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Despite the uncontested seizure of the island, the Älemsi government was caught off-guard by a strong Cryrian response. While Leidenstad was indeed undergoing political difficulties due to the fall of the Tomorrow Ministry, the Ministry itself had been a strongly isolationist force and the nature of its removal had strengthened the hand of more aggressive political elements who saw the crisis as an opportunity to consolidate power. The Cryrian government demanded a complete Älemsi withdrawal, and when this failed to materialize it severed diplomatic relations on 15 November. The Riksdag introduced measures to end trade with Älemsi Negdel soon afterwards. A naval task force also began to assemble at Cxolthe, spearheaded by the RCRN's two new ''Aisis''-class destroyers, and the Tynam Defense Area was placed on alert to interdict Älemsi shipping through the straits.
[[File:Aisis-Class.png|thumb|The ''Aisis''-class destroyer ''Bränning av'' ''Aisis'']]
The Cryrian reaction demonstrated to many of Khorghosun's supporters that his gamble had failed. To make matters worse, the powerful Amrakh and Gazny Autonomies both suffered badly from the loss of Cryrian trade, as unlike many interior regions the cities of Amrakh Gazarv and Gazny Khot both continued to rely heavily on the Kingdom. Tynam was similarly disrupted, a fact which ironically brought leaders from the three territories together in an effort to resolve the situation. Further, the Autonomies had been caught off-guard by Khorghosun's decision to seize Yeralik by force prior to the completion of the necessary military reforms needed to compete with Leidenstad. The perception of failure and the direct damages done to powerful groups inside the Negdel badly undermined the Speaker's support. The likelihood that the Maritime Infantry would need to abandon Yeralik upon the arrival of the Cryrian force intensified demands within Amrakh Gazarv that Khorghosun back down.
The Speaker, however, refused to withdraw his forces from Yeralik, and instead ordered a halt to Cryrian shipping in the Barrington Strait. Leidenstad subsequently issued a 72-hour ultimatum underdemanding athat Älemsi forces withdraw from Yeralik or threatface ofmilitary waraction. Shortly afterwards, a vote of no confidence was started in the Grand Mazhilis which dethroned Khorghosun and replaced him with Amrakh Arik. Arik recognized the difficult situation his predecessor had left him in, but sought to ensure that the affair did not end in a potentially humiliating defeat for the Negdel. Gambling that Leidenstad might still be willing to offer some concessions in order to regain the Island without bloodshed, Arik's government opened negotiations with Cryria.
=== Amrakh Agreement and Aftermath ===
[[File:Lighthouse.jpg|thumb|Remnants of the Cryrian Lighthouse on Yeralik Island]]
The subsequent Amrakh Agreement saw Älemsi forces withdraw from Yeralik Island in exchange for formal Cryrian assurances that no permanent presence would be established there. The Yeralik Lighthouse was abandoned soon afterwards. Further, Cryria ended its economic and maritime embargoes against Älemsi Negdel, and further removed import restrictions on the Älemsi fishing industry. Both countries guaranteed each others' transit rights through the Northern Way. The previously suspended Zavital Agreement was also reimplemented. Both sides continued to claim the island, but agreed that it would remain under Cryrian administration until a final settlement could be reached.
The Amrakh Agreement demonstrated a previously lacking degree of political deftness in Cryrian foreign policy towards Älemsi Negdel, as it allowed the more moderate Arik government to save face and thus remain in power. It further ensured that the Kingdom escaped a potentially painful conflict in northern Novaris. Khorghosun himself was found dead in his home a month after the Agreement's signing, in what is speculated to be an assassination to prevent his return to power. It remains hotly disputed as to whether he was killed by Cryrian operatives or his Älemsi opponents.
