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Ny’Ingerism, sometimes known as Crown Federalism (Norgsveltian: Kroneføderalisme) is a new political ideology created in the late 80s by Ny’Inger Høydavik, a political philosopher and activist from Vakrestrender. The ideology was created as a response to the decolonisation of the Norgsveltian Empire and an answer to what many at the time perceived to be the fall of Norgsveldet’s global influence.

According to Høydavik’s writings the Norgsveltian Crown Realm should federalise into one coherent political entity. In which she argues it would become a new superpower on the world stage. With it having a unified parliament, military, currency and government elected by the people. Kept together with loyalty to the Norgsveltian Crown.

In her book “The Crown Realm’s Destiny” Høydavik stated that with the end of Empires and old colonial ways leaves a natural power vacuum that needs to be filled unless one wants the future of international stability to be thrown to shreds. In which she suggests the Crown Realm being a useful mechanism if reformed to keep stability after decolonisation through integration between the homeland and its former colonies as equals. She was well known for opposing independence parties in Vakrestrender and being an active supporter of Family and Tradition. She was especially opposed to parties wanting to separate Vakrestrender from the Crown Realm.

The ideology was always kept at the political fringes within most nations of the Crown Realm, though larger in popularity within Vakrestrender it still stayed as a weak movement. Though it saw a surge after the crowning of Olav I as king of the Crown Realm. After her death in 2011 did the ideology see a small increase in popularity with the creation of a political organization called “ The Movement for Crown Federalism!”. According to numbers released by the organization it has reached a record high of 100k members across the Crown Realm, mainly within Norgsveldet, Vakrestrender and Eyjaria. Many placed the group's usage of promoting the popularity of Olav I and his Royal Family as a big reason behind its growth.