injuries, though several sailors suffered burns. The ''Konstantin Böhm'' sank very quickly after it was torpedoed, being completely submerged in about five minutes, though most of the crew managed to evacuate to lifeboats in that time.
===International reactions===
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{{flagcountry|Lapinumbia}}: Doge Enrico Dandolo released a statement condemning the attacks in "the harshest possible terms." He stated his hopes that Tretrid, Arkalarius, and Karolingia would seek mediation in the League of Novaris before further escalating the situation.
{{flagcountry|League of Novaris}}: A motion to condemn the sinking passed the Novaran Council by a unanimous vote.
{{flagicon image|Nagato_Flag.png}} [[Nagato]]: Although neutral in much of the world's conflicts, Grand Duke [[Kyon, Grand Duke of Nagato|Kyon]] and Prime Minister Moka Akashiya have agreed to support Karolingian sovereignty while Grand Advisor Daniel said publicly that he, along with Kyon and Akashiya will, "condemned any attacks that can violate Karolingian sovereignty to their claimed land."
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{{flagcountry|Tretrid}}: Prime Minister [[Eoforwine Æthelstanson]] immediately pinned the blame for the sinking on Arkalarius, stating that the attack was "a blatant attack on Karolingian sovereignty by the Arkians" and that claims that the attack was a false flag operation carried out by a different party were "completely unsubstantiated."
===League of Novaris response===
[[Category:Armed conflicts]]
Administrators, verified
