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'''Salovia''' (Salovian: სალოველო, pronounced ''Salovelo'' ), officially the '''Grand Monarchy of Salovia''' and later the '''Grand Republic of Salovia''' (Salovian: სალოველოს დიდი მონარქია, pronounced ''Salovelos didi Monarkia''; სალოველოს დიდი რესპუბლიკა, pronounced ''Salovelos Didi Resp’ublik’a''), was a country whose territory primarily consisted of what today are part or all of what makes up Eastern Aurora, namely the nations of [[Tivot]], [[Baykalia]], [[Oscrelia]], [[Volova]], [[Nolova]], [[Tuvaltastan]], [[Tarelia]], and [[Nilovia]], as well as several [[Overseas Territories of Salovia|overseas regions and territories]]. Mainland Salovia, prior to its dissolution, stretched from the [[Bay of Suvol]] (also referred to as the Calthian Sea), following the [[Er River]] and cutting through the [[Kalivian Mountains]] into the [[Great Auroran Desert]], where it would follow the [[Khermali River]] its delta found in the [[Azure Sea]]. From there it stretched westwards into the [[Ethaln Plains]] and eastwards to the [[Sea of Tranquility]]. The nation proper also included the northern end of the [[Horn of KaltarusKaltar]] up until 1975, when [[Tivot]] and [[Blueacia]], both formerly Salovian provinces, gained independence.
The history of Salovia extends back to the first inhabitants of Aurora. The [[Kurieti Site]] in Baykalia is cited as one of the oldest pieces of evidence of human inhabitation of the continent, dating back to 350,000 years ago. The site contains an array of fossils, arrowheads, and cave paintings. The Salovian region is home to many of the oldest examples of civilization as well, including the [[Nelokhvi Empire]], a large empire that spanned much of the southern coast of Aurora and much of the [[Khermali river]]. It, along with a number of other civilizations would endure for a millenium, more or less, until a little understood event known as the [[Great Vanishing]] occurred, wherein all evidence of advanced culture was suddenly halted by an unknown cause. A resurgence of civilizations sprouted up around the 8th century BCE, to include the [[Nobility of Er]], the Nilovite civilizations, and the [[Kveshi Empire|Kveshi]] trade culture. The Nobility of Er, after merging with the smaller [[Nobility of Fughala]], formed the [[Kingdom of Suvol]], whilst the Kveshi would [[The Sacking of Nilovia|sack the Nilovite cities]], and organized into the Kveshi Empire. The northward expansion of the Kveshis and the southward expansion of the Suvolis resulted in their meeting, and the start of the [[Azure Wars]]. The Azure Wars concluded with the assassination of the last king of Suvol, Rorik II by Kveshi king [[Rorik the Conqueror|Odelfv]]. The two empires were merged by Odelfv, who renamed himself to Rorik III after marrying Rorik II's sister Ennala to form Salovia, with the agreeance of the Suvolic [[Boliari]] and cessions made to appease them.
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"Salovia" is a Staynification of the nation's native name ''Salovelo'' (სალოველო), which translates to "land of the Lovelian people," a reference to the group of peoples (the Lovelians; ''Lovelebi'' in Salovian) that live along the southern coast of Aurora, and to whom much of the modern Salovian Royal Family belonged. Lovelians, often mistakenly referred to as the Kveshi{{refn|group=n|name=Kveshi or Lovelia|The term "Kveshi" refers to [[Emperor Kvesh]], who ruled the [[Kveshi Empire|Lovelian empire]] that spanned much of the extent of southern Aurora prior to the [[Azure Wars]].}}, inhabited the coasts of what is now modern day Tuvaltastan, Nilovia, Stratarin, and parts of Faethalria.
"Kingdom of Suvol" refers to the coastal region that is now part of western Oscrelia, northern Baykalia, and northeastern KaltarusKaltar. "Suvol" is itself the name of the first ruling class of the predecessor kingdom of [[Nobility of Er|Er]], the Suvolids.
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====Nobility of Er====
[[File:NobilityEr.gif|right|250px|thumb|Territorial Evolution of The Nobility of Er]]
[[File:AssyrianWarship.jpg|left|200px|thumb|Stone relief depicting the sea invasion of the [[Horn of KaltarusKaltar|Dovian Peninsula]] by Er]]
By the 8th Century BCE, a series of new civilizations had developed within Eastern Aurora, the oldest and most influential of which being the [[Nobility of Er]], which was established by [[Rulik I]], who is widely considered to be the patriarch of what would become the [[List of Monarchs of Salovia|Salovian royal family]]. Legendary historical records, namely the Uriv Monument, claim that Rulik was born at the peak of [[Mount Magnik'ip'iro]] to [[Verk'ohism#Mortagra|Mortagra]]. These records also claim that he climbed his way up the ranks to become the first ruler of Er. However, archaeological studies and digs in the area suggest that a village at the foot of the mountains near modern-day Erov may be where Rulik I was actually born, and was most probably born into a politically important family. Studies of the various sites and stories pertaining to Er suggest a pre-Er civilization existed decades or more earlier than the rule of Rulik I, however no references to such a civilization have yet to be verified.
[[File:ATTICA, Athens. Circa 510 to 500-490 BC.jpg|left|200px|thumb|Coin depicting Meloke (front) and the now-extinct golden-tipped owl (back)]]
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''(See also [[Nelic States]], [[Volovan Empire]], [[Nobility of Baykalia]])
Without a central stable authority to rule over the vast territories held by Salovia, the nation fell into regional blocs vying for control. To the far east, the Orc Kingdom of Khalit'hasa and the Elven Kingdom of Melit'hasa regained sovereignty of territory lost during the rise of Salovia, and to the west, empires like [[Ethalria (Grand Matriarchy)|Ethalria]] and [[KaltarusKaltar#Colonialism and New Age Citystates|Calth]] expanded into previously Salovian lands. The core territory of Salovia itself fell into three primary segments; the [[Nobility of Baykalia]], the [[Volovan Empire]], and the various microstates underneath the overarching diarchy of southern Salovia, now known as the [[Nelic States]].
====Calth-Baykalian Wars====
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Ruled by the [[Boliari]], Baykalia was initially formed under a nominally plutocratic feudal system wherein the most wealthy noble would hold political control of the nation itself. This volatile system provided an avenue for wealthy non-Salovians to gain power and potentially even become King of Baykalia. This opportunity was exploited by the Calth nobleman [[Hathan Fretyal]] who, by 1002, had consolidated his wealth with a number of much less wealthy nobles to inevitably become a contender for the Baykalian crown (called ''Anvert’erani'' in Salovian). The reigning King Nikoloz, recognizing the threat posed by Hathan, amassed the Grand Baykalian Militia, a mercenary group financially loyal to Nikoloz. Funded by Nikoloz and his closest allies in the Boliari, the Militia provided an additional layer of security should Hathan surpass Nikoloz in wealth, and therefore become the Baykalian King. In 1006, Hathan consolidated enough of his and his allies' wealth to surpass Nikoloz, and officially initiated a ''Samepo Gamots’veva'', or Royal Challenge in Staynish/Codexian. A Samepo Gamots'veva is a task in which the wealth of each individual is counted coin by coin to determine the exact wealth of each royal contender, and whoever holds the highest wealth is declared the next King of Baykalia. As was predicted by Hathan and his allies, Hathan was officially declared the new King. However, Nikoloz refused to relinquish his hold on power, declaring war on Hathan and those loyal to him, thus sparking the Baykalian Civil War, or more commonly known as the Calth-Baykalian War.
The war between Nikoloz and Hathan took place from 13 June to 29 November 1006, and killed approximately 8,100 people at the highest estimate. Taking place primarily in Chita, and the border regions between Baykalia and Calth, the war evolved into a much larger nation-to-nation war after the death of Hathan Fretyal; his death was considered a victory by Nikoloz. Hathan's death, however, was taken by the leaders of Calth as an act of war, and as such Calth declared war against Nikoloz and the Nobility itself, beginning the second phase of the war. The fighting expanded into an all-out naval and land conflict, with fighting as far north as modern-day [[Per]], and as far south as Delgerdatter in KaltarusKaltar. This phase of the war, spanning from 1006-1008 and killing around 22,000 people, became the deadliest conflict in the region. The end of the war was marked by the death of Nikoloz, whose successor King Tigran Najaryan negotiated a peace treaty with Calth which ceded land from Baykalia with an affirmation by the Calth that no further conflicts would ensue between the two for 80 years. The treaty officially marked the boundary between Baykalia and Calth as the Riktelachi River. This boundary would remain in existence for over 900 years until the conclusion of the [[Auroran Imperial War]].
====U'dolothi Raids====
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{{Campaignbox Grand Reconquest}}
{{main|Grand Reconquest}}
For the span of a century, the restored monarchy of Salovia pursued an aggressive reconquest of successor states, including the Nelic States and the Nobility of Baykalia, among others. The first of such conquests was the invasion of Oluvi, which Remis I carried out in 1033. At the time, Oluvi served as the center of the political and religious sects of the Nelic States, the most powerful being the ruling Voletrioni class. The invasion and subsequent conquering of Oluvi marked the decline of the Nelic States over the following four years, wherein the entity was methodically reintegrated into the Salovian monarchy, and its upper class incorporated into the Boliari to ensure a more permanent conquest. Upon its near-absorption into Salovia by 1038, resources were turned towards the Orc Kingdom of Kheme'hasa, located east of the Khermali river, the first battle being the Battle of Ikometa. Kheme'hasa surrendered to the Salovian forces at the Battle of Noktesha in 1042. Two weeks after successfully taking Kheme'hasa, Remis I would die from wounds incurred during that same battle. His son, Remis II, continued his efforts towards reconquest by turning attention towards the Nobility of Baykalia, beginning with the Battle of K'iseri Pass in 1044. The battle spanned three days, and was the deadliest battle of the Reconquest, but the Salovian forces achieved a pyrrhic victory over the Baykalians. Upon staging forces within the K'iseri Pass the Salovian forces made their way north, towards the settlement of Irkula, a major strategic location within the Baykalian state. Though the city itself was taken, the military outpost Fort Tamaz had held off the invading Salovians. An additional siege of the fort took place soon after reinforcements arrived, and by 1055 the entire city was taken over. Salovian forces continued moving northwards, however the nation was increasingly indebted to the wealthy individuals of the Boliari, who would soon denounce the war. Tensions between the Boliari and Remis II reached a tipping point in 1061, when the Boliari had Remis II expelled from the throne, allowing for his son Rorik VI to ascend to the throne. During Rorik VI's reign, the conquest of Baykalia was much slower, a direct result of insistence by the Boliari. As such, only a few minor battles took place between 1061 and 1074, most notably the successful Siege of Dulorien in 1074. Like his grandfather, Rorik VI suffered injuries from this battle which would prove lethal months later, dying in the winter of 1074. His son, Yorik IV ascended to the throne and ruled for two years, until contracting a disease now believed to be a form of smallpox. Yorik IV would pass away in 1076, at the age of thirteen, leaving the throne to his twelve year-old brother Remis III. By this time, the Grand Reconquest had reached a point of stagnation, with the Boliari insisting on the cessation of the reconquest altogether. Remis III obliged by the Boliari until the year 1093, when the Conquest of Culoria began, which the Boliari were not informed of. This conquest ushered in the second phase of the conquest of Baykalia, and for the next twenty years, a series of battles, sieges, and raids took place throughout the nation, the turning point of those twenty years being the capture of the cities of Chita and Erov in 1107, the two most important cities of the Nobility of Baykalia. The final campaign that secured Salovian victory of Baykalia was the March of Fifteen Rivers in 1113, ending the Reconquest of core Salovian territory. The final conquest, known as the Tivotian Campaign, is the invasion of the small nations on the tip of the Horn of KaltarusKaltar, collectively referred to as Tivot by Salovians. The three largest nations, Tarov, Perov, and Laberov, were collectively defeated at the Great Battle of Cape Mortagra, where a naval invasion by Salovia was met with the forces of the three nations. By 1140, the three nations had been integrated into Salovia. Three months after securing a victory in Tivot, Remis III passed away of natural causes in Chita, his death marking the end of the Grand Reconquest.
====Second Golden Age====
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The Era of Unrest was a tumultuous period wherein the nation of Salovia was without a singular form of government, with many of the major cities resorting to self-governance, and rural areas experiencing increased autonomy for a period of time. The old customs that had placed the Salovian Royal Family at the head were no longer considered to be legitimate, resulting in a slow trend towards political separation among the diverse regions of the nation. In 1796, a governing body in Akhalibisi and the surrounding Lake Nilovi area, calling themselves the "Grand Salovian Republic," had begun to garner support throughout the fractured nation. The Grand Salovian Republic's governing system, based loosely on the democratic systems found in former Codexian colonies, had established a three-branch system based on checks and balances. By the turn of the century the group had effectively replaced the original nobility-inspired government that had formed in Akhalibisi, with most of the surrounding rural communities opting to join the newly-created Republic. Around the same time, the area in what is now modern-day Baykalia, rather than consider itself "Salovian," had declared independence from the defunct nation. Paired with the [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlian]] and Codexian Empires occupying large swaths of former Salovian territory, a newfound nationalistic fervor, driven partially by the spread of Salovian propaganda, would take hold throughout many the remaining highly-populated regions of Salovia, namely Shagonar and Akhalibisi and their respective surrounding areas. The two populated areas soon formed the foundation for the modern Republic, and many of the rural areas would also recognize it as the true and legitimate government of the successor nation to the Monarchy. On December 10th, 1811 a [[Salovian Unification Ceremony of 1811|Unification Ceremony]] was held in Akhalibisi, officially establishing the nation (simultaneously declaring Akhalibisi the new capital), and a year later the first Chancellor, [[Mikhail Karanovi]], assumed office.
Soon after the Unification Ceremony, tensions between KaltarusKaltar and the new Grand Salovian Republic began to sprout, with the primary issue being the newly-independent Baykalia. Both nations claimed Baykalia to be a legitimate part of each other's territory, with the two nearing the brink of war over the disputed claim. The five years after the Unification Ceremony, Baykalia experienced a period of mass poverty and starvation throughout the area, known in Baykalia as the [[Baykalia#Age of Fatigue|Age of Fatigue]]. Thousands died of starvation and disease, and the leader of the fledgling nation struck a deal with the Salovian leader in which Baykalia would be annexed by Salovia, but it would require Baykalia to have more say in the nation's affairs than the rest of Salovia. Another notable series of events during the Era of Unrest was [[Oscrelia|Oscrelia's]] push into Salovian territory, the nation acquiring large swaths of land directly south of it. The [[Crusade of the Bandits]], a series of bandit attacks taking place on the far desert reaches of Salovia, had also sprung up in the [[Great Auroran Desert]], as well a short-lived war between Codex and Salovia over the area just east of modern-day Tuvaltastan, known as the [[War of the Crescent Coast]].
[[File:Vakhudan.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Portrait of [[Vakhudan Posol]]]]
====First Posolic War====