Nystatiszna: Difference between revisions

replaced nekomimi with kemonomimi
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(replaced nekomimi with kemonomimi)
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The Borea Trading Company founded the colony in the early 1700s with the intent of harvesting pelts however, they quickly driven many of the animals to extinction and destroyed the majority of the native habitats.
In the current day, Nystatiszna is located in eastern Central Borea. The nation has been and still under much international scrutiny due to it's former apartheid polices toward the nekomimiKemonomimi majority, favoriting the Zrei elf minority. As of 2022, the nation is undergoing massive social and political changes to combat former speciest polices, as according to ''Ingrid's'' ''5 Year Plan.'' Economically the country has received heavily investment.
== History (UNDER REWORK) ==
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==== 1800s ====
Into the early 1800s the plantations required a more consistent supply of labor than the colonists coming from the mainland. The BTC board of directors voted 9-0 to start to importing nekomimiKemonomimi slaves. Seeing the nekomimiKemonomimi people as more expendable compared to elven counterparts. The NekomimiKemonomimi slaves protested living conditions in Newport resulting in the Corn Street Massacre. The mid 1800s had numerous nekomimiKemonomimi uprisings all across the colony, protesting the slavery, terrible living conditions and the lack of representation. The protests was planned to happen same time as harvest season on the plantations. The response from BTC to the uprisings was to request that Zreiru’a send additional forces to “guard” the plantations and “motivate” the workers.” the request being granted
'''The First NekomimiKemonomimi Revolution''' - First nekomimiKemonomimi revolution was kicked off in the late 1800s, when a still unknown nekomimiKemonomimi threw a box of lit dynamite into a marching troop formation. The word of the attack spread through out the plantations triggering uprisings with the nekomimiKemonomimi labors taking there tools against their masters. The alleged leaders of the revolution were dragged out into the streets of Newport and hanged from the street lamps.
=== 1900s, the Great War and [[Second Nystatiszna Nekomimi Revolution|Second NekomimiKemonomimi Revolution]] ===
'''The Red Year''' - In the 1900, the market for corn and timber completely collapsed. Borea Trading Company board of directors held a vote 9-0 to declare bankruptcy and liquidation it's assets. During the economic collapse food silos in the cities were barren meanwhile the plantations was unworked and bug ridden. The nekomimiKemonomimi that was previously enslaved at the plantations was all forced to leave, the roaming bands of straving nekomimiKemonomimi directly lead to the Second NekomimiKemonomimi Revolution.
'''[[Second Nystatiszna Nekomimi Revolution|Second NekomimiKemonomimi Revolution]]''' - The roaming bands of newly freed nekomimiKemonomimi slaves quickly gather around two charismatic leaders Geocratiskza and Pauliniskzin. In 1901 the bands occupied the cities and part of the capital, that in absent of a recognized government by the people that they have declared their own government. Zreiru'a in response sent several divisions to restore it's control of the colony. The revolution lasted until the 1920s' where the Zreir'a state was collapsed and Naylorbrookisza a ex-Zreiru'a military officer and a turncoat for the revolution had the other leaders of the revolution executed in his final betrayal.
'''1915 to 1919''' - Great War and collapse of Zreiru'a state.
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=== Creation of the Republic and the Nyasterisuzu trials 1965 - 2021 ===
'''1965 to 1975''' - Second civil war ends with the Imperial Party gaining control of the government and created the current form of apartheid government. NekomimiKemonomimi are formally recognized as second class citizens with legal protections. Humans and Ursine are considered to be above NekomimiKemonomimi but below elven.
====== '''Good Monday Cease Fire''' ======
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====== Imperial Party ======
Imperial Party is a Ultra-Authoritarian Zrei party focused around maintaining power over the country. Using education requirements, gerrymandering, poll taxes, violence and creating all manner of conditions to prevent nekomimiKemonomimi to vote or hold office. In addition to promoting a segregated society with elves on top. The Imperial Party maintains control of nearly all the administration/leadership positions, including governors, mayors and important city council seats.
====== Civilize Party ======
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====== Kurintail Democratic Party ======
The KDP is a Democratic Monarcho-Socialist party, made up of a mix of the races but primary the nekomimiKemonomimi majority of the country, exists to counter the Imperial party's segregation policies. Promoting extensive social welfare policies, industrialization, economic reform, political reform, civil rights reform and government restructuring. Openly calling for the end of the apartheid system.
====== Cultists' for Religious Policy ======
Administrators, verified
