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=== Red Crisis ===
In 1929, athe governmentkingdom headedwas byin Aureliothe Marzomidst Cadrega, an anti-socialist, took office amidstof a severe crisis, in the kingdom. The crisis was rooted inwith a stark disparity in the distribution of wealth and power, with. wealthyWealthy industrialists and landowners holdingheld substantial economic and political sway, while the working class and rural population lacked representation in government. This mounting demand for reforms and greater social and economic equality fueled strikes, protests, and demonstrations, to which the government responded with force, exacerbating the situation.
The mounting demands for reforms and greater social and economic equality fueled strikes, protests, and demonstrations, to which the government responded with force, exacerbating the situation. The government's handling of the crisis exposed deep divisions within the political establishment, with some factions supporting the working class and advocating for reforms, while others backed the interests of the wealthy elites.
In 1929, a government headed by Aurelio Marzo Cadrega, an anti-socialist, took office amidst a severe crisis in the kingdom. The crisis was rooted in a stark disparity in the distribution of wealth and power, with wealthy industrialists and landowners holding substantial economic and political sway, while the working class and rural population lacked representation in government.
Leone Ausilio, a nationalist politician, capitalized on the opportunity and formed paramilitary groups known as Hares squads to suppress left-wing political organizations and trade unions through violent means. Ausilio portrayed himself as a protector of order and bourgeois society, and his squads carried out brutal attacks on left-wing newspapers, socialist parties, and labor activists.
The mounting demands for reforms and greater social and economic equality fueled strikes, protests, and demonstrations, to which the government responded with force, exacerbating the situation. The government's handling of the crisis exposed deep divisions within the political establishment, with some factions supporting the working class and advocating for reforms, while others backed the interests of the wealthy elites.
Ausilio portrayed himself as a protector of order and bourgeois society, and his squads carried out brutal attacks on left-wing newspapers, socialist parties, and labor activists. As violence escalated, the government made significant concessions to the workers to restore order, such as enacting laws to reduce working hours and establishing new agencies to monitor worker safety and protect economic conditions.
Leone Ausilio, a nationalist politician, capitalized the opportunity and formed paramilitary groups known as Hares squads to suppress left-wing political organizations and trade unions through violent means. Ausilio portrayed himself as a protector of order and bourgeois society, and his squads carried out brutal attacks on left-wing newspapers, socialist parties, and labor activists.
At the Watts convention, Ausilio rebranded his violent squads into a political movement called the Union of Arafors, which allied with the Conservative party and gained significant influence in the country's politics, winning 35 seats in the Landsraad in the September general election. The UnionistUnionists's rise marked a shift towards more populist and nationalist politics, challenging the traditional parties and their alliances.
As violence escalated, the government made significant concessions to the workers to restore order, such as enacting laws to reduce working hours and establishing new agencies to monitor worker safety and protect economic conditions.
In late November 1930, King Pietro VI abdicated in favor of his son Peter I, who was crowned in January 1931,. marking a new era for the kingdom.
At the Watts convention, Ausilio rebranded his violent squads into a political movement called the Union of Arafors, which allied with the Conservative party and gained significant influence in the country's politics, winning 35 seats in the Landsraad in the September general election. The Unionist's rise marked a shift towards more populist and nationalist politics, challenging the traditional parties and their alliances.
In late November 1930, King Pietro VI abdicated in favor of his son Peter I, who was crowned in January 1931, marking a new era for the kingdom.
=== Unionist Dictatorship ===
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=== Cartegine Revolution ===
On June 16, 1944, widespreada wave of protests eruptedswept inthrough automobile and textile factories in Cartegine, marking the largest demonstrations during the Unionist dictatorship. The protestspeople were sparkedfed byup with high living costs, food scarcity, and exorbitant prices, whichthat had doubled due to inflation caused by the massive issue of money by the Phoxia Royal Bank.
These protests markedwere the beginningcatalyst offor the Cartegine Revolution, which quickly evolved into the Phoenixian Civil War, with opposingpitting pro-Unionists andagainst partisans. The unrest quicklysoon transformed into a general anti-government revolt., Thefueled by the clandestine publication of the "Araforsian Nation" newspaper, funded by entrepreneur Gaetano Valerio,. contributedThe tonewspaper's thewidespread spreaddistribution of theclandestine strikeleaflets throughhelped widespreadto distributionspread ofthe clandestine leafletsstrike.
Amidst this turmoil, leaders from various political and social groups united to form the National Resistance Movement, which aimed to overthrow the Unionist dictatorship and establish a democratic government. The movement was a beacon of hope for the people, who had long suffered under the oppressive regime.
As the Cartegine Revolution gained momentum, the pro-Unionist forces began to crumble, and the revolutionaries took control of many key cities and infrastructure. The Unionist Party was quickly losing its grip on power. The conflict continued for several months, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. However, it became clear that the rebels were gaining the upper hand, as they continued to make significant gains and win the support of the people.
As the Cartegine Revolution gained momentum, the pro-Unionist forces began to crumble, and the revolutionaries took control of many key cities and infrastructure. The Unionist Party was quickly losing its grip on power. The conflict continued for several months, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. However, it became clear by the end of june 1944 that the rebels were gaining the upper hand, as they continued to make significant gains and win the support of the people.
The chaotic situation provided an opportunity for a group of disillusioned generals to depose the regime.
The moment King Pietro I became aware of the confrontations, he promptly arranged for the escape of the royal family secretly out of harms way and away to an unspecified place.
Amidst this turmoil, a provisional government was formed, composed of leaders from various political and social groups. Their primary focus was to restore order and rebuild the country.
Pietro I, the ruling monarch, organized the escape of the royal family to an unknown location when he learned of the clashes. The provisional government organized an institutional referendum on the form of state, which led to the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a federal democratic republic. Deputies of the constituent assembly were elected to draft a new constitutional charter. The royal family was subsequently banned from re-entering the country, and their assets, including the Phoxia Royal Palace, were confiscated.
=== Federal Republic ===
Following the end of the civil war in September 1944, a provisional government was established, and the people were called upon to vote on whether to abolish the monarchy or establish a republic. The vote was held in October of that year, and the majority of the people chose to establish a republic. From March 1945 to December 1947, a Constituent Assembly was established to draft the new Constitution of Phoenixia. This constitution was officially implemented on January 1st, 1948, exactly 100 years after the enactment of the Kingdom of Arafors Constitution, the Theodor Statute.
In the aftermath of the referendum, the royal family was prohibited from returning to the country. This decision was made to ensure that the new republic could move forward without any interference from the monarchy. Furthermore, all of their assets, including the Phoxia Royal Palace, were seized.
A provisional government was created, which was tasked with drafting a series of reforms to reorganize the state and implement the constitution.
The Provisionalfirst Federalfree Governmentelections wasin created,two whichdecades waswere taskedheld within draftingMay a series of reforms to reorganize the state1949 and implementthey themarked constitution.a Insignificant Marchmilestone 1949,in the firstcountry's freedemocratic elections since 1929 were helddevelopment, andwith the liberal coalition of "The Future," comprising democratic and liberal parties, emergedemerging victorious.
TheOne Mikkealasonof governmentthe most notable initiatives was formed,the whichinstitution carriedof outprogressive severalincome initiativestaxation, forwhich thehelped renewalto ofredistribute thewealth Republic.and Progressivepromote incomegreater taxationsocial wasequality. instituted,The andcreation of the Federal Health System was created.another Primarysignificant andachievement, secondaryproviding access to healthcare for all citizens. Additionally, education became compulsory up to the age of 16, ensuring that every child had access to a basic education.
TheUnder the Mikkealason government, the country began to explore partnerships with nearby nations, sending emissaries to [[Norgsveldet]], [[New Leganes]], and other neighboring countries. A new trade policy was announced, givingwith particular attention given to the Almodarian region, and. significantSignificant capital was invested in a new route called ARA-MOND, which helped to facilitate trade and commerce.
In 1953, large oil fields were discovered in the central area of the Optio Sea. The government createdresponded by creating the [[Phoenixia National Fund|Phoenixian National Fund]], which was designed to invest the oil proceeds in infrastructure projects. Several joint-venture companies, such as the Arafors & Tregriva Company, were created in the late 1950s to facilitate maritime trade, mainly involving the export and import of goods between Arafors and Almodaria.
===First Dømin War===
