Norgsveltian Crown Realm: Difference between revisions

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|population_estimate = 261266,168814,566462
|population_estimate_year = 2022
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The '''Norgsveltian Crown Realm''' or commonly just known as the '''Crown Realm''' is an political association between [[Norgsveldet]] and the former colonies who still has [[Olav I]] as monarch of their respective nations. While the political association mainly cooperate on cultural matters, economic, security and other foreign policy matters is often brought up during meetings that the respective leaders has with the monarch. Though most nations within the Crown Realm is completely sovereign, [[Tangrland]] and [[Vakrestrender]] still officially part of [[Norgsveldet]] as '''Crown States''' within the '''Norgsveltian Imperial Realm''' which means despite amount of autonomy those two states might have they still under Norgsveltian Foreign Policy.
The working language within the Crown Realm is Norgsveltian, and a member of the Crown Realm is called Crown Realm Nation.
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=== Commission of Higher Learning and Technology ===
The Commission of Higher Learning and Technology, is a intergovernmental organisation created by the Crown Realm governments to encourage development, sharing of technology, educational resources and educating of teachers. CHLT, aims to assist in creating a unified agreement between member states to have similar standards for education at the university level.
== Agreements and Treaties ==
=== Gustaf III Movement and Work Agreement ===
'''Gustaf III Movement and Work Agreement''', or more commonly referred to as Crown Labour and Travel Agreement is a unified agreement comprising all members of the Crown Realm to have reduced travel and work restrictions. The most important part of the agreement is the 90 day living and work article. While still requiring a passport for entry, the agreement allows for living and working in the host country up to ninety days without requiring a visa to be issued. [[Vakrestrender]], [[Norgsveldet]] and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] in particular have benefited from the agreement. [[Vakrestrender]] while believing firmly in restrictive immigration, does cite the agreement as a large boost to the tourist economy during the tourist seasons and waves through seasonal workers without having to deal with immigrants moving to the isles. [[Norgsveldet]] and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] having a large export of skilled labours benefit from the cross labour and border access, that work with the income tax agreements the Crown Realms has.
=== Tax Income, Investment and Free Trade Agreement ===
'''Tax Income, Investment and Free Trade Agreement''', also known as Tift is a unified agreement between Crown Realm member states. The agreement was primary pushed by [[Norgsveldet]] and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], with both nations still requiring income tax from its citizens working abroad in different countries. The agreement creates a free trade zone between the countries, being one of the few cases where the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] is acceptable of free trade agreements. The agreement reduces the cost, time and bureaucratic effort to invest into one another countries, the largest investors being [[Norgsveldet]], the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] and [[Vakrestrender]] in that order. [[Eyjaria]] in recent years have been approaching the [[Vakrestrender]] spot in the third position due to [[Bjørn Trust]] slowing down its investments into member states after 2018.
===Crown Realm Security and Protection Agreement===
The '''Crown Realm Security and Protection Agreement''', also known as CRSPA, is an optional security and defense treaty within the Crown Realm. Being signed by most members of the Crown Realm with the exception of [[Maanbriak]] and Haakondal, as a result of the former's relationship with Vistaraland and the later not having an independent foreign policy from [[Hvaloaszna]]. While the treaty in theory does not obligate the members to defend each other in the case of attack they are expected to support one another in case of either signatories involvement in a defensive war. Which can range from substantial military aid to direct intervention. The treaty obliged the members to cooperate in matters of military training and coordination, which would include helping each member in military procurement. This has lead to many members relying on equipment manufactured in [[Norgsveldet]] and [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]]. With the two making up almost 90% of the Crown Realm’s total military budget. Which has led some Norgsveltian politicians to request other members to spend more on defense, including former prime minister [[Olav Bergenser]]. With the working language during joint military exercises be done mainly in Norgsveltian but with Fraknic being intermixed and often the main language used during marine training.
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