Oan Defence Forces: Difference between revisions

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==Training and personnel==
The country has a total manpower of 559,500 soldiers, but the professional volunteer full-time military consists of 186,500 officers (1% of the population) and a reserve force of 373,000 reservists (2% of the population). This is because during the Auroran-Pacific War, a limited form of conscription was reinstated whereby retired member of the armed forces were asked to serve, all able-body applicants were accepted and military training was cut short. To ensure the advantage of the Oan military apparatus, a vigorous recruitment campaign began and has remained. During peacetime, reservists are organized in militias according to geographic distribution and have greater firearms carrying rights than citizens who were not part of the armed forces. During war, they are integrated into the active armed forces. To attract and retain talent, military increased salaries, offered housing and car allowances, large pensions and adopted new strategies such as a mobile application offering perks such as discounts to military personnel on everyday shopping to regular updates and online community for military officials not on active duty.
The military has a total strength of roughly 200,000 officers. This is because during the Second Auroran Imperial War conscription was reinstated. To ensure the advantage of the Oan military apparatus, the conscription policy has remained. The active full-time volunteer force consists of approximately 90,000 officers which is just above 1% of the total population. In contrast, enlisted, reserve and part-time officers comprise the remaining 110,000 officers of the armed forces. During peacetime, they are organized in militias according to geographic distribution. During war, they are integrated into the active forces.
Well before the SAIWAPW, the Oan defence community recognized the country’s small size, geographic vulnerability and high population densities in a few heavily urbanized areas. It also acknowledged that foreign powers typically had far larger populations, resources and better protected territories. Thus, the armed forces developed a highly skilled naval component, trained its army for long, intensive guerilla and urban warfare, a highly skilled engineer corps to man its ICBM fleet, and trained its pilots to be among the most skilled and brave warriors in the skies. This is achieved through a long period of continuous domestic and foreign  training (largely in Great Morstaybishlia) and experience through frequent foreign combat deployments. As part of its institutional culture, the force encourages ruthlessness and inscrutable precision, building its core strength around highly skilled joint force and centrally coordinated Joint Task Teams.
