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The first certain traces of human presence date back to the Paleolithic, with communities of hunter-gatherers. In the eighth millennium BC the so-called cardial pottery culture appears in the coastal region, marking the introduction of the Neolithic revolution. Between the end of the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic, there are important testimonies left by the Raldon culture in the region. With the Bronze Age the Salvonian culture flourishes, which will be followed by the Protozoan culture in the final phase of the Bronze Age.
The first certain traces of human presence date back to the Paleolithic, with communities of hunter-gatherers. In the eighth millennium BC the so-called cardial pottery culture appears in the coastal region, marking the introduction of the Neolithic revolution. Between the end of the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic, there are important testimonies left by the Raldon culture in the region. With the Bronze Age the Salvonian culture flourishes, which will be followed by the Protozoan culture in the final phase of the Bronze Age.

Between the 12th and 9th centuries BC, in the Iron Age the zoic culture found its highest expression, representing the most ancient phase of the Araforsian civilization. While the areas of northwestern Phoenixia are inhabited by the ancient Arafrosites.
Between the 12th and 9th centuries BC, in the Iron Age the zoic culture found its highest expression, representing the most ancient phase of the Araforsian civilization. While the areas of northwestern Phoenixia are inhabited by the ancient Arafrosites. The area was affected by the agricultural revolution which led to the formation of permanent groups. The increase of the population lead to the creation of the first city-states.

=== Foundation 1000-1090 ===
Around the year 1000 BC, the area was affected by the agricultural revolution which led to the formation of permanent groups. The increase of the population lead to the creation of the first city-states.
in honor of his clan the storic region was named arafors.

The King Phoenix I to consolidate power over Arafors made a series of alliances with powerful families. Under the monarch, the state of Afrors led by the Phoenixius dynasty was proclaimed. He laid the foundations for the modern state, issuing Written codes of laws valid throughout the territory, imposed the collection of taxes, ordered the construction of various public works and schools.
=== Foundation 1000-1090===

Unthil his death, power passed, by inheritance to his son, Henry Phoe. Henry was the king's eldest son, who educated him in discipline and determination from an early age. Under the reign of henry, began a period of expansionism that will culminate centuries later with the conquest of the Alexandrian bay by king Aurixium Pox.

=== Consolidation of the Kingdom 1100-1190 ===

=== Ancient Kingdom 1200-1350 ===
in honor of his clan the storic region was named arafors.

==== War of the Towers 1351-1388 ====
The King Phoenix I to consolidate power over Arafors made a series of alliances with powerful families.
Under the monarch, the state of Afrors led by the Phoenixius dynasty was proclaimed. He laid the foundations for the modern state, issuing Written codes of laws valid throughout the territory, imposed the collection of taxes, ordered the construction of various public works and schools.

=== The reign of terror 1389-1399 ===
Unthil his death, power passed, by inheritance to his son, Henry Phoe. Henry was the king's eldest son, who educated him in discipline and determination from an early age. Under the reign of henry, began a period of expansionism that will culminate centuries later with the conquest of the Alexandrian bay by king Aurixium Pox.

=== The era of the Transitions 1400-1410 ===

=== The new Republic 1420-1500 ===

=== The Universal Reform 1510-1600 ===

=== Ancient Era ===
=== Trade Crisis 1620-1730 ===
Between 700 and 600 BC the phoenixia dynasty went through a profound crisis following the death of the last male heir, to overcome that problem, king palbert abolishes the salic law allowing his daughter adda to inherit the throne. Thus began the heyday of the kingdom, the first peer constitution of the time was promulgated, debt slavery was abolished and, above all, parliament was introduced, divided into two branches, the upper one appointed by the monarchy and the lower one by the aristocrats since until then the power of the king was absolute, this was a great step for Arafors. Over time various measures were implemented, including the establishment of private property, the opening of commercial and civil ports and the extension of the vote to the merchant classes.

=== Conquest of Phox Region 1731-1790 ===
Great event of the 1st century AD was the struggle between 2 branches of the family, Auxilium and Maxium, respectively represented by Auxilio V and Maxer II which ended with the triumph of the first over the second, starting the so-called era of reforms.

=== Rox Period 1800-1820 ===
The new King Orleao von Auxilium, he was a great strategist, thanks to his skills arafors made a non-aggression pact with neighboring states, then he mainly dealt with the army which was divided into three sections and flanked by a fleet that was deployed to protect maritime traffic. Intent on expanding his power he made a series of laws that severely limited the influence of the aristocracy, instituted popular tribunes and dissolved those by category, improved the transport system and reinforced the borders. Struck down by a sudden illness, he died at the ripe old age of 65.

=== Period of isolation 1821-1859 ===
After the death of King Orleao von Auxilium, left without heirs, he was succeeded by his niece Carmine II. During her reign, the queen, a fervent supporter of women's rights and aware of cultural difficulties, promulgated various acts, gathered in the so-called equal statute; male authority over daughters and wives was abolished, female admissions were allowed to some state offices, sanctions for honor killing were instituted, and above all women were guaranteed a certain financial autonomy by male relatives, at the time a revolutionary concept. She was nicknamed Carmine the Great for her intelligent and rebellious character. In her last years as queen, she was in favor of a structural change in the country from a modern perspective; he redefined the public powers, then in conflict with each other and promoted a policy of innovation for the nation.

=== The epoch of stability 1860-1900 ===
=== Dark Era===

=== The advent of Presidentialism 1910-20 ===
Carmine II's successor, Robert VI, was not at his height, leading the country into the lowest and darkest period in Phoenix history. He ascended the throne at the age of 24, very young, already suffering from various mental disorders, which led him to madness: he tortured and massacred numerous civilians, murdered his closest relatives and brought the country to the brink of a civil war. His reign is called of terror.

=== Modern Era ===
=== Population growth period 1930-50 ===
His brother Paul IV, who returned after his confinement during the reign of terror, wanted to heal the great scar left by Robert VI. Therefore he revoked the state of siege; he commemorated those killed in the massacres and initiated a profound reorganization of the state, divided powers, he introduced universal suffrage for the first time in Phoenixian history and unified the parliament and gave them greater decision-making powers over the kingdom. There were several revolts by the rural aristocracy, which felt threatened by these changes, but which did not have a great impact.

=== Period of instability and tension 1951-69 ===
Paul IV's greatest merit is that of having called an institutional referendum, where the republic won, and of having accepted the will of the citizens. in the 1923 he abdicated from the throne, ending the millennial experience of the monarchy. Since 1946 due to the presidential decree n.11 he is celebrated as the hero of the nation, who has revived the fortunes of Phoenixia.

=== Years of economic prosperity 1970-89 ===
=== Contemporary Era===

=== Period of political unity 1990-2010 ===
Member of the liberal ruling class, guarantor of the transition from the Monarchy to the Republic. Septo Rez, was elected provisional Head of State by the Constituent Assembly, in the 1454 he assumed the attributions and the title of President of the Republic. During his two-year mandate - he participated in the elaboration and then in the promulgation of the new Constitution; and induced the country's first general political elections.

=== The era of reforms 2011-2021 ===
the elections of 1460 inaugurated the new democratic process, with the victory of the social democrat Zeno Cosini.

== Politics ==
== Politics ==