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| image_map = [[File:Orderia Wikimap.png|250px]]
| map_caption = Location of United Order Republic (Dark Green)
| established_event1established_even1 = Revolution
| established_date1 = 14th December, 1099
| established_event2 = Declaration of independent
| established_date2 = 16th august 1200
| established =
| established_event2established_event3 = [[3rd Battle]]
| established_date2established_date3 = 16th August, 1205
| established_event3established_event4 = [[Nova Treaty]]
| established_date3established_date4 = 14th August, 1210
| established_event4established_event5 = [[Orderia Empire]]
| established_date4established_date5 = 17th September, 1212
| established_event5established_event6 = [[Orderia 1st Republic]]
| established_date5established_date6 = 1st January, 1781
| established_event6established_event7 = [[Orderia 2nd Republic]]
| established_date6established_date7 = 2nd April, 1800
| established_event7established_event8 = Orderia Neo-Republic
| established_date7established_date8 = 5th December, 1850
| established_event8established_event9 = Orderia Civil War
| established_date8established_date9 = 1st January 1852
| established_event9established_event10 = [[Orderia 3rd Republic]]
| established_date9established_date10 = 2nd January 1870
| established_event10established_event11 = Socialist reform
| established_date10established_date11 = 7th june, 1987
| established_event11established_event12 = [[Aura Treaty]]
| established_date11established_date12 = 6th November, 1989
| government_type = [[wikipedia: Federation|Federal]] [[wikipedia: Presidential system|presidential]] [[wikipedia: constitutional republic|constitutional republic]]
| established_event12 = [[United Order Republic|Federal Republic Of Orderia]]
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The United Order Republic or Orderia is a nation with a strong political opponent with other nation with current President is [[Neo]] and Vice President [[Net]] since both win election on the 19th of August 2018. The capital is [[Nexo]], a [[wikipedia:global city|global city]] and [[wikipedia:financial centre|financial centre]] with a modern urban area/city with population of 25 million in 2019. Other major urban areas/cities in Orderia include Alpha, Greenville, and, Theoville.
Orderia territory divided into 3 major territories that are Western Orderia, Isle 301, And Eastern Orderia. Those territory divided into 27 different provinces/districts and more than 231,782230.000 Sub-provinces with unique culture and languages.That Included Komodo, Gondwana gulf, Gargarus, Mariana, Atlanta, Thyupon, Gariagana, Hatarophon, frankgeus, rortyro, frtatysa, qerty, [[Hilia]] and 4 special province/district [[nexo]], [[hill 55]], [[Socialico]] and [[Tranquility Island|site 301]]. Each Province can contain a probability of 20,000 Sub-Provinces. 16 which listed above is Major Provinces. Due to the fact that Orderia Province is A lot and hundreds of Sub Province, The Government listed them as a region rather a province.1 Province can be a size of a small state
Every Other Province has different ethnicities and languages, but they connecting each other with an open heart.
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Settlement by anatomically modern humans of what was to become the United Republic began around 500,000 years ago, Era. A small civilization in the Gondwanan continent, west coastline that is known today as Komodo Coastline. In the next 20,000 years, Orderia develops a coastal culture. Temple And old ruins built in early 2000 until 5000 years ago.This temple is known for its marvelous height before submerged. Orderia culture always isolated for 2 decades. Orderia becomes separated when the sea level rise and covers most of Orderia land. Most of orderia remnant cover by water below sea level. Many Ethnics come to Orderia and eventually become a recognized ethnics group in 1900
=== Pre-History ===
=== Early age ===
=== Middle Age ===
===Orderia War of Independence===
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In 12 June 1211. A Resolution to United those 3 kingdom under one banner was passed. The Kingdoms United with Orderia Kingdom, given a new name as Orderia Empire. not long after in 1212, the orderia start colonizing several land in Gondwana.
=== Colonialism ===
==== Early Empire ====
Orderia Begun to rise in 1212. Orderia begun to develop more advanced weaponry so they don't left behind the other nation. One of Orderia greatest achievement is naval power. According to J.L Johnson book,"Orderia has a navy of a million volcano moving in the sea". A Rapid expansion after hearing several colony built by world super power. [[Natagaria Fargarus II]], High king of Orderia Empire, Personally order a rapid expedition around Urth. Early Expedition is trading with Orderia goods in several nation.
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Sometime in 1400's, Orderia was recognized as global superpower, Even only 9 colony, Its considered as global superpower. By the end of 1400's, All of its colony city was built according Orderia Standardization. Orderia Become Global Super power Until sometime in 1700's, A revolution occur, No specific Information why or who started the revolution. This Single revolution changed Orderia. This Revolution cause the the 1st Republic age for Orderia.
==== Winter Revolution ====
''Main Article: [[Winter Revolution]]''
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They are also many conflict occurred though every single domain in orderia leading a total chaos in the nation. In the end [[477-78 "Fallen"]] was used to prevent a longer period of war. All territory after 477 was used removed, captured by other empire or given independence. As the empire crumble a new one start to rise up as a brand new nation of Orderia Republic. Given a new republican age
=== 1st Republic ===
=== Industrial Revolution of the 2nd Republic ===
=== Neo-Civil War ===
=== Imperial Republic ===
=== Socialist Reformation ===
=== Present day ===
== Geography ==
[[Category:Neto Archive]]
[[Category:United Order Republic]]