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To cope with the uprisings of the masses, the great industrialists and landowners turned to action squads, paramilitary organizations founded by the nationalist politician Leone Ausilio, who presented himself as the defender of order and bourgeois society in an anti-socialist function. There followed episodes of violence against trade unions, organizations, newspapers and left-wing parties. Very famous was the assault on the headquarters of the socialist newspaper "Red Star" which for the first time made the action teams and Leone Ausilio stand out at national level.
It was the Trentini government, wholed hadby the conservative Ambrogio Trentini, to deal with the uprisings of the masses exceptionally appointed by the parliament pendingawaiting the ascentaccession to the throne of a new king.
AmbrogioThe , longtime conservative,government initially reacted by harshly suppressing the demonstrations, but later decided to accept the requests of the works in an attempt to restore order and avoid the risk of a communist revolution that seemed to be on the horizon. Through the laws n.421 and n.423 respectively, the working hours were reduced from 55/60 hours per week to 48 and the national labor inspectorate was created to monitor the safety at work and the economic conditions of workers. The government tolerated the squad actions that it saw as a passing evil that would disappear over time.
On 29 September 1930, at the age of 35, Tomaseo Poter II ascended the throne after the assassination of his father. Although he was a man committed to constitutional government, he looked with suspicion at the left parties who then dominated politics and saw squadron violence a necessary evil to eradicate socialism.
