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The population of Nystatiszna is predominantly rural, young by Kemonomimi standards and highly religious. Nystatiszna is made up of 23 different surviving Akuan ethnic groups, all which follow religious [[Akuanism]] but widely various in form and practice across the country. The state and only legalized religion of Nystatiszna being [[Akuanism]], though secular [[Akuanism]] is tolerated within the country. The official and most widely spoken language is [[Nys'tat'en]] but is divided between various forms of it. [[Vaaran]] and Norgsveltian are commonly used in the [[Faisluns-Handelvaar-Tømmer|Fantøm]] in the Nystatinne side, Tømmer. Historically, post-1965 civil war the country was under heavy influence from [[Blaskog]] and maintained a isolationistic towards the world. However after [[Ayo Hoshi]] rose to power in the then-senate to establish a president office international relations beyond [[Blaskog]], and after Enshrinement of [[Ingrid the Reclaimer]] as well the election of the [[Victoria Engebretsen]].
The country was officially founded as Nystatiszna after Naylorbrookiszna, the founder of [[Akuan Socialism]] seized power and over threw the provisional government of Commonwealth of Borean Nations in 1920. Dubbing the nation as Nystatiszna or 'Land of the Middle.' Pre-[[Second Nystatiszna Nekomimi Revolution|Second Kemonomimi Revolution]], the area that makes up modern day Nystatiszna and [[Gusanaszna]] was part of the [[Zreiru'a]] colonial empire starting in late 1700s through a trading company known as [Vaaran name] or in [[Codexian]] as the Borean Trading Company. ThenDuring beforecolonization thatof the country, the focus was on extracting the rich resources of the country in particularly in the north and the south. The region thatliberated, madeby upthe variousprovisional Borean Commonwealth during the [[Great War]], or known in Nystatiszna as [[Second Kemonomimi Revolution]] (''sometimes called the Akuan confederationsRevolt'') sinceand premost of the country was liberated sometime by 1910s. Due to the complicated nature of changing alliances, break-recordedaway historystates and hasso forth, it hard to determent the oldestactual still-standingstate buildingsof the country outside of the bias reports from [[Viktor von Dotseth]] from the time. After the [[Second Kemonomimi Revolution]], [[Naylorbrookiszna]] seized the parliament in 1920 changing the name of the country and established a [[BoreaAkuan Socialism|Akuan Socialist]] asstate, that lasted until 1964 officially. The 1960s civil war, and protracted regional conflict resulted in [[Blaskog]] in achieving heavy influence wellwithin the oldestcountry. Establishing a apartheid regime favoring the Z'rei elves known at the Social Republic of Nystatiszna, stillwhich ran until 2020. Modern day political history, Nystatiszna is transiting inhabitantinto settlementa [[GrandAkuan ShrineDemocracy|Akuan Democratic state]], with Enshrinement of Lilith[[Ingrid the Reclaimer]] and the first kemonomimi head-of-government leader [[Victoria Engebretsen]] of the country since 1939.
Despite the country's significant mineral deposits and other resources, the most significant of which being lithium and its cobalt deposits. However contains plethora of lumber, hydro and geothermal power, as well as farmable land along the southern regions. Nystatiszna is among some of the poorest nations in the world, and one of the most de-centralized countries. It maintains with poor standards of sapient development, and has been voted as one of the worse countries to be living in. However Post-2022, the country has massively improved from it's previous dire state, having been rapidly improving since its entry into the [[Red Crown Economic Union]], opening of relations with outside countries, and the Nystatinne 5-Year Plan.
== History ==
=== PrehistoricPre-Colonized Era ===
The prehistoric Nystatiszna was primarily settled around the coastlines and the interior lakes. Making a living on fishing, agriculture, copper and tin mining within the region. Artifacts record shows that the societies in the region was reasonably wealthy in the Neolithic and Bronze age, however facing a minor dark age during the iron age with many of large urban centers being depopulated due to unknown events. TheKemonomimi regionbeing thatthe wouldfirst besettlers Nystatisznaof primarythe becontinent, however region that made up severalNystatiszna differentin tribes,particular withwas theuniquely largestwealthy tribein comingcopper fromand thetin, easternresulting sidein ofNystatiszna Boreabeing descendantsuniquely ofrich thein originalhistorical kemonomimiartifacts. travelersThough frommuch of the [[Rotanticartifacts Ocean]].was Ursinessold tribesoff having coming fromby the westernBorean RotanticTrading OceanCompany, havingthousands primarilyof settledhistorical alongsites morewas ofdestroyed theand interiorvirtually ratherevery thansite outside of the coastal[[Grand regions,Shrine favoringof toLilith]] huntwas impacted by the roamingunparalleled herdslevels of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammothlooting mammoths]and destruction. The Kemonomimi[[Grand tribalShrine mixedof heavilyLilith]] withbeing theuniquely Ursinesprotected during thisthe timecolonial period,era culturaldue boundariesto heavilyit's decreasedimportance betweenwithin the[[Ulvriktru]], tribeswith anddirect thethreats cross-culturebeing mixgiven grewby into[[Queendom moreof singularLapérouse]] culturaland [[Norgsveldet]] if harm came to groupit.
==== Neolithic Period ====
The '''Paleolithic''' '''period''' is the period of sapient inhabitation in central Borea between, marked by the discovering of flint tools, farming, animal husbandry, decorated artifacts (''such as pottery and statues'') and discovery of beer. It's was discovered in the late 1930s that burial monumental in the far north of Nystatiszna, however it's forbade by the government to excavated the tombs and under heavy guard by [[Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau|NIB]] due to concerns of grave robbing. In 1990s' officially [[Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau|NIB]] allowed the excavating of a single monumental, the corpses inside tomb being preserved by the cold climate and discovery of intact flint tools and decorated pottery. Suggesting the graves may have been reserved trusted or brewmasters of the community. It's been request and approved by the Bureau in 2020 in January, by Universities of [[Cryria|Leidenstad]] to excavate the rest of the burial sites for research purposes. However later in 2023, due to the outbreak of the [[Syrtænzna Dissolution War]] resulted in substantial breakdown of relations between Nystatiszna and [[Cryria]], with the universities officials being deported back to their country.
During the period, several ruins of settlements have been discovered in the 1764 by surveyors of the Borea Trading Company with the suggestions providing evidence that the ruins from the Neolithic period though, this has been heavily disputed. Many of them in a absolutely poor condition or only having the foundations reminding. The BTC destroyed the ruins and created a administration center on top of it. It is unclear what the BTC did with the reminds of the ruins, as according to a report from the era claims they sent the reminds back to Newport but it never arrived.
Many of the surviving records from the pre-Naylorbrookiszna era that describe the Neolithic settlements as a multi-species co-habitant with the large structures being for Ursines while the smaller structures are for the Kemonomimi. One of the main ways of telling the difference being the size of the doorway to the house. While the main buildings such as the granaries or smoke pits was built to Ursine size but had small doors next to it for the Kemonomimi. However it has been noted due to that possible housing for Ursines is limited in scope, and there is evidence that the housing could have been used for other purposes.
==== Bronze Age ====
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Outside of the major city-state on the lake. Varies small communities banded together to from federations over the vast region of [[Borea]], however central Borea was the most populated by the varies Akuan federations. Many of them depending on the lake city state for the varies metals offering foodstuff in exchange. As the federations spread out away from central, less metal tools became common and more stone or flint tools become more-so in use.
The only exception to the rule being the [[Grand Shrine of Lilith]], and the city that formed around the Grand Shrine combined with the rich farmland led to wealth of the city-state. The unknown named city that formally made up Kala and the Grand Shrine allegedly had some sort of rivalry between the two. Though historical record has been debated between the two over numerous issues drawing from ethnic groups own verbal (and some written) history on the manner.
==== Iron Age ====
The archaeological record for the '''Iron Age''' is rich in rural settlements along the coast lines and a large decrease in bronze artifacts. This is mainly due to the collapse of the city-state around Trist Innsjø and new discovery of iron smithing brought over from Concord via trading. There was indication of any social stratification between Zrei elves and Ursine, evidenced by separate burials where they formerly was buried together being the first of many insistences the species separating from each other in ways other than settlements. Additionally the discovery of original [[Akuanism]] clay tablets with markings of an figure crashing into a hill and describing the process of beer creation to sapients nearby. Starting in the later era of the iron age, much of the habitable land was settled and the agricultural land was parceled up with low stone walls. They divided the land into permanent infields and meadows for winter fodder on one side of the wall, and wooded outland where the cattle was grazed on the other side. This later era was marked by separate species burials however evidence still shows that the species inhabited the same communities.
==== Tielfing Horde ====
== Political Structure ==
[reworked and nuked]
== Military ==
Administrators, verified
