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== Law ==
At the apex of the country's judicial system there is the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court which is the guarantor of the constitutional charter. It is made up of fifteen members, appointed by the President of the Republic with the consent of the Congress. Constitutional judges remain in office for ten non-renewable years.
The Phoenix judicial system is governed by the constitution and the code of national law; the main judicial institutions are the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Attorney General of the Republic.
==== Attorney General of the Republic ====
The Attorney General of the Republic is in charge of the judicial organization of the government and carries out administrative functions relating to civil and criminal jurisdiction, attributed to it by the Constitution, the Laws, and the regulations in matters of justice. The current attorney in office is Michael Nick.
The Phoenixian independent judiciary enjoys special constitutional protection from the executive power. Once appointed, judges last for life and cannot be removed without specific disciplinary proceedings conducted in two process before the Superior Council of the Judiciary.
==== Court of cassation ====
The Court of Cassation is the supreme body of Italian jurisdiction and judge of last resort, with the task of ensuring the uniform interpretation and application of the law, compliance with the limits of the various jurisdictions, the regulation of conflicts of jurisdiction and attribution between the various judges. The court is divided into six sections, They generally work individually but meet to discuss serious legal violations, the election of the president or the inauguration of the judicial year.
The current Court of cassation president in office is Louis Eddie
==== Constitutional Court ====
The Constitutional Court is the main guarantor of the republican constitution. It can declare unconstitutional laws or enforcement actions taken at any level of government , nullifying the law and setting a precedent for future laws and decisions. Its jurisdiction is not limited to a particular judicial matter but extends to the whole national territory.
It is made up of 9 judges, whose election is up to various bodies: 3 are chosen by the Parliament, 3 by the President of the Republic and 3 by the main districts of the judiciary. Their mandate initially lasted 10 years, today reduced to eight. Among them the judges of the Court elect one of them President of the Constitutional Court, with coordination functions and a four-year mandate. The current Constitutional Court president in office is Nelson Jr Brown.
=== Sources of law ===
== Foreign relations ==
