Provisional Government of the Secceran Republic: Difference between revisions

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The '''Provisional Government of the Secceran Republic''' ('''PGRS''', Norvian: ''Governo Provvisorio della Repubblica Seccerana''), was the provisional government that ruled [[Seccera]] following the abolition of the [[Kingdom of Seccera]] in 2002 until its dissolution in 2020. Under the PGRS, Seccera was officially known as the '''Secceran Republic''' until its dissolution after the election of [[George Gray]] as President, at which point the 2020 Secceran constitution took effect, renaming the country into the [[Seccera|Federal Republic of Seccera]].
Following the Senate proclaiming the dissolution of the monarchy and the creation of the PGRS in its stead, the resulting civil unrest against the backdrop of the Volscine Civil War, as well as threats from the House of Rineldi to reassert the monarchy's position by force led the PGRS to request outside military assistance, leading to the [[Tretridian military intervention into Seccera]]. Tretridian soldiers, organized within Tretridian Seccera Command (SECCOM), were stationed Seccera in large numbers until SECCOM's dissolution in the Resolution Concerning Seccera, passed by the Witenagemot on the same day George Gray took office.
Administrators, verified
