Politics of Phoenixia

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Phoenixia politics takes place in a unitary presidential republic, in a multi-party and democratic framework. The Constitution (Phoex Codex), which dates back to 1420, provides for a Republic system with separation of powers. Legislative power is exercised by the parliament (National Congress). Judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Council. Executive power is exercised by the government and prime minister of Phoenixia. The president is the head of state and is elected by popular vote for a term of six years.

Executive branch

Federal President

Federal Chancellor


Each Minister can be assisted by several undersecretaries who receive specific proxies from him for the exercise of their functions.. The function of political direction is up to the Ministers, that is, the definition of objectives and the programs to be implemented and a control function on the compliance of the results of the administrative management with the general directives imparted. The current ministries are 16.


Legislative power is exercised by Congress, which was established in 1354 and is one of the oldest continuous legislatures in the world; It meets in the capital, in Bluckingham. It has the task of approving and repealing laws, amending the constitution and ratifying international treaties. It gives and revokes the confidence of the Government, appoints the elected members of the Constitutional Court, the Court of Cassatiion, and other public officials.

The Congress is made up of 320 members elected by universal suffrage by citizens who have reached the age of 18. The electoral system is the proportional one. Parties that have obtained at least 4% of the votes enter parliament. The Congress has a president, two vice-presidents and a general secretary; Is divided into 20 permanent commissions and  14 special commissions. The current president is Cameron Crowe.


Judicial bodies


Due to the multi-party system, no single party has held a majority in parliament since the 19th century and, as a result, coalition cabinets had to be formed. Since suffrage became universal in 1917, the Phoexy political system has been dominated by three families of political parties: the strongest of which were the, currently represented by the Patriotic Union (PU); second, the Social Democrats, represented by the Phoenixia Labor Movement (PLM); and the third are the Centrists, of which the Center-Right Moderate Pole (MP) is the main representative.

These parties cooperated in coalition cabinets where the Patriotic Union had always been a partner: then it ruled a center-right coalition of conservatives and social democrats or a center-right coalition of conservatives and liberals. In the 1970s, the party system became more unstable: conservative parties have lost seats, while new parties have been successful, such as the Centrists (CP), the Progressives (PP) or the Green Movement (GM).

In the 1995 elections, the PU lost its dominant position. A "Blue" cabinet was formed by MP, PP and GM. In the 2000 election, this government lost its majority, due to increased support for the PU and the rise of the right-wing Liberal bloc (LB), a new political party, around Qecker Nas. a short-lived cabinet was formed by the MP, PP and LB led by the leader of the LB Bandæ crēx. after the 2005 elections, in which the LB lost most of its seats, a cabinet was formed by the MP, PP and RLM, at a radical left party. The government has launched an ambitious program to reform the welfare state, the health system and immigration policy.

In June 2006, the government fell after the RLM voted in favor of a no-confidence motion against the Minister of Immigration and Integration. The formation of a new cabinet took three months, resulting in a coalition of MP, LB and PU. On February 20, 2010, the government fell when the LB refused to vote in favor of the annual budget bill.

The elections took place on 9 June 2010, with devastating results for the former largest party, the PU, which lost about half of its seats, winning 55 seats. The MP became the largest party with 102 seats, closely followed by the PP with 97 seats. The big winner of the 2010 election was Artege Wilders, whose right-wing CP, the ideological successor of the LB, more than doubled the number of seats. Negotiations for a new government led to a minority government, led by CP (the first) in coalition with PU, which formed the second Erea cabinet sworn in on October 14, 2010. This unprecedented minority government was supported by MP, but very unstable, so much so that on April 21, 2012, a government mix occurs with ministers of the CP, PU and MP.

After the 2015 general election, CP, PU, MP and National Alliance, a party born from the split from the PU in 2014, formed the third Erea cabinet. This cabinet resigned in January 2021, two months before the general election, after a child welfare fraud scandal. In March 2021, center-right CP of Chancellor Andrew de Crox was the winner of the elections, securing 109 out of 640 seats. The second biggest party was the centre-left RLM with 54 seats. Geert Wilders' far-right party lost support. Chancellor Andrew de Crox formed his second coalition government, consisting of CP, MP, LB and external support of the Greens.


  • Phoenixia Labor Movement is a center-left phoenixian political party, with a social democratic matrix founded in 1955. The current president of the party is Árkat niju, who was elected in January 2018 succeeding Jóhanna Guender, the youth wing of the Social Democratic Alliance is the Social Democratic Youth.
  • Moderate Pole
  • Patriotic Union,
  • Green Movement,
  • Phoenixia Progressives,

Parlaimentary elections

Presidential election