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Phoenixia is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic. The Constitution of Phoenixia also provides the possibility for direct democracy through referendum. Phoenixia has pursued the development of the e-government, with 80 percent of the public services being available on the web 24 hours a day.  
=== '''Landsraad''' ===
The Landsraad is the legislative authority of the Federal Republic of Phoenixia. It consists of 630 members elected in democratic elections for a term of four years according to the principle of proportional representation. The work of the Parliament is coordinated by the Landsraad Council which is led by the President of the Landsraad elected for the entire legislature. There are also factions within the Parliament, which carry out the programs of their respective political parties. The work of the Parliament is supported by various committees, whose staff is made up of members of the factions. They prepare bills and exercise parliamentary control over their sectors of activity. Laws are passed by an open majority. The quorum for the Parliament is provided for by the internal rules of Landsraad.
Citizens of Phoenixia who are at least 21 years old are eligible to vote and can stand for election to Parliament. Citizens who are at least 18 years of age and not convicted of a crime have the right to elect their representatives in parliamentary elections. Elections are held by the President of the Republic. After the election of the Parliament, the first session is convened by the President of the Republic, where the members of the Parliament take the oath and then elect the Chancellor and the President of the Parliament. The election procedure is defined in the electoral law.
=== '''Federal President''' ===
The Federal President is the head of state of Phoenixia and serves as the highest representative of the state. The President may have limited participation in legislation by issuing decrees, resolutions and directives. Furthermore, the President can refuse to sign a law and return it to Parliament for review. There are several institutions under the jurisdiction of the President. These include: the Academic Committee, the Federal Development Roundtable, the Phoenixian Memory Institute, the President's Cultural Foundation, the Phoenixian Federal Cooperation Assembly, and the National Defense Council.
The president is elected by the Landsraad for a term of six years, for a limit of 2 consecutive terms. If the Parliament does not obtain at least two-thirds of the votes after three rounds of voting, an Electoral College (made up of Parliament and representatives of local authority councils) elects the president, choosing between the two candidates with the highest percentage of votes. The candidate is nominated with at least one fifth of the support of the Members of Parliament. Applicants must be Phoenix citizens and at least 40 years of age. The election of the president is governed by the constitution. The Speaker of the Landsraad can also perform the functions of the Federal President in the cases provided for by the constitution.
=== '''Government''' ===
The Government of Phoenixia is formed by the Chancellor at recommendation of the President, and approved by the Landsraad. The government, headed by the Chancellor, represent the political leadership of the country and carry out domestic and foreign policy. Ministers head ministries and represent its interests in the government. Sometimes ministers with no associated ministry are appointed, known as ministers without portfolio. Phoenixia has been ruled by coalition governments because no party has been able to obtain an absolute majority in the parliament.
=== '''Constituent states''' ===
Phoenixia is a federal state and comprises twenty constituent states which are collectively referred to as Døminion. Each state (Domin) has its own constitution, and is largely autonomous in regard to its internal organisation.
