North Westmore

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North Westmore, officially the Republic of North Westmore and known informally as Westmore or Northern Westmore, is a nation of 10 million inhabitants located on an island south of mainland Concord. Surrounded entirely by the South Concordian Ocean, North Westmore shares a land border with the defunct Native's Republic of Sadoriwymmu in the south of its island.

Before i

Before 1965, North Westmore was part of a larger state known as the Democratic Republic of Westmore, which collapsed after a violent racially-motivated civil war known as the Split.


The original name of Westmore was derived from explorers hailing from Arcturia, who observed how far west the island was of the mainland. Before the colonial era however, indigenous natives of the island often called it "Sadoriwymmu" or "Medega," with both terms being believed to translate to "country" depending on the context it is being used in.




Democratic Republic of Westmore

"The Split"

Contemporary Era



