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Parallélisme (Frankic)
ClassificationArcane Arts
  • The Sorcerer
  • Herbal Magic
  • The Book of Enchantment
  • The Flammarion
  • The Alchemist
  • Grimoire
  • The Book of Time
Northern Concord
Branched fromArcane Arts

Parallelism (Frankic: Parallélisme) is a religion and mystic body of religious practice that is characterized by a focus on arcane spirituality, ritualism, and dualism. It has often been described by theologists as "Arcane Deism."

Practitioners of Parallelism are referred to as Parallelists. The religion has a semi-organized structure governed by what practitioners call the Rise, in which there are ordained Sages that preach to congregations and provide guidance to Parallelists on their spiritual journies.

The ultimate aim of Parallelists is to cultivate harmony within themselves, ultimately bringing themselves closer to their deities, Rebis. Rebis are often depicted as a singular bodied entity with two heads, one wearing a queen's crown and the other wearing a king's crown. Additionally, Rebis is often depicted as winged and wielding the sun and the moon. For Parallelists, Rebis represents the ultimate goal of perfect harmony.

Parallelism emerged during the Sauvageon Wars in 1790. The exact founding of the faith is unclear, but it most likely branched off from the Arcane Arts in Nisserige and settled down where the modern day Federation of the Southern Coast is, which is where most concurrent practitioners live.



Origins and Early Organizations

Formalization of Parallelistic Doctrine

Parallelism as an Arcane Discipline

Modern Era

Aims and Objectives

Beliefs and Practices



