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| national_anthem = Unite!
| national_motto = We United,We conquest,We are One Order
| image_flag = [[File:Orderia national flagOrderia20flag.png|200px]]
| image_coat = [[File:OCOA.png|100px]]
| languages_type = Official Languages
| languages = [[wikipedia:English language|Staynish]] <br /> [[Gondwanan German|Cerdan]] <br /> [[Latin Orderia|Latinor]]
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=== Colonialism ===
In 1212. Orderia Empire start to grown. Knowing its unlimited capabilities. Orderia start to colonize in Gondwana ocean and several colony in Arcturia. Its Empire start to grow and eventually become a recognized world power during this age. Even in global superpower during his age, Orderia capable to maintain neutrality. THis neutrality act capable to maintain its heavy ballance from its colony that scattered everywhere.
==== Early Empire ====
Even for a big nation, Orderia is not the best at ground forces. Orderia Colonized when there a river bed entrance or island. colonizing far is beyond Orderia Capabilities. Making Orderia is The Best at the Sea but the worst and the land. In 1300 an accident broke out and resulting a colony lost toward other empire. By unknown cause, this accident result a catastrophic chaos. in result Orderia has to give up the colony by the Name Zeta, and eventually swallowed by "the" empire.
Orderia Begun to rise in 1212. Orderia begun to develop more advanced weaponry so they don't left behind the other nation. One of Orderia greatest achievement is naval power. According to J.L Johnson book,"Orderia has a navy of a million volcano moving in the sea". A Rapid expansion after hearing several colony built by world super power. [[Natagaria Fargarus II]], High king of Orderia Empire, Personally order a rapid expedition around Urth. Early Expedition is trading with Orderia goods in several nation.
In 1220, Port goliath become a one of major port, Port goliath is one of the port that connect a couple ship lane. During this economy blast, Orderia start for colonialism in 1225 by colonising a couple island around Gondwana. This island's increase the economy by 2%. THis island now known as [[3 Former Territory]]. These 3 Island consist 1% GDP in modern Orderia. Orderia start rapid colonialism in 1230. According to Ordeira Footnote, 10 colony was founded in 3 years. This Colonial age is become a golden age for Orderia people. In 1300, a unknown source of accident cause orderia lose a colony. Even not a major colony, the lose of the colony was cause a significant economic damage, According to 1967 Study, The lose of the colony not just an economic lose, also a significant manpower loses. Around 0.9% of Orderia Empire GDP Lose.
Around 1398, A multiple Arctic - Antarctic expedition was conducted. Multiple attempt of expedition ship was send but so little that comeback. Rescue Expedition also conducted but research shown not a single shipwreck or even a single piece of it was found. In 1400 A 3 Ship rescue expedition was sended to the gondwana antarctic valley. A miracle happen when all 31 expedition ship and crew was founded 3 km deep inside a glacier cave. The Crew was rescued and the ship was later dismantled in location in 1401.
In 1345 Orderia Attempt to colonise a part from Aurora continent, According to several historical note, 15 expedition was sended and none of them recovered from the expedition. During this accident report, 3 rescue expedition ship was sended and backtrack the previous 15 ship. From Rescue mission, a rescue ship went missing, From 15 of the expedition ship, 2 ships crew were able to be recovered, but the rest is presumed dead by official report. In 1955, Orderia Antarctic Expedition, 2 of the 15 ships was discovered beached in a glacier cave. 2 corpse of the body founded in the ship was recovered to Orderia and was confirmed, it was the crew from 15 missing ships.
An Colonizing attempt at Aurora continent in 1500. The Attempt failed after 15 ship went missing during expedition in Concordian ocean, eventually Orderia Only colonize land in gondwana area. "Even if Orderia never come out far from gondwana during its golden age, but it's capable surviving in Antarctica for several months before eventually pull out" according to J.Kgorgi Harfol book note during Antarctic expedition.
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In 1400, Orderia Called The Water Age, around 150 Port was built from Orderia Empire Itself and the colony. Many Fort also constructed in around orderia coastline and colony capital. This Water Age also the time when many Orderia Naval ships was heavily armed. This age also the first officially naval ensign was putted toward Ordeira Navy.
Sometime in 1400's, Orderia was recognized as global superpower, Even only 9 colony, Its considered as global superpower. By the end of 1400's, All of its colony city was built according Orderia Standardisation. Orderia Become Global Super power Until sometime in 1700's, A revolution occur, No specific Information why or who started the revolution. This Single revolution changed Orderia. THis Revolution cause the the 1st Republic age for Orderia.
==== Winter Revolution - Orderia War ====
''Main Article: [[Orderia War]]''
In 1760, by unknown man who was known by the name "The Red Republic" begun a protest by revealing the truth behind Orderia Rich city. He started a protest than become an armed riot. This riot continue for several months, Sometimes in 1760's, News spread all over Orderia, even its colony. All 9 Colony was Protest for independent. By the start of Early Industrial Age in Urth, Orderia clumbered with riot. Then in 1781, The king doesn't give order directly but at 17 June, 1781, A military personnel open fire at a protester, This accident cause massive outbreak toward Orderia, By the start of 1782, The gun fire open at both side, This event cause Revolution War.
==== End of the Empire ====
==== Post-Empire age ====
[[Category:Neto Archive]]
[[Category:United Order Republic]]
