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The Packilvanian language is the official language of [[Packilvania]] and a regionally recognisedrecognized language in [[Drakkengard]]. It belongs to the Yastero-Auroran language family. As of January 2022, Packilvanian is spoken by 1.1 to 1.5 billion people, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world by the number foof first -language speakers. Furthermore, it is the liturgical language of most [[Paxism]] denominations. It traces its roots to a language spoken by nomadic people in Central Yasteria since time immemorial. It has gone through various iterations which are broadly grouped into the following groups: Ancient Packilvanian (10,000 - 2,000 BCE), Old Packilvanian (2,000 BCE to 1,100 CE), Middle Packilvanian (1,100 CE to 1,800 CE) and Modern Packilvanian (1,800 CE to the present). The standard version of Packilvanian used in [[Pax-Draconica]] is based on the dialect spoken in [[Bingol]]. However, various dialects exist. Experts estimate as many as 70 dialects of Packilvanian are spoken with at least 50 of them being mutually intelligible.
Standard Modern Packilvanian is regarded as an agglutinative synthetic language as many affixes are appended to roots to impart and alter their meaning. The usual structure of sentences is the SVO model however some constructions use VSO. The verbs have 5 aspects and 6 moods. Nouns and verbs have 2 negations, 2 definiteness markers, 5 cases, 4 classes, and 3 numbers. 3 types of numerals are used. Adjectives and adverbs are governed by indistinguishable rules and are often placed after the verb, noun, adjective, or adverb that they are describing. 2 types of demonstratives are used. This language is generally regarded as difficult for speakers of [[Staynish]]-[[Codexian]] to learn due to the heavy use of agglutination, however, many roots have cognates and there is speculation that Staynish-Codexian diverged from an ancestor of Ancient Packilvanian at least 8,000 years ago as humans migrated to Aurora and South East Yasteria due to Feline encroachment. Written in the Packilvanian script, it has at least 8 vowels and 25 distinct consonants. The script consists of 26 letters in both upper and lower case and numbers use a base 10 counting system.
== History ==
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Although, this is the Standard repository of consonants, certain consonants can morph based on the accent as follows:
* Q, the [[W:Voiceless uvular plosive|voiceless uvular plosive]], can be pronouncepronounced as the [[W:Voiceless ejective affricate|voiceless ejective affricate]]
* H, the [[W:Voiceless glottal fricative|Voiceless glottal fricative]], can be pronounced as a [[W:Voiced glottal stop|voiced glottal stop]] or [[W:Voiceless uvular fricative|voiceless uvular fricative]]
* The SH sound can be any [[W:Voiceless postalveolar fricative|Voiceless postalveolar fricative]] except for the [[W:Voiceless retroflex fricative|Voiceless retroflex fricative]].
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The phonology described in the two preceding sections represents the dominant sounds made by people in Bingol, the capital of Packilvania. But in reality, different people from Packilvania have different ways of pronouncing things. The table below contains a list of recordings of different accents based on the region from which the speaker originates. Furthermore, the recordings will be in both Packilvanian and Staynish-Codexian to display how their accent in Packilvanian carries over to Staynish-Codexian. The recordings are of the following sentence in Staynish-Codexian:
|text=Noi is my keeper, I lack nothing. She makes me to lie down in green meadows and walks me beside tranquil waters.
|author=Psalms of Rabaas 23:1, Vagumar
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=== Phonotactics ===
In Packilvanian, the default stress is on the penultimate syllable of the world unless shifted by a long vowel. Consonant clusters of more than three distinct consonantal sounds are nonexistent. A word cannot end in a long vowel. The letter "h" is pronounced as a sibilant at the start of a word and if in the middle of a word it is surrounded by vowels. It is pronounced as an aspirant at the end of words or after voiceless consonants if in the middle of the word. Although Packilvanian permits consonant clusters of 2 consonants, not all possible permutations of 2-consonant clusters are allowed. Nasal consonants cannot precede any other consonant. Long vowels cannot form part of a diphtongdiphthong. Not all these phonotactics are applicable in all accents.
== Orthography ==
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| image2 = Packilvanian Regular Script.png
Packilvanian is written in the Packilvanian Script which comes in two official forms: the Cursive and Regular versions. The Regular version is an alphabet as every glyph represents either a consonant or a vowel. In contrast, the Cursive version is ana hybrid abjad whichthat uses diacritics to mark for vowels in the middle of words. Vowels are only written when they appear as the first letter of a word. Vowels can be omitted altogether in Cursive as is regularly the case in most settings as the vowels can be inferred by the reader. The letter "I" is technically not represented at all and must be inferred in some texts. Languages that use Packilvanian Script can adapt it to suit their needs. For instance, languages that have diphthongs can use multiple diacritics on top of each other to represent those sounds. Languages that devoice or prenasaliseprenasalize sounds can use appropriate diacritics. Thus, Packilvanian can act as a universal phonetic-based writing style for any language in the world. Cursive Packilvanian can be written without lifting the hand except to add diacritics making it highly efficient for languages that are typically written on paper or parchementparchment.
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|image1 = Signature of Namdun III.jpg
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=== Nouns ===
Nouns are marked for class, case, and number. Packilvanian nouns are built as follows:
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==== Negation ====
Negation is marked with aan 'n' (or a ne if the word starts with a consonant) and always occurs at the start of a word.
==== Cases ====
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==== Classes ====
Classes or genders go after cases and before numbernumbers. Inanimate and animate class markers are increasingly falling into discuses and are usually replaced with abstract class markers.
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'''Contextual prefixes and pronomiality'''
Verbs in Packilvanian are prefixed with the same prefixes as their subject. These are called contextual prefixes because they tell you the context of the subject. By extension, verbs in Packilvanian have pronomial properties for the subject. However, they are not marked for the case as it is assumed they are always referring to the subject which is always in the nominative case (which is unmarked). For instance, '''bemanje''' means they eat. This means that you do not need the pronoun of the subject to understand who and what is doing the action described by the verb. Thus they are applied in the same order as the nouns as follows (refer to the [[Packilvanian language#Nouns|noun section]] for more info):
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==== Adverbial suffixes ====
Adverbial suffixes are added between the root and the inflectional suffixes. They describe or modify the verb being performed. They must appear in a specific order as indicated in the [[Packilvanian language#Modifiers and descriptors|modifiers and descriptors section]].
==== Aspect ====
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* Past habitual form: '''BeBakhilfanya besalayad''' (Packilvanians were often praying)
* Past continuous form: '''BeBakhilfanya basalayegumbesalayegum''' (Packilvanians were praying)
In theory, sentences in Packilvanian have free word order due to the comprehensive system of cases. When most people speak Packilvanian they put stress on the first word. Thus, by putting a word in the beginning, it is the equivalent of putting stress on that word as would be seen in Staynish which has distributed its stress throughout the sentence based on context. Thus the indicative mood can, in theory, be written as follows.
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* VSO: Bemanje beBakhilfanya onokuskus
* VOS: Bemanje onokuskus beBakhilfanya
====Interrogative mood====