Packilvanian language: Difference between revisions

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|The first recorded habitation of the Cryrian islands was in the form of nekomimi settlers. Their presence in the Isles was abruptly truncated with the arrival of the elves, who grew to dominate the large central island, and the nekomimi only persisted in the far northwest, where they eventually formed the theocratic realm of Vhydhasz, encompassing the islands of Brekbu and Kraskne, as well as portions of the Brekkim Peninsula. The variety of elven groups slowly grew to establish a patchwork of kingdoms and chiefdoms across the main island, which thus became known as Älva Mark, or Elf Land, eventually shortened to Älmark.
|LurushtarnganutekhrafaLu[[rushtar]]<nowiki/>nganute[[khrafa]] avesilamiyatave[[silamiyat]] veKririya luhadevajlu[[hade]]<nowiki/>vaj obenekomimi. LudonaiLu[[donai]] luayn vesilamiyat luhadeshulgurtrukhungumluhade[[shul]]<nowiki/>gur[[trukhun]]<nowiki/>gum aye lukolonixerlu[[kolonixer]] abeAlva bemaknirvajbe[[maknir]]<nowiki/>vaj khaludominikhalu[[domini]] vesilamiyat vemedayeenve[[medayeen]] vemaknir dupa bemedarud beturukashmavvajbe[[turuk]][[ashmav]]<nowiki/>vaj oludomininoiyaheyatoludomini[[noiyaheyat]] avuVhydhasz vugurash vesilamiyat avuBrekbu nadina Kraskne nadina lesukhtarle[[sukhtar]] avupatriajutteavu[[patriajutte]] vuBrekkim. LudhifaashtarLu[[dhifaashtar]] alemudwanale[[mudwan]] beValvebe[[Valve]] lumaknirshnalevajlumaknir[[shnal]]<nowiki/>evaj khaluturuk olufjahedwasailolu[[fjahed]][[wasail]] aledominimamlukaledomini[[mamluk]] nadina aledominisharifaaledomini[[sharifa]] legurash vesilamiyat vesikhnafakenetve[[sikhnafakenet]] rashalta vumedarud vufamashnagumvu[[famashna]]<nowiki/>gum oluAlva Mark oor Elf Land luminehayashmavvajlu[[minehay]][[ashmav]]<nowiki/>vaj oluAlmark.
