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The Executive branch is headed by the President's office and the currently vacated Monarch position. President can serve a unlimited amount of terms and each term lasting 20 years. Executive branch carries out the laws, maintains the police forces, appoints military generals and is head of the military.
=== Military ===
Nystatiszna spends 7% of it's GDP on military expenses. The Nystatiszna Republic Military is the military organization in charge of Nystatiszna's military, with a joint command with the Nystatiszna Commissar Core (N.C.C) and Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau. The branches of the military are the Army Defense Forces, Navy, Air Command, Missile Defense Command, Counter-Special Weapons Department, Counterterrorism and Intelligence. With the latter branch of Counterterrorism and Intelligence under joint control with the Bureau.
==== Nystatiszna Commissar Core ====
The N.C.C are in charge of Imperial Party political propaganda, indoctrinating the public with monarchist ideology and maintains a firm grip on the military to assure civilian control of the military. Prior to becoming a commissar an individual had to be registered as a Imperial Party member for a minimum of one years or had a previous veteran Commissar vouch for you and had to attend the Greengin Military Academy, which offers a blend of political and military course. Political officers are usually directly tasked with morale, regulation-based goals and promoting Imperial Party doctrine.
Administrators, verified
