Sinking of the NRN Constantino Buccio: Difference between revisions

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After the Volscine Civil War ended, the victorious Volscine Empire claimed Nuova Volscina's territory as rightfully Volscine. The unpopular oligarchic regime of Nuova Volscina likely would have collapsed or been toppled by Volscina if Tretrid had not moved to ally itself with the country, propping the state up. Tretrid sought to prevent a resurgent Volscina from reclaiming its former territorial extent, to effectively prevent it from regaining its pre-Civil War strength.
This was highly controversial, even in Tretrid itself. Opposition politicians denounced the move as propping up a corrupt, ineffective regime, especially in light of the increasingly unpopular continued [[occupation of Seccera]]. After members of the NeuNuova Volscine Council were implicated in the corruption scandals around then-Prime Minister Æthelred Wulfricson in 2016, continued Tretridian support of the regime was denounced as corrupt and fueled by bribery from NeuNuova Volscine officials. By the time [[Eoforwine Æthelstanson]] became Prime Minister at the end of the year, he noted his "reluctance" to continue supporting the state but believed that it was "absolutely necessary" for Tretrid's foreign policy.
===Correvaci's coup===
On July 24, 2020, the Prätorianer assassinated the entire ruling council of Nuova Volscina. Backed by the Prätorianer, Field Marshal [[Guerino Correvaci]] seized control of the country and declared himself king of the newly proclaimed state of Correva.
While the coup was well received within Correva, whose populace had languished under the kleptocratic government of Nuova Volscina, international opinion was rather more mixed. Mere hours after the coup, Tretridian Prime Minister Eoforwine Æthelstanson formally recognized Correva as the legitimate successor state to Nuova Volscina and renewed the Tretridian alliance with the state. The Prime Minister promised to cede Seccera, which still lay under Tretridian military administration, to Correva once the state consolidated. The [[League of Novaris]] was also quick to recognize Correva, determining that, as the successor state to Nuova Volscina, they would hold the formerly NeuNuova Volscine seat in the Novaran Council.
On the other hand, Volscina denounced Correvaci as a "dangerous revolutionary," and sent soldiers to the border between Volscina and Correva. Furthermore, Volscina laid claim to lakes on the Volscine-Correvan border. Almost immediately, allegations that Volscine soldiers had been sent into Correvan territory cropped up. Correvaci placed the army on alert in response, though Volscina stringently denied these claims, insisting that the soldiers were Correvan.
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At 2:23 on the morning of July 29, a submarine was detected by the frigate. Captain Erhardt Armbruster ordered that the ship attempt to contact the submarine to order it to leave Correvan waters or risk being fired upon. The submarine did not reply, and markedly refused to move from its position.
[[File:Ark RKF CantonVolscinaFlag.jpgsvg|thumb|200px|The naval ensignflag of Volscina, which the unidentified submarine was flying at the time of the attack.]]
At about 2:28, the submarine was spotted surfacing. Reports indicated that it flew the naval ensign of Volscina. Armbruster once again tried to contact the ship to order it to leave Correvan waters. Once again, the submarine did not respond.
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===League of Novaris response===
In response to the attacks, the Novaran Council held an emergency meeting on July 31. In his opening address in the meeting, Secretary-General [[Æthelwine Heardson]] warned the Novaran Council that "the tide of imperialism [and] the tide of the political ambitions of nations is rising once again," and that "the road this guides us down [...] leads to war, to suffering, to misery, to death." He stated that a "choice between peace and prosperity or destruction and death" was before the Council.
Volscine LN Ambassador [[Constanzo Saturnino]] stated to the Novaran Council that Volscine naval records contradict the suggestion that one of their submarines was in Correvan waters and noted that various experts had verified them. He also pointed out that Correvan sources had indicated that the submarine had not headed back north towards Volscina, and argued that only circumstantial evidence placed Volscina under suspicion for the attack. He also reaffirmed the Volscine policy that Correva was rightfully Volscine.
Tretridian LN Ambassador Beorhtsige Wulfricson, in response to Saturnino, expressed his belief that the records could have been faked, and that the submarine could have instead returned southwest towards Ietracia. He also pointed out claims that Volscina had already violated Correvan sovereignty by having their troops crossed the border and stated that verified Correvan records contradicted Volscine claims that said soldiers were Correvan.
The Novaran Council eventually voted to hold a referendum in Correva to determine the future sovereign status of the state over Wulfricson's objections. The Council also voted to form a commission dedicated to investigating the attacks.
[[Category:Armed conflicts]]
Administrators, verified
