Politics of the Oan Isles

The political system of the Oan Isles take place in the framework of a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy. The Constitution of the Oan Isles forms the highest law in the land. It sets out the three branches of government and places checks between them to maintain a balance of power.

The Emperor of Polynesia is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the Oan Defence Forces. The Prime Minister, currently Maui Uye-Ahua, is the head of government and comprises the executive branch together with the Cabinet. The Supreme Court and other courts make up the judiciary. The political system is strongly influenced by the center-left Progressive Party and the center-right Liberal Party, which have dominated elections for decades.


Main article: Emperor of Polynesia

The Emperor is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Succession is by male primogeniture where male line descendants of Emperor Ahua I ascend to the throne. The incumbent Emperor is Oahoanu who succeeded his father, Ehe, in 2017. He is the head of the House of Ahua, the royal family of the Oan Isles.

Although the Constitution invests all government power and sovereignty in the Crown of Polynesia, the Emperor is a ceremonial figurehead with very limited power. He signs the instruments by which bills become laws, judges, cabinet ministers and other senior government officials are appointed, treaties are ratified and so on. Through his personal celebrity, wealth and proximity to the government, the Emperor has served as a representative during negotiations on behalf of the government or he has participated in official discussions and offered his advice to the government.


The executive branch is comprised of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Prime Minister is the head of government. He is invited by the Emperor to form a Cabinet after the election of a new National Assembly. The Emperor appoints an individual who can maintain the confidence of a majority of the Parliament. Usually this person is the leader of the largest political party or coalition in the National Assembly. Because neither of the two major political parties could form a government after neither got more than 50% of votes in the 2017 elections, they agreed to support Maui Uye-Ahua to form and lead the government.

Maui Uye-Ahua is a proponent of Pan-polynesian unity and was a supporter of the personal union between the monarchies of the Asian Pacific Islands and the Oan Isles and the subsequent formation of the Polynesian Union. He was the head of the Konoa People's Party and supported autonomy for the island of Noa and the Konoan people.

The Cabinet is made up of 10 ministers of the Crown who head up government departments. He appointed the head of the Progressive Party, accountant and former director of the Metatron Corporation, Kia Uye, as the Minister of Finance. He appointed the head of a non-profit organization, Arana Marama, to replace veteran diplomat Locklyn Le Roy, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He retained General Oahuoa Uye, as the Minister of Defence.

Other ministers include Justice (which handles the judiciary and oversees law enforcement agencies), Security (which oversees intelligence services), Infrastructure (which manages state property and public infrastructure like roads and telecommunications), the Home (which manages home affairs), the Interior (which oversees environmental conservation, eco-tourism, water resources, agriculture and fishing), Trade (which oversees commerce and labour issues) and Cooperative Government (which oversees administrative divisions and tribal communities).


The National Assembly comprises the unicameral legislature. It is made up of 121 seats each allocated to a single-member constituency. It is elected every four years by the eligible adult population. The presiding officer is the Speaker, who is currently a veteran legislator and acclaimed jurist Pounamu Kateha.

The two largest parties are the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party. Neither party won a majority in the 2017 elections nor were they able to form coalitions with the other minor parties such as the Greens, Socialists, and Konoan People's Party. Maui Uye-Ahua negotiated with the two large parties to form the government. He received their support and was invited by the Emperor to form His Serene Majesty's Government. Therefore, there is no official opposition party to form His Serene Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition.


The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. It has the right to strike down decisions made by inferior courts and the power to strike down laws which do not conform the constitution. The Chief Justice, the presiding officer of the court and head of its supporting administration, is the veteran judge and among the most acclaimed jurists in Aurora, is Ihame Pahalo.

Below the Supreme Court is the High Court which is divided into provincial courts that have provincial jurisdiction. It has both appellate and trial powers (over issues such as bankruptcy, mental illness, murder and children's rights). Magistrate courts have trial jurisdiction and no appeals powers. There are regional courts which handle cases for larger areas such the Leeward Sand Dune Islands Magistrate Court and share trial powers with the High Court (such as over domestic violence, and financial cases above 200,000 tāra).

Administrative divisions

The highest administrative division of the Oan Isles is made up of provinces. Provinces have limited power to legislate over issues devolved to them by the National Assembly. The Provincial Assembly, which is elected by single member constituencies, exercises law-making powers. It elects the Governor who appoints the Provincial Cabinet which implements legislation. There are regions which act as coordinating structures for managing water, communications, roads and other issues between local governments.

Local governments are in charge of a city, town, villages and surrounding urban settlements, rural farmland and conversation areas. The largest local governments are those of the biggest cities such as the Port of the Rock, La Rochelle and many others. To supplement these structures, there are tribal authorities which promote then cultural heritage of a specific linguistic and cultural community. The Konoan provincial government and tribal authority were fused and given substantial autonomy by the Oan government. Although the Oan government maintains authority over the Asian Pacific Islands and Kohatu Isles, they are not considered administrative divisions of the Oan Isles because they were not formally annexed.