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Oahoanu and Queen Naomi II of [[Kuthernburg]] had a meeting where they developed a strategy for the Auroran Theatre of the War. Because [[Xagrurg]] was threatening the [[Yor]] Isles and [[Kostoria-Obertonia]], Oahoanu and Queen Naomi decided to invade the Yor Isles from which they could defeat the Xagrurgian Imperial Navy and take Eidenburgh in Xagrurg and invade Kostoria-Obertonia. Oahoanu approached the Council of Ministers with this plan. They approved and executed it. The Oan Isles initially had a major victory in taking the Yor Isles, but suffered heavy setbacks in Kostoria-Obertonia. After stubbornly attacking and temporarily holding Eidenburgh, they eventually lost the advantage and were unable to execute a greater plan of partitioning Xagrurg in two and occupying the Southern part of the country. As Oahoanu saw that the war was turning against the Oan Isles, he tried a diplomatic approach. Erwin Pipua, the leader of the fascist Xagrurgian government was seen as soft by his colleagues and they tried to assassinate him. He suffered injuries from the incident. Oahoanu had Pipua brought to the Oan Isles for medical treatment (others would argue that he kidnapped Pipua). When Pipua came to, Oahoanu tried to convince him to stand down and end the war for the good of all. Eventually, the Imperialists were overthrown and defeated and the Republic of Xagrurg was restored.
== Emperor ==
[[File:Oahoanu Monogram.png|thumb|239x239px|Official monogram of EmperorRangitanga-a-te-Moana Oahoanu]]
The war had resulted in massive casualties, loss of military hardware and damage to infrastructure. Moreover, the country failed to achieve its objectives ofwhich crushinginvolved Xagrurgtaking possession of [[Sarentria]]. Thus there was widespread criticism of the politicians involved in the war. One of the criticisms came from Freedom International, an Oan-based international organization that campaigned against dictatorship. They brought a case to the [[Supreme Court of the Oan Isles]] which argued that the Oan government had allowed Oahoanu to exercise too much power. The Supreme Court ruled that the government had violated the law and democratic conventions. Because the government was still fully operational, the Court ruled that there was no need for it to give Oahoanu so much power. Thus, it barred Oahoanu from exercise that power unless the government of the Oan Isles was falling apart.
During his reign, he saw the Oan Isles invade the [[Kohatu Isles]] following an insurgency on that country led by the National Liberation Movement. On the advice of the [[Prime Minister's adviceof the Oan Isles]] he dissolved the Council of the People and called for fresh elections after the pressure from his political allies. After the 2019 parliamentary elections, Oahoanu reappointed Maui Uye-Ahua as the Prime Minister. The Emperor took a back seat during his reign. His wife took up running OANAID, the Oan Isles international aid agency and one of the largest foreign aid organizations in the world. She also spearheaded the integration of the Kohatu Isles into Oan political and social life through women-oriented programs. On the advice of the Prime Minister, he made [[Arana Marama]] the Minister of Foreign Affairs. One of his greatest diplomatic triumphs was his wedding (which is discussed below).
== Marriage ==
