Packilvanian language: Difference between revisions

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* Why? e.g., ''Amhoud luyadhaabus weluqa yelusababfi?'' (translation: Why is Amhoud going there? literally: Amhoud is going there for what reason?)
====OptativeSubjunctive ====
OptativeSubjuctive mood is used to indicate that there is uncertainty or to indicate a wish about whether an event will occur. This is done by appending the suffix -'''qar''' or -'''eqar''' to the end of the verb word. For example: '''Bemanjeqar''' (They might be eating)
* Stative: If the man cannot control his anger, I will be forced to fire him. Translation: ''Luwayeet nelukontrole'''qar'''ul lukirion adhun, mifurdul mudismiss dhun''. This sentence is written in a very casual way. People from [[Fidakar]] and people who live in cities like [[Kemer]] tend to speak like this.
* Object but no subject: If John was loved, he wouldn't act in this way. Translation: ''oIhan lumara'''qar'''us, dhun nemubehadel yelutaraqarud''. Literally: (object mark)John Act(sbjn)(past-cont.) he (negation)(person-mark)behave(present-cont)
* Interrogative mood: What would you do if I told you that I don't love you? Translation: ''Duhadefi mitamka'''qar''' du minemara du?''
* Reflexive mood: If you cared about yourself, you would stop acting like a fool. Translation: ''Dumarashalv'''eqar''' duqif mubehada muahmaq.''
* Applicative mood: If you continue working for those people, you will go crazy. Translation: ''Dustamare'''qar'''ul mushugeporul leshabilqa dumajnun welumustaf''.
* It is not possible to use the subjunctive mood and the imperative mood.
====Imperative mood====
The imperative mood indicates a command or instruction. This is indicated by a appending the suffix -ku or -eku to the end of the word. For example: '''Bemanjeku'''! (Eat!). Imperative mood may not be used with optative, or interrogative moods.
