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=== Ancient history ===
=== Text ===
Until the eighth century BC the region was a mosaic of small states and city-states engaged in incessant power struggles and fervent hostilities.In this climate of political instability the Arafrosites emerged, landless warriors who roamed the entire country conquering and plundering cities, it was thanks to them that the region came a unified.
In this climate of instability and political tension, a warlike family emerged from the coasts, plundering and conquering the cities, a process that culminated in the unification of the region and the proclamation of the monarchy.Under the Arafrositi, a strong national identity developed that mixed indigenous customs and popular traditions, thus forming a new society.
Between 700 and 600 BC the phoenixia dynasty went through a profound crisis following the death of the last male heir, to overcome that problem, king palbert abolishes the salic law allowing his daughter adda to inherit the throne. Thus began the heyday of the kingdom, the first peer constitution of the time was promulgated, debt slavery was abolished and, above all, parliament was introduced, divided into two branches, the upper one appointed by the monarchy and the lower one by the aristocrats since until then the power of the king was absolute, this was a great step for Arafors.
Over time various measures were implemented, including the establishment of private property, the opening of commercial and civil ports and the extension of the vote to the merchant classes.
Little by little steps were being taken to achieve democracy.
Great event of the 1st century AD was the struggle between 2 branches of the family, Auxilium and Maxium, respectively represented by Auxilio V and Maxer II which ended with the triumph of the first over the second, starting the so-called era of reforms.
Struck down by a sudden illness, he died at the ripe old age of 65.
=== Transition phase ===
After the death of King Orleao von Auxilium, left without direct heirs, he was succeeded by his niece Carmine II. During her reign, the queen, a fervent supporter of women's rights and aware of cultural difficulties, promulgated various acts, gathered in the so-called equal statute; male authority over daughters and wives was abolished, female admissions were allowed to some state offices, sanctions for honor killing were instituted, and above all women were guaranteed a certain financial autonomy by male relatives, at the time a revolutionary concept. She was nicknamed Carmine the Great for her intelligent and rebellious character. In her last years as queen, she was in favor of a structural change in the country from a modern perspective; he redefined the public powers, then in conflict with each other and promoted a policy of innovation for the nation.
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=== Ministries and Agencies ===
The ministries are the administrative bodies of the Republic, they provide addresses on specific matters, the current ministries are 13:
The ministries are the administrative bodies of the Republic, they provide addresses on specific matters,
, t ey constitute fundamental articulations of the State and are made up of complex administrative structurethe he current ministries are 13:ention;
the current ministries are 13:
the Ministry of Education, it deals with the management, functioning of education and public research.
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the Ministry of Economic affairs, it's responsible for managing, improving and strengthening state finances.
Government agencies are public entities through which the specific addresses of ministries are made, they carry out a broader and direct task to citizens. The current agencies are 4:
the Real estate agency,
