Orderia: Difference between revisions

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| common_name = Orderia Republic
| demonym = Orderians,Republicans
| national_anthem = UniteNew Orderia
| national_motto = We United,We conquest,We are One Order
| image_flag = [[File:Orderia national flag.png|200px]]
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| ethnic_groups = 88.5% [[wikipedia:human|Human]] <br /> 8.2% [[Lupine]] <br /> 6.2% unspecified
| ethnic_groups_year = 2019
| population_estimate = 76.678.200
| population_estimate_year = 2020
| population_census = 75.780.100
| population_census_year = 2017
| population_density_km2 = 79.52
| population_density_sq_mi = 49.41
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| image_map = [[File:Orderia Wikimap.png|250px]]
| map_caption = Location of United Order Republic (Dark Green)
| established_event1 = Revolution
| established_date1 = 14th December, 1099
| established =
| established_event2 = [[3rd Battle]]
| established_date2 = 16th August, 1205
| established_event3 = [[Nova Treaty]]
| established_date3 = 14th August, 1210
| established_event4 = [[Orderia Empire]]
| established_date4 = 17th September, 1780
| established_event5 = [[Orderia 1st Republic]]
| established_date5 = 1st January, 1781
| established_event6 = [[Orderia 2nd Republic]]
| established_date6 = 2nd April, 1800
| established_event7 = Orderia Neo-Republic
| established_date7 = 5th December, 1850
| established_event8 = Orderia Civil War
| established_date8 = 1st January 1852
| established_event9 = [[Orderia 3rd Republic]]
| established_date9 = 2nd January 1870
| established_event10 = Socialist reform
| established_date10 = 7th june, 1987
| established_event11 = [[Aura Treaty]]
| established_date11 = 6th November, 1989
| government_type = Federal Republic
| established_event12 = [[United Order Republic|Federal Republic Of Orderia]]
| established_date12 = 16th August 1990
'''The United Order Republic''', commonly known as '''Orderia Republic''' is a [[wikipedia:Federation|Federal]] [[wikipedia:sovereign state|sovereign state]]. Orderia shares land borders with [[VessarlianFódlan]] in the western and eastern territory of Orderia. The nation run with [[wikipedia:Presidential system|Presidential system]]
United Order Republic or Orderia is a nation with strong political opponent with other nation with current President is [[Neo]] and Vice President [[Net]] since both win election on the 19th of August 2018. The capital is [[Nexo]], a [[wikipedia:global city|global city]] and [[wikipedia:financial centre|financial centre]] with a modern urban area/city with population of 25 million in 2019. Other major urban areas/city in Orderia include Alpha,Greenville,and,Theoville.
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The relationships among the countries with Orderia have changed over time,Especially during [[Battle of komodo coastline]] in 1976.
In 1099,in the days of the kingdom of baxavil,A single revolution come and formed the United Kingdom of Orderia in 1200, which went on to become the sovereign state of the [[Empire of Order]]. Site 301 or back in the days called Kingdom of Great Western Island was annexed by the Order Empire after the [[Battle3rd of orderia-western isle-king isle|Battle of 3 island]] in 1229. The Orderia win the war,and the rest was occupied, few of smaller kingdom decided to join with the Orderia empire. Orderia Empire Collapsed in 1789.Those former colonies was fading from map or no longer visible at map.3 last colonies decided to stay in 1792.Those 3 last territory is still under orderia controlled and the territory [[3 Former Territory]]. Those 3 territory called former island.Those are the remnants of the Orderia Empire which, at its height in the 1700s. Orderia Remnants can be observed in the language,culture and ethnic group in many of its former colonies that occupied by other nation.
United Order Republic join the space race in 1978 and become a majority of space explorer.Space industries powered by [[INtech]].Many Technologies adapted every times.A majority industries is to develop a save and cleaner machinery for a better future.As conclusion Orderia is a strong political nation with a powerful achievement with its technology to explore.
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==Etymology and terminology==
In 1923 Unification Act declared that the Orderia and other provinces or state whether its outside or inside of orderia government were "United as one under the name of the Republic", though the new state is also referred to in the Acts as the "United Orderia Republic" and "United State of Orderia Republic".yut
United Order Republic as a sovereign state is a United country, although Orderia is a state with provinces,the provinces are considered as a state though they are not an actual states. Orderia Official website has used the phrase "Unity By Diversity" to describe the United Republic.
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Settlement by anatomically modern humans of what was to become the United Republic began around 245,000 years ago. During this period, theCenozoic [[?]]Era. A small civilization in Gondwanan continent,west coastline that are known today as Komodo Coastline. In the next 20,000 years, Orderia develop a coastal culture.Temple And old ruins built in early 2000 until 5000 years ago.This temple known for their marvelous height before submerged.Orderia culture always isolated for 2 decades.Orderia become separated when the sea level rise and cover most of Orderia land. Most of orderia remnant cover by water below sea level. Many Ethnics come to Orderia and eventually become a recognized ethnics group in 1900
===Orderia Patriotic Revolution===
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===3rd Battle Of 3 Island===
''main article: [[3rd Battle of 3 island]]''
In 1200, After falls of baxaville kingdom, the land divided into 3 kingdom, The kingdom of Orderia, The kingdom of western isle, and The kingdom of Hilia. These 3 kingdom never had a good relationship with one and another. In 12 January, 1201, A truces between these 3 kingdoms to built a unity foundation. This truces not lasted long. In 1205, the kingdom of Hilia enter Orderia kingdom border and claim that its their land. Not long after, Kingdom of Western Isle enter Hilia and Orderia kingdom border. At this event, in 1206, the three (3) kingdom declared war at the same time.
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In 12 June 1211. A Resolution to United those 3 kingdom under one banner was passed. The Kingdoms United with Orderia Kingdom, given a new name as Orderia Empire. not long after in 1212, the orderia start colonizing several land in Gondwana.
=== Colonialism ===
In 1212. Orderia Empire start to grown. Knowing its unlimited capabilities. Orderia start to colonize in Gondwana ocean and several colony in Arcturia. Its Empire start to grow and eventually become a recognized world power during this age. Even in global superpower during his age, Orderia capable to maintain neutrality. THis neutrality act capable to maintain its heavy ballance from its colony that scattered everywhere.
Even for a big nation, Orderia is not the best at ground forces. Orderia Colonized when there a river bed entrance or island. colonizing far is beyond Orderia Capabilities. Making Orderia is The Best at the Sea but the worst and the land. In 1300 an accident broke out and resulting a colony lost toward other empire. By unknown cause, this accident result a catastrophic chaos. in result Orderia has to give up the colony by the Name Zeta, and eventually swallowed by "the" empire.
Around 1398, A multiple Arctic - Antarctic expedition was conducted. Multiple attempt of expedition ship was send but so little that comeback. Rescue Expedition also conducted but research shown not a single shipwreck or even a single piece of it was found. In 1400 A 3 Ship rescue expedition was sended to the gondwana antarctic valley. A miracle happen when all 31 expedition ship and crew was founded 3 km deep inside a glacier cave. The Crew was rescued and the ship was later dismantled in location in 1401.
An Colonizing attempt at Aurora continent in 1500. The Attempt failed after 15 ship went missing during expedition in Concordian ocean, eventually Orderia Only colonize land in gondwana area. "Even if Orderia never come out far from gondwana during its golden age, but it's capable surviving in Antarctica for several months before eventually pull out" according to J.Kgorgi Harfol book note during Antarctic expedition.
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[[Category:Neto Archive]]
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