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After three months of sailing and running nearly out of food they saw land on the horizon and landed at present day Korok. The ship's crew set up a basecamp when they did not see any humans and began exploring the land, studying the stars and winds to get back to the tribes with their discovery of a human-free land.
While the scientific studies of the stars and winds were going on one of the scout ships disembarked to explore the land they could see to the west. After a few days of exploring the land they discovered an elf species that was not recorded in their catalog of known species. They had the appearance of elves but with moon shaped eyes and did not speak any known elven language they knew. andEarly dueinteractions towith athis misunderstandingelf namedspecies theled elfto speciesmany Peahegahinviolent encounters due to (Peregrin)miscommunication.
===Masakomi Unification===
Two years after Nekomimi settlement, the tribes of the Masakomi started to unify under Warrior Queen Mern Juoi. She formed the Council of Masako, one of the oldest legislative bodies still in existence, to bring the lands of the Masakomi closer together.
Five years after unification started, the capital was moved to the newly established city Kreft, that was more centralized to the newly formed Ojkgxemasakomi or Masakomi Imperium.
====Border Wars====
Kingdom of Wachovia scouts encountered the Nekomimi on the outskirts of Cosmoh when exploring the land along the coast north of Truzcon. This
====Lazlowia Secession====
In what is known as recorded year 900, Lazlowia Nekomimi split off to form the Ojkgxelazlowia
===CodexMaltervenia Colonization===
=====Separatists Movement=====