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The class Prefix of the noun or verb that the modifier is modifying is attached to the root of the modifier. For example: '''LuBakhilfanya lujikhantalia''' (Gigantic Packilvania) or '''Luashamiliya lurapadin''' (Assimilate(s) quickly). In the case of imperatives whereby the subject of the verb is unclear, the root of the modifier may be used alone, for example: '''Ashamiliya rapadin!''' (Assimilate quickly) If the subject of the verb is known, the class prefix of the subject can be attached to the modifier, for instance: '''Bedu, beenekomimi, berejem berashambalia obeBakhilfanya. Ashamiliya berapadin!''' (You, Nekomimi, must resemble the Packilvanians! Assimilate quickly!)
The modifiers appear in the following order:
* Quantity or number.
* Quality or opinion.
* Size.
* Age.
* Shape.
* Color.
* Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
* Purpose or qualifier.
==== Postpositions ====

Revision as of 07:30, 6 January 2022

luTamuk aluBakilfania
Created byNone
EthnicityPackilvanians (Felines, Humans etc from Packilvania)
Users1.1 billion to 1.5 billion
  • Yastero-Auroran
    • Central-Eastern Yasterian
      • Central Yasterian
        • Greater Bakil
          • Southern Bakil
            • Bingol
              • Packilvanian
Early forms
Middle Packilvanian
  • Old Packilvanian
    • Ancient Packilvanian
Standard forms
Standard Modern Packilvanian (Bingolian)
  • Standard Modern Packilvanian (Bingol)
  • Ashurian
  • Fidakarian
  • Shakarian
  • Ukhanarian
  • Drakkengardian
Language codes
ISO 639-3

The Packilvanian language is the official language of Packilvania. It belongs to the Yastero-Auroran language family.




Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid ɛ (e) ɔ (o)
Open a

Vowels can have long forms as follows:

  • Close back long form: oo (Moon)
  • Open central long form: aa (Barn)
  • Close front long form: ee (Been)


Labial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Velar Glottal Uvular
Nasal m n ng
Plosive Voiced b d g
Voiceless p t k
Affricate Sibilant ts ch q
Fricative Voiced v dh z
Voiceless f th s h kh
Approximant l y w
Trill r


Packilvanian is written in the Packilvanian Script which comes in two official forms: the Cursive and Regular versions. The Regular version is an alphabet as every glyph represents either a consonant or a vowel. In contrast, the Cursive version is an hybrid abjad which uses diacritics to mark for vowels in the middle of words. Vowels are only written when they appear as the first letter of a word. Vowels can be omitted altogether in Cursive as is regularly the case in most settings as the vowels can be inferred by the reader. The letter "I" is technically not represented at all and must be inferred in some texts. Languages that use Packilvanian Script can adapt it to suit their needs. For instance languages that have diphthongs can use multiple diacritics on top of each other to represent those sounds. Languages that devoice or prenasalise sounds can use appropriate diacritics. Thus, Packilvanian can act as a universal phonetic-based writing style for any language in the world. Cursive Packilvanian can be written without lifting the hand except to add diacritics making it highly efficient for languages that are typically written on paper or parchement.



Nouns are marked for class, case and number. Packilvanian nouns are built as follows:



Definiteness is marked by the tone of the first syllable of the word.

  • Indefiniteness: High tone
  • Definiteness: Low tone


Negation is marked with a 'n' (or a ne if the word starts with a consonant) and always occurs at the start of a word.


Case Prefix
Nominative none
Accusative o-
Genitive a-
Instrumental ye-
Locative we-
Infinitive kha-


Classes or genders go after cases and before number.

Class Infix
Abstract -l-
Inanimate -n-
Animate -v-
Sapient -b-


Number goes after the class and before the root.

Number Infix
Singular -u-
Plural -e-
Uncountable -o-


Verbs are inflected with the same affixes as the noun they relate to. Verbs are inflected for time as follows:

Non-past Past
Aspect Perfect none -evaj or -vaj
Imperfective Habitual none -ekade or -kade
Continuous -edol or -dol -egum - or -gum

Verbs are constructed as follows:

Negation-class-number-root-intensive/diminutive-applicative-passive-reciprocal-aspect. For example the sentence "The castle was not built (diminutive form of established) by Drakk I for himself" is Vugard nevuturukmneporbyshalvvaj obuDrakk bunganute.

Indicative mood

This is the default mood and it states things as fact. It follows the word order: subject verb object

  • Present perfect form: BeBakhilfanya besalaya betuwakahim (Packilvanians pray together).
  • Present habitual form: BeBakhilfanya besalaya betuwakahim befutun (Packilvanians pray together often/usually)
  • Present continuous form: BeBakhilfanya besalayedol betuwakahim (Packilvanians (are) praying together)
  • Past perfect form: BeBakhilfanya besalayevaj betuwakahim (Packilvanians [are] praying together)
  • Past habitual form: BeBakhilfanya besalayekade betuwakahim (Packilvanians prayed[often] together )
  • Past continuous form: BeBakhilfanya basalayegum betuwakahim (Packilvanians were praying together)

Interrogative mood

This mood is used to ask questions. Interrogative clauses are formed by switching the word order as follows: verb-subject-object. For instance: Bemanje beHagan vumedarud? (Directly: Eat the soldiers this? Indirectly: Are the soldiers eating this?) When either the subject or the object are unknown, use a pronoun. But if there is too little information to know the correct pronounce, then use the root -hadish.


Subjunctive mood is used to indicate that there is uncertainty or to indicate a wish about whether an event will occur. The subjunctive word -mudawer is used to indicate the subjunctive mood. It has the same word order as the indicative mood, but the word mudawer is used to modify the verb. For instance: BeHagan bemanje bemudawer vonootrayeen (Directly: the soldiers eat maybe the food or Indirectly: if the soldiers eat the food). It can be used in combination with other moods: in a question it would take on the following form: Bemanje beHagan vonootrayeen, vomedarud vomakhaluyit vomudawer (Indirectly: Will the soldiers eat the food if it is clean? or Directly: Eat the Soldiers the Food, it clean maybe).

Imperative mood

This has the same word order as the Interrogative mood except that there are no grammatical markers on the head verb. A periphrastic construction using the modifier -mperatur in an indicative sentence can have the same semantic effect. For instance, Ashamiliya, beBakhilfanya! (Assimilate, Packilvanians) is in the indicative mood. Bebakhilfanya beashamiliya bemperatur (Directly: Packilvanians Assimilate must or indirectly: Packilvanians must assimilate). The latter example is in the indicative mood.

Reciprocal mood

Indicates that the subject of the verb is doing something to itself. The suffix -shalv is used to indicate this. For instance bemanjeshalv (Eat (themselves)). For example: Buwayeet beparlashalv. (The man talks to himself)

Intensive and diminutive mood

Intensive mood indicates that the verb is done intensely. Uses the same intensive form for modifiers by adding the suffix -gur or -gurgur (double intensive). For the diminutive mood, the suffix -mne or -mnemne (double diminutive) is used. Example: Bemanjemnemne (Eat (very little)).

Applicative mood

This means to do something for or on behalf of another using the suffix -por- For instance: Bemanjepor (Eat (for/behalf of)). Buwayeet befrayeezapor obumadam abumedarud lumago. (The man paints the picture for his wife).

Passive mood

This indicates that the object is the agent of the sentence. -by is used as the suffix to mark this. For instance Bemanjeby. Example: Lumago lufrayeezaby obuwayeet (The image is painted by the man).


Demonstratives are used to determine entités that are being referred to.

  • Distal: -qa (leqa, veqa, neqa: those, luqa, nuqa and vuqa: that)
  • Proximate: -arud (learud, nearud, and vearud: these, luarud, nuarud and vuarud: this)


This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.

Pronouns are inflected for case and class where applicable:

  • First person: in the nominative case, the first person singular root is Min. It is used together with bu- in the singular and with be-in the plural (I.e., the equivalent of We in Staynish).
    • Bumin bukasa nobakil (I want water)
    • BuSultan bukasa khabuparla obumin (The Sultan wants to speak [to] me).
    • BuSultan bukasa nobakil abumin (The Sultan wants my water).
    • BuSultan bukasa khabuakhat nupontun yebumin (The Sultan wants to build a bridge by me).
  • Second person: in the nominative case, the first person singular root is Du (equivalent of Thou in Middle Codexian).
    • Budu buyal nobakil (You drink water).
    • BuSultan bukasa obudu (The Sultan wants you)
    • BuSultan khabukasa nobakil abudu (The Sultan wants your water)
    • BuSultan bukasa bujaheler weluDrakkengard yebudu (The Sultan wants to send a letter to Drakkengard by you).
    • BuSultan bukasa khabuvade lutooton webudu(Sultan wants to confer knighthood upon you).
  • Third person is the most complex. Similarly to the previous others it is inflected for case and number. The third person root is Med. The suffix -arud is added to the end of the word for distal (faraway) and the --aqa suffix is added for proximal (nearby).
    • Bumedarud buwalwa nuvelha (They [faraway/out of view] eat meat) or Bumedaqa buwalwa nuvelha (They [close/within view] eat meat).

Modifiers and descriptors

Adverbs and adjectives are grammatically treated the same, thus linguists do not make a distinction between the two, giving rise to the use of the loose term "modifiers" and "descriptors".

The class Prefix of the noun or verb that the modifier is modifying is attached to the root of the modifier. For example: LuBakhilfanya lujikhantalia (Gigantic Packilvania) or Luashamiliya lurapadin (Assimilate(s) quickly). In the case of imperatives whereby the subject of the verb is unclear, the root of the modifier may be used alone, for example: Ashamiliya rapadin! (Assimilate quickly) If the subject of the verb is known, the class prefix of the subject can be attached to the modifier, for instance: Bedu, beenekomimi, berejem berashambalia obeBakhilfanya. Ashamiliya berapadin! (You, Nekomimi, must resemble the Packilvanians! Assimilate quickly!)

The modifiers appear in the following order:

  • Quantity or number.
  • Quality or opinion.
  • Size.
  • Age.
  • Shape.
  • Color.
  • Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
  • Purpose or qualifier.


The location of the subject, object or instrument relative to another is usually implied by the use of the locative case. However, to specify the relative position, special modifiers called postpositions are used. For example:

  • -beneyath: beneath, under or underneath
  • -ubuv: above
  • -ashidi: beside
  • -akhansta: against
  • -dupa: on top of, on
  • -aye: with (not to be confused with the instrumental case)
  • -munga: among
  • -idaween: between
  • -akhrono: during
  • -ayn: within, in
  • -xepet: except, excluding
  • -gurash: across
  • -nayeer: near, close
  • -joor: through
  • -vah: off
  • -rotunda: around
  • -berefia: before
  • -futar: after
  • -far: far

Diminutive, intensive and feminisation

These are used to show something to a smaller degree: the suffix -amne or -mne can be added as a suffix to noun, verb or modifier. This can be doubled to further diminuate the word concerned. For example, luwayeet (man) becomes luwayeetamne (small man) which can become luwayeetamnemne (a very small or pathetic man). Double diminutive are often used as pejoratives.

Intensive forms have the suffix -gur or -agur. intensive word form is one which denotes stronger, more forceful, or more concentrated action relative to the root on which the intensive is built. For example: Manje (eat) becomes manjegur (devour) becomes manjegurgur (consume gluttonously). Double intensives are also pejoratives in many cases.

Packilvanian does not have sex-based grammatical gender but a suffix can be added to a word to feminise it. -Elea and -lea are the official root however a simple -a, -ia and -lia have been used to effeminise words. Non-feminised words also use the latter three at their ends. For example lumedichi (doctor) becomes lumedichilea (female doctor). Feminisation applied to men is regarded as a pejorative.


Numbers describe a numerical quantity. Packilvanian uses a base 10 system. Numbers are represented using distinct glyphs (Packilvanian numerical glyphs). They can be written out in terms of how they are pronounced as well. Numbers can be used as either verbs, modifiers and descriptors, and nouns. For 20 to 90, simply modify dukha with a number between 2 and 9. The same principle applies to other base numbers as shown below. The default class of numbers is "lu" unless the noun is specified. To add a number to the end, simply use the "with" postposition. For instance 23 is ludukha ludush luaye lutaru (two ten with

three), 7,589 is lumileniyat lushevaan luaye luhashamat luvayeef luaye ludekha luagluat ayelunanya (seven thousawithand five hundrwithand eight twithand nine).

Cardinal Glyph Ordinal Abbreviation Frequency Abbreviation
-ngun 1 -nganute 1te -nganashan 1shan
-dush 2 -dashute 2te -dushashan 2shan
-taru 3 -taruhe 3he -tarshan 3shan
-vayeer 4 -veyeerute 4he -veyeershan 4shan
-vayeef 5 -veyeefute 5he -veyeefshan 5shan
-sasha 6 -sashuhe 6he -sashan 6shan
-shavaan 7 -shevaanute 7te -sheevanshan 7shan
-agat 8 -egate 8te -gashan 8shan
-nanya 9 -nanyahe 9he -nashan 9shan
-dekha 10 -dukhahe 10he -dukhashan 10shan
-hashamat 100 -heshamatute 100te -hashamatashan 100shan
-mileniyat 1,000 -muleniyatush 1,000sh -mileniyashan 1,000shan
-guraleen 1,000,000 -giraleenush 1,000,000sh -gureleenashan 1,000,000shan
-khuraleen 1,000,000,000 -khiraleenush 1,000,000,000sh -khurileenashan 1,000,000,000shan
-meqaleen 1,000,000,000,000 -makaleenush 1,000,000,000,000 sh -meqaleenashan 1,000,000,000,000shan
-tashqaleen 1,000 meq (1,000,000,000,000,000) -teshqaleenush 1,000 meqsh -tashqaleenashan 1,000 meqshan
-wakaleen 1,000,000 meq (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) -wekaleenush 1,000,000 meqsh -wakaleenashan 1,000,000 meqshan